Which Pony Do You Want to See With More Solo Focused Episodes This Season?


  • JBO - 2 months ago

    หันมาพึงพอใจแล้วก็ดาวน์โหลดเกม Forntite มาเล่นกันอย่างแออัด รวมถึงยังเป็นกระแสไปทั้งโลก วันนี้เราจะมาทำความรู้จักกับเหล่าสกินสุดเริดจากในเรื่องที่ที่นารูโตะกัน

  • JBO - 2 months ago

    ด้วยความสนุกสนานครอบคลุมทุกมิติโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งเกม fornite ซึ่งเว้นเสียแต่ตัวเกมที่มีความครึกครื้นแล้ว ยังได้นำสรับประทาน fornite naruto สุดหรูจาก Anime

  • Konami - 8 years ago

    I voted other for Starlight Glimmer - mostly because I feel like she has the *potential* to become a really good character, but we just haven't seen enough of her to be able to judge one way or the other yet.

    (I guess the same reasoning *could* apply to Flurry Heart, but she's a baby and I highly extremely doubt that any truly great or character-building episodes can come from focusing on a baby.)

    Celestia and Luna are of course in need of episodes themselves, but I'd rather see episodes that focus on the two of them *together* rather than just one at a time - their sisterly banter in SoL was by far one of their best character moments, in my eyes at least, and things like that would be harder to do with a focus on just one of them.

  • name - 8 years ago


    Rainbow Dash has been likable in many episodes, actually. 90% of her jerkiness is playful and innocent.

  • SlowDancer - 8 years ago

    I agree, not because I'm interested in her back story o because I like her (I don't), but because in her episodes (sleepless in ponyville and flight to the finish) are the best excluding the season's openers and finalle. Also, those episodes are the only ones were RD is actually likable, being somewhat of a big sister and all.

  • Krayon - 8 years ago

    Agreed,her backstory and possible future storylines would be pretty interesting,we don't know anything about her past.
    For example RD going with Scoots to Cloudsdale would be interesting.That would be possibly her 1st time going there,so the whole Explore Equestria theme could be utilized.Or going to Wonderbolts Academy with Scootaloo to find any solution about her flight problems.

  • Rocky - 8 years ago

    Scootaloo seriously needs another episode. Not just because she's my favorite character, but she has so much story potential that it's sad to think that she wouldn't get an episode. There are so many possible storylines for her and I would love to see her in the spotlight again

  • xxx - 8 years ago

    Why no Discord or Starlight on poll?

  • Iso - 8 years ago

    We still know next to nothing about sunbutt.

  • Wulfosaurus - 8 years ago

    Give Celestia that over due focus episode, but after that, instead of having a solo focus, let's start having divided focus episodes. With the way that a character has been focused on recently, all other characters suffer.

    Tanks For the Memories was one of the best episodes in the series. Cindy Morrow is devastatingly underrated and under appreciated. Good story, well written, and though the primary focus was on RD and Tank, the rest of the mane 6 contributed in ways that gave insight into their characters, without being in the direct spotlight.

  • Shadow Ninja - 8 years ago

    Frankly, I feel really bad for Fluttershy, because she is somehow being neglected and having much less appearances than any of her friends. Twilight Sparkle was seen in every single Season 1 episode. Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash in every single Season 3 episode. As for Pinkie Pie, she isn't exactly one of my favorite characters.

  • BlueDragonAura - 8 years ago

    Spike should have been on here, but he manages to screw things up so horrifically every time he gets the spotlight I'd rather get his character development as a supporting character. For example, Princess Spike was annoyingly cringe. However, the Crystalling was great—as was Spike's role as Starlight's guide.

  • BlueDragonAura - 8 years ago

    Welp, I guess there's a pretty strong consensus for Celestia; most of the older characters been fleshed out pretty well anyway.

  • Green Codes - 8 years ago

    Is... this a trick question?

  • Sailor Sedna - 8 years ago

    Celestia is what I vote, she needs an episode, but I do want episodes that explore Equestria, that's what the theme of this season's supposed to be.

