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What Was the Best Song in Hearth's Warming Tail?

Total Votes: 11,005

  • Avi - 8 years ago

    Applejack's song is incredibly underrated.

  • Top Kek - 8 years ago

    Mad Celestia Fans here.Again and again.Not.big suprise :^)

  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    Alright could we make on to the next poll now.

  • Sailor Sedna - 8 years ago

    Sorry to say, but while I like Luna, I think she's extremely overrated and I feel the writers are starting to pander to her fans...give Celestia some spotlight!

  • AC - 8 years ago

    Sad that Pinkie's third. That 40s upbeat jazz was really nice, it's one of my favorite genres of music. Luna was awesome though so top spot is all well.

  • Not Anon - 8 years ago

    > Anon is implying that there are more deserving characters... when she has gotten so few appearances and is rarely ever in the show.
    > also implying Luna isn't awesome as fuck

    lol, good one bro.

    Jk, but seriously though like you don't get the love for Luna, I don't get the hate for her? It can't be because of what she does in the show because she barely does anything. It's to the point where fans have made up hundreds of versions of her. To me, it almost seems like people hate her just because she's popular... which is a VERY bad reason to hate something. Sure, characters like Celestia should probably get the next opening spot they have for a princess appearance (because she now basically has less of a character than any of the princesses) but I believe Luna's role here was perfect

  • defendert - 8 years ago

    Why is theme song not on the list?

  • TopKEK - 8 years ago

    anon keep cry butthur:)

  • Hannah - 8 years ago

    I can't decide between Pinkie's Present and Luna's Future

  • Sollace - 8 years ago

    Luna's future is by far the greatest, and the most powerful tune.

  • Peanut Crunch - 8 years ago

    Okay, the overuse of the word "rehash" lately is getting old. So any retelling/reinterpretation of a standard story is now a "rehash"? Very eye-roll worthy logic there, I must say.

  • Peanut Crunch - 8 years ago

    @Swash Agreed. It's clear to me that the vote went to the song entirely because Luna was singing, rather than for the content of the song itself. Granted, it's exactly what that moment called for.

  • Peanut Crunch - 8 years ago

    Wow, the opening song is far too low on this list. Though I voted "Say Goodbye To The Holiday" (which gave me similar chills to "This Day Aria"), "Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again" is definitely a close #2 for me.

  • name - 8 years ago

    Whatever was in the closing credits which marked the end of this shitty episode.

  • Fluttershy626 - 8 years ago

    1. Luna's future (I'm not one of those big Luna fans, but her song here is my favorite, simply because I love sad, dark melodies and this one came epic to me)

    2. Seeds of the past (though it's rather strongly tied with Luna's future. As I said, I love those emotional songs, this one is so catchy and sad)

    3. Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again (it's quite catchy and touching to me, especially the last parts)

    4. Say goodbye to the holiday (it just didn't came THAT catchy to me, maybe because I don't have a big weakness for villain songs. But I absolutely love the last part)

    5. Pinkie's Present (sorry, jazz is not my style of music, actually one of my least favorite ones. Plus, I'm not into happy songs. It didn't have emotion to me. The only thing I like on this song is the lyrics)

    Ok, my opinions are completely different from others, as always.

  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    My list would go like this.
    1. Pinkie's Present
    2. Seeds of the Past
    3.Hearth's Warming Eve is Here Once Again
    4.Luna's Future
    5. Say Goodbye to the Holiday
    So yea, really different from what the polls show.

  • Squeaky Belle - 8 years ago

    It's like any poll involving Luna automatically becomes predictable. XD

  • NeoTensai - 8 years ago

    I didn't vote beacause Sweep Sweep isn't on the list XD

  • BlueDragonAura - 8 years ago

    Was there ever and doubt? (That Luna would win).
    That being said, I liked the others as well; if I had look at the poll results ahead of time, I would have given AJ a vote; she deserves more than her current 10%.

    Also, @ Frith
    Equestria has modern, urban cities, such as Manehattan, which means pre-industrial fits the timeline nicely. Just because we see a lot of rural Ponyville (and some of Appleloosa) doesn't mean all Equestria is like that.

  • anon - 8 years ago

    God, I hate Luna. Her song was shit, and so is her voice. Better characters get screwed over by her way too much.

  • Cat's Tuxedo - 8 years ago

    Pinkie's Present felt the most like a whole song and it was generally catchy. Luna's Future I'd put in second. Sure, it had nice atmosphere going or it but it lacked a proper conclusion.

  • don - 8 years ago

    Lunas song was cutting and dark

    AJs song was thoughtful and sweet

    Pinkies song had a beat

    and Twilight STILL can't dance

  • Frith - 8 years ago

    Luna gets my vote because I remember that there was artistry and depth to the voice. Otherwise, none of the songs stood out for me or left a lasting impression. The episode itself was not my favorite either. It rehashed a Dickensian England for no other apparent reason than to drive home that this was a Christmas Carol rehash. Dash's Hair style, her holey socks, the sick/starving foals, the whole early industrial style that is in what is supposed to be a tale taking place before the present pre-industrial Equestrian era. All that turned me off.

  • SeraphimDawn - 8 years ago

    I feel this wasn't a fair matchup.

  • Swash - 8 years ago

    And Luna dominates yet another poll merely because she's serious, mysterious, and emo. I don't even like Pinkie, but at least I gave the damn clown her much-deserved vote.

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