Can she do this?


  • Dom - 8 years ago

    Accidents are going to happen. The father would be helpless if this was to have happened on her watch. He wouldn't be able to go to court and say I want full custody. It takes more than that. I feel this was the straw that broke the camels back and she is a bit spiteful of the new girl. But with most custody agreements she cannot keep the child from the father unless she has gone to court and disputed the issue. If she continues to keep the child from the father without court permission he could take her to court and she could face a fine or jail time.

  • Greg - 8 years ago

    Those mothers do that bc they are jealous that they are single now and it bothers them that her ex is having better life then her and she has to cause some drama in between bc she cant handle it , i know bc im in the situation like that right now , and she will do everythibg to me that i wont be allow to see my son , she is just bad person

  • Stephnie - 8 years ago

    I'm a mother and I think children are children and accidents happen. This incident doesn't appear to be a situation that resulted from neglect. It seems like the mother has more of a problem with the kid's father moving on with his life and having a new girlfriend. If she has a problem with her child spending time with the father's girlfriends she should have had it put in the custody agreement, that the girlfriend's aren't allowed to sleep over and so forth. But in this case she's overreacting.

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