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What is your most prized and valued accessory? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 323

  • Michael - 9 years ago

    The most useful accessory I have is an aluminium step ladder - that extra elevation or just being able to get above the heads of the crowd has enabled me to capture lots of images over the years that would otherwise have been missed. I never travel anywhere without it in the boot of my car!

  • Kevin Finger - 9 years ago

    I do not have any other prized and valued accessory. I consider all of my kit to be equal. Every item as its purpose to ensure that I get the image that I want. I carry a small window grip tripod in my car to get that shot. Other times I will bring with me one of my tripods, depending on the subject. The same applies to filters. I am not a huge fan of Photoshop, Lightroom, etc .In stead I use the likes of Microsoft's software, Picasse, Pixlr, Photo Pad, etc. I am a little old fashion, in that I try to capture the image in camera.

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