The city has said that with the installment of mandatory green bins, black bins will only be collected every 2 weeks. Yet, we will be required to pay the additional 6.50$ a month for the green bin pick up. Where is the extra money from the less frequent black bin collection going?
Kent - 9 years ago
As the majority of comments posted I don't need a green bin, as I do all my own composting in a composter purchased from the city years ago. The only time it would be used is spring and fall. If they are going to pick up garbage every other week they should alternate with the green bin and not charge us any more fees.
I believe the only way we, as tax payers, are going to stop all of this nonsense is to elect another mayor. Someone who doesn't think he walks on water!
Jose West - 9 years ago
So if the utilization of these green bins will save the city money as they claim then why are they requiring us to pay a monthly fee for them. Either they save the city money or they don't.
Martin - 9 years ago
So after an increase of $32.00 on my taxes, and now being told I have to use and pay for something I would never use. Thank god I installed a garburator, and use my own compost. But thanks to the city I have to use and pay for something else. What about a choice. Bet city hall will get pay increase as well this year.
Noah - 9 years ago
Rotting garbage in your black bin as it basks in plus 30 degree temperatures. Rotting organics in your green bin as it decomposes in the same summer heat. Black Plague anyone ? Soon tourists may flock to our fair city to view not only the lovely peace bridge but also the wide array of maggots, mice, rats & other assorted vermin as they dine out in our alleys & laneways. Only progressives making six figure incomes with a gold plated pension at the end of it all are capable of such insight & intellect. Maybe we as citizens should take out the garbage but once. Let's remove the trash at city hall next election & kick it to the curb where it belongs. We can stuff Nenshi into my green bin as I won't be using it for anything else.
ann - 9 years ago
I don't need a green bin and I won't be using it.Don't we ever have any say in our democratic world.We should have had a vote in regards to these green bins.Now that garbage and recyclables will be collected every 2 weeks,do we get a reduction???NO!!!Calgary is going to pot---I mean to BINS!!!!
Helen - 9 years ago
Green bins,should be optional. .............No green bins, I already have and use a compost bin .
When are the extra costs ever going to stop ! The black bins,the blue bins , and now the green bins !!!!! Our taxes have risen, recreatonal facilities, transit , etc . all cost more.
Being on a fixed income will make any extra costs tough to budget.
Brian - 9 years ago
We compost our food waste already and put it in a black composting bin. Remember that program where the city subsidized purchasing those bins??? About every 3 weeks we get a 5 gallon pail full of compostable stuff. I'll continue to use my backyard composter that so won't be using the green bin for that so may only use it for grass clippings occasionally - I mulch now anyway so not much volume for the green bin. One option I think might make more sense is to use the green bin in the summer (say May 15 to Sept 30) to collect the yard waste (grass clippings etc). Outside of that time frame, green bin usage will drop off from my experience - but we are not vegetarians!
Black bin garbage every 2 weeks??? - if I need to put out more garbage occasionally, I will. I guess I'll have to start buying those black garbage bags again which will go into the landfill and the driver will be getting out of the truck to load them into the truck which will cost more and slow things down.
And of course more taxes yet again to pay for this. Are they going to drop the black bin charge since it will be going to every second week pickup? Why not????? Property Taxes have been going up wildly since NN go in also. Stop the excess spending of OUR money to make you feel good.
Fay - 9 years ago
I am a senior linving on my own and only use the black cart once a month. The blue cart is used twice a month and now the city wants to charge me even more for another cart? WHAT A JOKE. It already looks like cart city with everyone keeping carts outside in front of their properties. It is just another way to take more money from us. We should have the option to pay for what we used. Would it not be even more economical to have the big bins back like we did in the past? Just another tax grab.
surinder manhas - 9 years ago
Service should be optional. All of us can not afford it. Hope it never become mandatory.
Christine - 9 years ago
We had the green bin system in our old neighbourhood, and we miss it. I do believe the cost should be lower though as the black bins are collected bi-weekly. People don't realize how good this system really is. I say bring it on, for those complaining it will smell, it actually wasn't bad. it's been in the works for far too long. The environmental benefits are well worth it.
Richard - 9 years ago
They want to cut one service in half with no cost reduction and force another fee. Better wake up this city is going to go to hell and reek like the dump because there will be garbage everywhere and people will be dumping all over the outskirts more and more. Just take a drive out 1-2 miles along city limits and see for yourself the garbage out there already.
k - 9 years ago
Its about time. Space is becoming more scarce and more expensive. Look at our City;s woithin Canada and see what they face of enviromental issues. I feel Calgarians expect too much for nothing.
Our City should be looking at new ways to recycle our recyclables and maybe think outside of the box.
Sue Wipf - 9 years ago
We are in a recession. The more money you make the more the city wants. It's terrible for them to help them selves to our money.
Larry - 9 years ago
We already have to separate our refuse and now we have to separate our food scraps. We have enough taxes in this city being rammed down our throats, with the cost continually going up. In past years we would take our excess garbage to the dump for free. Now we pay more for garbage removal, that we have to pay for, and separate, and now some fat cat can get fatter??.?.?.?.
