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Poll: What should Bernie Sanders do now?

Total Votes: 4,629

  • Kelly Rice - 8 years ago

    There is still a chance Hillary is indicted between now and August.

  • #NeverHillary - 8 years ago

    Give DNC a last chance to redeem or condemn itself by completing the Democratic Convention. If Bernie isn't the candidate...given all the as an independent to capture not only the Independent votes but also all the disenfranchised democrats & republicans! Seriously believe in a 3-way Bernie would completely decimate both Hillary & Trump. #BernieOrBust!

  • Diane Chapman - 8 years ago

    I want Bernie to put his name on the ballot to run as a write in or what ever way we can work out. He has won the vote it is that the polls are so rigged it was blocked. I do not want to leave this mess to my children, and grandchildren. I will not vote for Hillary, and I won't stay in the Dem. party.

  • Sarah poole - 8 years ago

    If she is the other dem option there will be no party unity. Period. #bernieorbust

  • Chloe Napier Benton - 8 years ago

    Stay in the Race....Obviously the System is Rigged, Anything can happen before November 2016....Hillary is a Corrupt Person ....Hopefully something will take place and She won't be President!!!

  • Lynnette Allen - 8 years ago

    Your poll is a tactic for Hillary. You leave out "Run as an Independent" and "Continue and win".

  • IEatFascist - 8 years ago

    Revolution in Philly if Hilly isn't behind bars.

  • #feelthebern - 8 years ago

    The only reason she won is because of using tactics that are unconstitutional and that she should be in prison for. How many people has Hellary murdered either directly or indirectly? She said she supports the death penalty for mass murderers, she should take her own advice, and be in jail on death row. She is the most corrupt politician to date and everyone knows it. Why her supporters are turning a blind eye is beyond me. Sanders needs to stay in the race and win or this country is over.

  • Ray Curtis - 8 years ago

    Your poll is flawed. needs an additional answer: "Run as an Independent"

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