  • Bryce Kanyon - 8 years ago

    While I would've just voted for Luna as soon as her name was on the list, she's had at least a few episodes that focused on her while the rest were mainly appearances so of course she's going to appear in this season regardless. What we don't get is an episode that focuses on Princess Celestia. We get stories of her in comics, but I think it's high time to incorporate a story of her in the show. With the new season underway this would provide an opportunity to explore more of her character. Maybe a flashback episode telling of her rise as Princess, with a bit of Luna on the side, or perhaps a story of her life in the kingdom when the Mane Six are doing stuff, I don't know. All I'm getting at is that we all make this assumptions that despite Celestia's importance to Equestria, we take it for granted that she doesn't do much to truly shine. But on the other hand, she's definitely got more character than Princess Cadence. If it's possible to have a Celestia episode that allows her to shine as much as Princess Luna I'm up for it. It was going to happen eventually.

  • novlaisk - 8 years ago

    Diamond Tiara.
    I'm still dying for over half a year to see how she actually fairs these days. That glimpse of them last episode was cute, but not nearly enough.
    I wouldn't mind if it focused Silver Spoon instead though.

  • Semi_Colon - 8 years ago

    No Starlight Glimmer on the poll? I guess I'll have to just vote for "Other".

  • don - 8 years ago


    Spike? Can you get me some tea . . . Spike? Where did you go? SPIKE?

    Rarity ? where's my song book? Rarity? RARITY?

    Wooo Wooo Woooo!
    I'll do anything for you!

    Sir your suite is ready. . .

    O'o >.> >'o

  • Name - 8 years ago

    Scootaloo NEEDS another episode.

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 8 years ago

    It seems even a lot of the usual Luna fans have realized Celestia is in desperate need of an episode.

  • Itachi17509 - 8 years ago

    I vote Luna because habit, i was sure Celestia or Twilight were about to over trone her....but damn Celestia was so Up.....that was really unexpected

  • Icy Shield - 8 years ago

    How long till Celestia get her well deserved episode? It's been 5 seasons and she didn't even get a supporting character in any episode. Wow...

  • Samuel - 8 years ago

    I need more Rainbow Dash! please!

  • name - 8 years ago


  • Frith - 8 years ago

    Despite the frequency in which Luna wins polls, this is a slam dunk for Celestia.

  • Hannah - 8 years ago

    I want one with Spike and another with Starlight, who both got left out.

  • Hakirayleigh - 8 years ago

    Rarity is my favorite pony, and lack of her episodes in the season 3 It was definitely a hard blow. In the season 4th and 5th, she received a great attention, even, with Twilight is the only pony had episodes back-to-back-to-back. In this season, her spotlight with Pinkie and Maud and the 9th episode are great news, but this time I hope an important developtment with underrated characters, like Celestia, Zecora, Mayor Mare maybe and a bit of Starlight Glimmer. Or perhaps new goals to Mane6 and Spike. I hope great scripts with the writers.

  • Broken Record - 8 years ago

    Can't vote. Dipshit.

  • Emptybee - 8 years ago

    Oh look, Spike got left off the poll again.

  • ShadowRose - 8 years ago

    Good to see best princess winning. ^w^

  • Mojo - 8 years ago

    I guess the Rarity and Pinkie Fans are already happy they got an episode and are voting for other characters, cause otherwise seeing Applejack beat them in an episode poll is kinda crazy and unexpected.

  • Mojo - 8 years ago

    Wow even Scootaloo might beat the entire Mane 6, that's hilarious.

    Kinda surprised by how strong Dash is doing and weak Pinkie is doing, Dash's episodes tend to be less consistent than Pinkies.

  • Mojo - 8 years ago

    You know it's not really fair to have Celestia and Luna in this poll, the Main 6 are all gonna be comically crushed and we really won't learn anything from it beyond "Fandom wants princess episodes" which we already knew.

  • Max Robinson - 8 years ago

    People vote for Celestia more than Luna!!? o.O

  • Mega Sean 45 - 8 years ago

    Don't bother putting Spike into the list? :P

    Ah well, I'll take Scoots, because I wanna know a bit about her backstory on why she can't fly and where her parents are.

  • Mindflow - 8 years ago

    Celestia sure deserves some more attention. :)

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