I will never understand why we clamor for respect from other ethnic groups about the "n" word and we constantly use it ourselves. I found it personally insulting to us the word to refer to the President in view of the fact that he has been maligned, called names, depicted in cartoons that were racist and the list could go on. When will people learn that too often we give other the ammunition to use against us and what can we say. For me the word is always a no-no.
Carlos green - 9 years ago
The comment was one if the worst coon moments in black history..He used the word nigger to get a laugh out if white people this dude is a coon ..
Carlos green - 9 years ago
The comment was one if the worst coon moments in black history..He used the word nigger to get a laugh out if white people this dude is a coon ..
Felix Guillory - 9 years ago
Playing the hand of a slave, release yourself from bondage Wilmore. You disgraced yourself. The President deserves respect. Quit be the master's "N".
Wrong - 9 years ago
Ignorant comment....50-plus year old emulating 14 yr olds is ridiculous and shows how culturally bankrupt Hollywood minstrels are
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I will never understand why we clamor for respect from other ethnic groups about the "n" word and we constantly use it ourselves. I found it personally insulting to us the word to refer to the President in view of the fact that he has been maligned, called names, depicted in cartoons that were racist and the list could go on. When will people learn that too often we give other the ammunition to use against us and what can we say. For me the word is always a no-no.
The comment was one if the worst coon moments in black history..He used the word nigger to get a laugh out if white people this dude is a coon ..
The comment was one if the worst coon moments in black history..He used the word nigger to get a laugh out if white people this dude is a coon ..
Playing the hand of a slave, release yourself from bondage Wilmore. You disgraced yourself. The President deserves respect. Quit be the master's "N".
Ignorant comment....50-plus year old emulating 14 yr olds is ridiculous and shows how culturally bankrupt Hollywood minstrels are