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Has Your Opinion on Trixie Improved For You Since Her Last Episode?

Total Votes: 10,916

  • Diskette - 8 years ago

    Is there a "I fully support and love the friendship between Starlight and Trixie, but after the episode, i have a strong grudge against Twilight" option? Cause i'd like to vote for that.

  • Already liked - 8 years ago

    On first appearance the only thing I liked about her was the design, but her latest episode pretty much confirmed that there's more to Trixie's character than meets the eye. An episode focused on fleshing out her past and character would be nice since we already had Starlight Glimmer who was way worse, but still had good compelling reasoning for turning out the way she did.

  • Novel Idea - 8 years ago

    I like her better than I did before. It's between "a little" and "the greatest ever" (Yes, Seth, there exists other variants. I love seeing depth of character and Trixie's been a bit on the 1D side for a while now. Someone like Starlight (Or Sunset :P) would be perfect for drawing out the real Trixie. ^^

  • Fluffy - 8 years ago

    You forgot to include an "I liked her better before"-option!

  • HalflingPony - 8 years ago

    As much as I like to joke about hating Trixie on account of certain people *cough*seth*cough* fangasming over her, I've always been pretty neutral towards the character. I didn't hate her, but I would have been fine with her never coming back after her first episode. Even so, I genuinely enjoyed her portrayal in Magic Duel.But, honestly, I think this episode really did decrease my opinion of her ever so slightly.

  • Bill - 8 years ago

    I still dislike her due to her narcissistic character and her cynical attitude towards Twilight. I think right now is there no reason to like her, from what we have seen from her in the course of the show is there nothing that lets her appear in a good light in my oppinion, she was always a giant asshole toward entire Ponyville with a special focus on Twilight who did nothing against her, and now she expects that everything is fine with an apology and a faked magicshow, while she still trys to get back at Twilight for her selfish reasons. People can forgive you but that doesn't mean that they will trust you.

    I hope that the fandom will evaluated Trixies character appropriately according to how she acts and behaves, and not just according to the newest comeback-hype that blames Twilight for everything while putting Trixie in the savezone.

  • Who dat? - 8 years ago

    She was a throw-away plot device from the start. Now she's joined the Reformed Villains roster. Yawn.

  • _entro - 8 years ago

    Haven't decided because there's too few information to analyze the character - how does she live, what's her story and such - but as Twilight is regularly shown as flawed lately, I guess Trixie gets points.. she just does what other unicorns do, too.
    Expect an episode showing how and if their team with Starlight works in random situation.

  • Regular Passerby - 8 years ago

    This episode made me hate, well not quite to that extent but incredibly dislike Twilight, whom I love, because of the way she treated Trixie. I understand that Trixie did some pretty terrible things in the past, but I don't think that those things warranted the extremely harsh attitude of Twilight against Trixie. As for Trixie, I'm kind of neutral; however, this episode did make me like start to like her.

  • @docsane - 8 years ago

    I voted other, because for some reason you didn't include an option for "Yes, quite a bit."

  • Jana Lybarger - 8 years ago

    I never liked Trixie at all. Boast Busters just exemplified my all-abiding, sheer hatred for braggarts and bullies (and you can't say Trixie wasn't either of those things). Magic Duel dropped the ball as far as her Heel-Face Turn went in my opinion and didn't really do anything elevate her any higher from dead last in my own character poll. No Second Prances was more or less baby-steps in the right direction of making me dislike Trixie less but she's remains dead last. At least now I can say she's a tweener. She's not much of a heel anymore but she's not a face either.

    I pretty much look at Trixie the way the WWE Universe looks at Roman Reigns right now. Only difference is I respect and love Reigns, who did nothing to earn the vitriol he's been getting. Not when it was Creative who botched everything and killed the positive momentum he started picking up after the Shield broke. Not his fault. Trixie, on the other hoof, never gave me a reason to respect her until now and even then, she's not going to be fully redeemed for a long time, if ever. Just know I don't have a problem with her fans but it baffles me how people were won over by her in Boast Busters when my first impression was pretty much negative. She's talented but that's no excuse for her heelish behavior in her debut episode.

  • nope - 8 years ago

    Rainbow Dash is far superior. At least she can back up her bragging and has a strong moral code. Trixie's just a fraud and a bitch.

  • Trixie's B**ch - 8 years ago

    I actually already liked Trixie, and I keep hoping they would flesh her character out more rather than just keep using her as an antagonist. Twilight has WAY less reasons to distrust Trixie than she does Starlight but they still needed to force antagonism between the two. Granted Trixie can still be grating at times, but that's kinds her charm, lol.

  • Samuel - 8 years ago

    She's still very cliche and overhyped. Totally not the best pony by far.

  • Keaton Moyers - 8 years ago

    I have never disliked Trixie and have seen her like I see Luna. She has enormous narrative potential and she very well could introduce more heavy topics to the show. Much Like Luna and the lesson in the importance of forgiving yourself. And to those who find her dialogue forced, That's because it is. She among the many characters we'e seen struggles most with in authenticity. She puts on a performance in everything she does

    SO why not an Apple Jack and Trixie episode.

  • Kibate - 8 years ago

    Honestly, i couldn't care either way. The way she talks is a bit too "forced" for me, it doesn't seem natural, on the other hand she has a cute design and shipping potential.

  • name - 8 years ago

    Trixie schmixie.

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