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Grade the 'Person of Interest' episode '6,741':


  • Jack - 4 years ago

    Thought this series was a good, family type series, but I was WRONG! Of course, they had to have a pornographic, gratuitous, sex scene in the last season, making it off limits for decent people. How disappointing, no wonder the ratings went way down for this series-viewers could sense it was spiraling to the obscene and homosexual pit that TV is hell bent on. This is why less and less people watch TV, everything has to include sex that detracts from the story line. In this case, the story line would have been much better without it!

  • Lady Biker Butterfly - 7 years ago

    I am disappointed when writers give in to such a small minority and include gay stuff. What in the world are they trying to prove? For you folks that that that think all people who are against homosexuality are homophobes think again. Lumping us all together under that blanket statement is stupidity at its best. Why it is so impossible for those people to grasp that some of us just are against it purely because God the Maker of all has made it clear that He is against it. I don't hate gay people, I hate sin. The gay scene was so very unnecessary. Maybe the Illuminati got to them, too. Very disappointed in this show now.

  • sarah - 8 years ago

    Guess when I get to season 5 I'll be fast forwarding the ugly gay parts. Keep gay lesbian stuff in the TV shows labeled gay. I let my child watch this and she doesn't need to see it either. Very disappointed.

  • kim - 8 years ago

    completely disagree with the other homophobes in this comment section. the episode was amazing and if you dislike it just because of the sex scene, you need to reevaluate yourself.

  • Veronica - 8 years ago

    completely agree with Boquita, Jim, & Gloria.
    This WAS my favorite show.
    So so disappointing.

  • Boquita - 8 years ago

    I liked POI for the first 3 years but then it started to go downhill after that. I was disgusted with the homosexual sex scene, & I was disappointed that Jim C. was in a show where this was featured on TV. He has claimed to be a very religious Catholic & has appeared on several Christian programs & He & his wife and are involved in several Catholic organizations. He played Jesus Christ in The Passion of the Christ giving several interviews on the Movie & how religious he was. I don't get it.. What happened to you Jim? I guess Hollywood finally got to you. What a shame. Glad POI got cancelled. It turned into just another blood & guts shoot em' up, stab em' up, smack em' up, choke em' up TV Show.

  • Jim - 8 years ago

    Another good show ruined by the very small minority LGBT

  • Carol - 8 years ago

    I was hoping Shaw would make it back. I thought it was an excellent show. Reality is hard for some people to grasp so they run from it like it doesn't exist. Well welcome to the real world. The mind game was intriguing also. I will be very interest in seeing how the rest of the episodes pan out. It will be a void when it is over.

  • Gloria Tonniges - 8 years ago

    I was very, very disappointed when you decided to put the homosexual act into your program. It was disgusting to see, and very pornographic at a very bad time. Children can still be up at that time. It seems to me to be another attempt to shove down our throats the homosexual lifestyle. And if people think that it was a great part of your program just proves how sick our nation really is . How somebody got this approved to put this scene into an otherwise good program, and for the two women in the program to act this out, is just outrages. Just shows the type of people that are in these programs. I am surprised that the man that played Jesus in the Passion would even want anything like this in his program. All the things that happened to them in that movie should have proven that the Lord is alive and well. If you think that the Bible is not true, and that the consequences for things like this isn't true. You had better think again because, it has been proven to be true . Go ahead and look up all of the documents of hundreds of years ago that have come true and people uncovering evidence of truth. They have found the Egyptian Army, from the Red Sea, when the sea parted to let Moses lead his people through to the promised land. The swords, the skeletons, the wheels of the chariots, all found in the middle of the sea. Proving that it really did happen. and so it is with all other things that have been put into the Bible. Along with God's disgust with homosexual activity. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah , because of these things, and it has also been found in the Dead Sea. You believe what you want but keep it off the t. v. and if you want to do things like this you suffer the consequences and leave us out of it. Will no longer watch this sick program. thanks

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