Kathie - 9 years ago
So they want to pick up the black bin every 2 weeks and likely not reduce the cost and want to charge for the green bin??? NO!!!!!
I have seen cities where garbage is picked up every 2 weeks, it's disgusting. With the heat here every neighborhood will stink!!!!
The city has said that with the installment of mandatory green bins, black bins will only be collected every 2 weeks. Yet, we will be required to pay the additional 6.50$ a month for the green bin pick up. Where is the extra money from the less frequent black bin collection going?
As the majority of comments posted I don't need a green bin, as I do all my own composting in a composter purchased from the city years ago. The only time it would be used is spring and fall. If they are going to pick up garbage every other week they should alternate with the green bin and not charge us any more fees.
I believe the only way we, as tax payers, are going to stop all of this nonsense is to elect another mayor. Someone who doesn't think he walks on water!
So if the utilization of these green bins will save the city money as they claim then why are they requiring us to pay a monthly fee for them. Either they save the city money or they don't.
So after an increase of $32.00 on my taxes, and now being told I have to use and pay for something I would never use. Thank god I installed a garburator, and use my own compost. But thanks to the city I have to use and pay for something else. What about a choice. Bet city hall will get pay increase as well this year.
Rotting garbage in your black bin as it basks in plus 30 degree temperatures. Rotting organics in your green bin as it decomposes in the same summer heat. Black Plague anyone ? Soon tourists may flock to our fair city to view not only the lovely peace bridge but also the wide array of maggots, mice, rats & other assorted vermin as they dine out in our alleys & laneways. Only progressives making six figure incomes with a gold plated pension at the end of it all are capable of such insight & intellect. Maybe we as citizens should take out the garbage but once. Let's remove the trash at city hall next election & kick it to the curb where it belongs. We can stuff Nenshi into my green bin as I won't be using it for anything else.
I don't need a green bin and I won't be using it.Don't we ever have any say in our democratic world.We should have had a vote in regards to these green bins.Now that garbage and recyclables will be collected every 2 weeks,do we get a reduction???NO!!!Calgary is going to pot---I mean to BINS!!!!
Green bins,should be optional. .............No green bins, I already have and use a compost bin .
When are the extra costs ever going to stop ! The black bins,the blue bins , and now the green bins !!!!! Our taxes have risen, recreatonal facilities, transit , etc . all cost more.
Being on a fixed income will make any extra costs tough to budget.
We compost our food waste already and put it in a black composting bin. Remember that program where the city subsidized purchasing those bins??? About every 3 weeks we get a 5 gallon pail full of compostable stuff. I'll continue to use my backyard composter that so won't be using the green bin for that so may only use it for grass clippings occasionally - I mulch now anyway so not much volume for the green bin. One option I think might make more sense is to use the green bin in the summer (say May 15 to Sept 30) to collect the yard waste (grass clippings etc). Outside of that time frame, green bin usage will drop off from my experience - but we are not vegetarians!
Black bin garbage every 2 weeks??? - if I need to put out more garbage occasionally, I will. I guess I'll have to start buying those black garbage bags again which will go into the landfill and the driver will be getting out of the truck to load them into the truck which will cost more and slow things down.
And of course more taxes yet again to pay for this. Are they going to drop the black bin charge since it will be going to every second week pickup? Why not????? Property Taxes have been going up wildly since NN go in also. Stop the excess spending of OUR money to make you feel good.
I am a senior linving on my own and only use the black cart once a month. The blue cart is used twice a month and now the city wants to charge me even more for another cart? WHAT A JOKE. It already looks like cart city with everyone keeping carts outside in front of their properties. It is just another way to take more money from us. We should have the option to pay for what we used. Would it not be even more economical to have the big bins back like we did in the past? Just another tax grab.
Service should be optional. All of us can not afford it. Hope it never become mandatory.
We had the green bin system in our old neighbourhood, and we miss it. I do believe the cost should be lower though as the black bins are collected bi-weekly. People don't realize how good this system really is. I say bring it on, for those complaining it will smell, it actually wasn't bad. it's been in the works for far too long. The environmental benefits are well worth it.
They want to cut one service in half with no cost reduction and force another fee. Better wake up this city is going to go to hell and reek like the dump because there will be garbage everywhere and people will be dumping all over the outskirts more and more. Just take a drive out 1-2 miles along city limits and see for yourself the garbage out there already.
Its about time. Space is becoming more scarce and more expensive. Look at our City;s woithin Canada and see what they face of enviromental issues. I feel Calgarians expect too much for nothing.
Our City should be looking at new ways to recycle our recyclables and maybe think outside of the box.
We are in a recession. The more money you make the more the city wants. It's terrible for them to help them selves to our money.
We already have to separate our refuse and now we have to separate our food scraps. We have enough taxes in this city being rammed down our throats, with the cost continually going up. In past years we would take our excess garbage to the dump for free. Now we pay more for garbage removal, that we have to pay for, and separate, and now some fat cat can get fatter??.?.?.?.
So they want to pick up the black bin every 2 weeks and likely not reduce the cost and want to charge for the green bin??? NO!!!!!
I have seen cities where garbage is picked up every 2 weeks, it's disgusting. With the heat here every neighborhood will stink!!!!