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Would You Buy a 4DE Style Plushie of EQD's Mascots?

Total Votes: 6,553

  • InfinityDash - 8 years ago

    I don't understand why EqD needed mascots anyway. It used to just be Seth and the other folks who post on EqD had their own OCs if they wanted to (I still remember the Q&Neigh "podcasts" (not the recent EqD podcast. The ones from like 2011 that just had Seth, Cereal, and Phoe way back when. Those were fun).

    Personally I think having two site mascots, that as others have pointed out look nothing alike despite supposedly being siblings, is kinda... I dunno... pointless? More importantly, I'm not a fan of their designs. So no, I would not buy plushies of them.

    I was never a fan of MLP plushies until I saw the 4DE ones, and now I own most of those. But other than that the only reason I could really imagine for purchasing a custom plushy would be if it was of your own OC or maybe someone you know personally (like a SO). I don't have the latter though... :'(

    Whatever, if they want to have fun with their "Mascots" then that's fine. I don't want to be a party pooper. But this poll pretty clearly shows there's not much interest in EqD mascot merch.

  • Herrja - 8 years ago

    We should have another best mane 6 pony poll

  • Bobooy - 8 years ago

    Literally nobody likes the mascots. They're terrible. They're poorly designed and there was no need for more than one of them.

  • Lolyeahright - 8 years ago

    Absolutely not. Rocket Tier is more like Garbage Tier, and Spotloth Whatever has a completely forgettable design. The two are supposed to be siblings? You know how Rarity and Sweetie Belle are siblings? And how they kinda look like one another? Yeah, these two absolutely don't look related, at all. There were so many beautiful designs for the main character when you guys asked for designs, and then you went "Lol no we're just gonna combine designs because we want to". You know, instead of taking a poll from the community and letting us decide? And then throwing in the stupid little brother that nobody even cares about. Seriously, these OCs SUCK and you should consider getting them redesigned because they are absolutely awful.

  • extra large pony - 8 years ago

    When a web sight show's what looks to be little interest in there own mascots i don't see why i should.

  • Stillz - 8 years ago

    Why is that little twerp even there? Spotlight Splash is the only one we care about.

  • Keebs - 8 years ago

    Definitely not. They aren't visually appealing at all.

  • ShadowRose - 8 years ago

    The Mascots have visually unappealing palettes and aren't really that no. Sorry.

  • Emberisbestpony - 8 years ago

    Honestly No, I didnt even know EQD has mascots considering we never see them. Make better use of the mascots give them some actual personality and come back to me in a year then we can talk.

  • Sollace - 8 years ago

    I don't think so, sorry.

    But a Trixie with tiny "I heart Sethisto/EQD" t-shirt? I'd probably get that.

  • Sollace - 8 years ago

    I don't think so, sorry.

    But a Trixie with tiny "I

  • Who dat? - 8 years ago

    Why on earth would I want a cuddly toy representative of cccd9's autism? I'll stick to my own autism.

  • Nightmare_Shinigami - 8 years ago

    Honestly... I completly forgot that those two even exist.

  • Natsu - 8 years ago

    The OCs (haven't seen them yet) are probably all right. I just don't buy plushies (yet).

  • Timm8o - 8 years ago

    This poll restores my faith in the people of EQD.

  • Dawning Demon - 8 years ago

    lol ouch these voters are savage. xD

  • gyashaa - 8 years ago

    I don't know what 4DE is and I don't know/care about EQD's mascots so... :/

  • gokudomatic - 8 years ago

    I. Don't. Buy. Goodies.

  • HalflingPony - 8 years ago

    Follow-up poll: "Would you buy anything vaguely pony-shaped if we sold it to you?" (Bet you'd get at least a %15 positive response.) ;)

  • lordelliott - 8 years ago

    If they're something in the lines of 4DE for price and quality, then sure.

  • Frith - 8 years ago

    Use a kickstarter or similar or don't do it. Get the money pledged up front first, don't repeat the disaster that was the pony collector con "peacock" pony brushable figures. I think it took a decade to finally sell all of those.

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