Do You Prefer Redeemed Villains or Permanently Evil Villains?


  • IAAN - 8 years ago

    Really wish there was an other/ I don't care option because at this point, thanks to Starlight's redemption, whoever's redeemable or perma-evil is completely arbitrary, only up to the writer to decide. I mean they want to redeem Chryalsis? Sure throw on a happy little backstory. Want to make Diamond Tiara a bitch for all of her day? Fine, just need to make her get angry at something or if they're really clever make her a racist. It doesn't matter, because once you have a time travelling sociopath that tried to destroy everything all because one friend moved away and completely forgave her, you can make anyone evil good now, and every antagonist suffers because of it.

  • A.Brony - 8 years ago

    I definitely appreciate a balance between the two

  • Who dat? - 8 years ago

    The only villain I want to see redeemed is Mike Vogel. Maybe then he'll finally get his dick out of MLP. He seems pretty unrepentant though, sadly.

  • Bluelatios - 8 years ago

    Redeemed for sure! This is a thing that makes MLP rather unique and emphasizes their culture of optimism; villains should be hard pressed NOT to see the light in that kind of society. So it's not all butterflies and roses, I mean that's obvious and not the point. From a character development standpoint, switching from bad guy to good is not only a mark of maturity, but a good way of making progression by showing more sides to that character that wouldn't ever be fully visible had they remained evil.

  • Tiffany - 8 years ago

    Honestly there should have been a 3rd option for- It depends on the situation. I actually like both kinds of villains.

  • Yotes - 8 years ago

    Either's fine. Really depends on what story ideas they have for a character. Redemption stuff works best with deep arcs in mind. Perma-evil gives excuse for conflict.

  • Sailor Sedna - 8 years ago

    I say perma-evil. I don't want MLP FiM to keep redeeming villains.

  • Emily - 8 years ago

    Well if they're redeemed they're on the show, if they're not redeemed they're gone for good pretty much

  • The_Cheeseman - 8 years ago

    I think there is a place for both types of villains, but in the case of MLP, I prefer redemption. MLP is almost unique in that it presents us with a mostly positive, optimistic setting, free of cynicism, while still retaining the depth necessary to engage a mature audience. I appreciate that the show tries to illustrate that nobody is irredeemable, and that many times what people need is not punishment, but compassion. It's a lesson that would benefit many of us, I think.

  • PopuluxeCowboy - 8 years ago

    I couldn't vote in this poll because I like both. Redeemed villains and unredeemed villains all have their place and a good story uses both.

  • Grokenstein - 8 years ago

    Ridiculous to not have a third choice in the poll.

    Unless you're some sort of Objectivist, circumstances dictate who can be redeemed. Starlight Glimmer was a threat to Equestria itself, but only indirectly, and she could be reasoned with. Tirek demonstrated that he is both treacherous and insanely destructive, and cannot be trusted. Discord was home free to once again act at will, and gave it up willingly (although he stumbles occasionally). All those circumstances can change at any moment, but the "A is A, it is not B" approach to dealing with others would put every single one of us in prison eventually.

  • Keetongu - 8 years ago

    I don't know if I'd really count Discord as "redeemed." It seems more like he just figured out that ponies are more chaotic than anything he could come up with, and it's more fun to just watch them go about their lives with only occasional interference from him.

  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    I hate reoccurring villains. They make everything to predictable. If MLP was to do that, it didn't happen that much with Starlight so it was handled perfectly, then the show would suck. It would fall into a boring structure of other shows. It would be Team Rocket, Dr.Eggman, or Jack Spicer without the humor. The characters in MLP are purely evil, or were purely evil, so that would be very boring.
    I definitely prefer reformation, but with King Sombra it was stupid.
    In my opinion friendship is magic not punishment. With Tirek it made sense because he destroying everything. When it came to Starlight her redemption was more of a metaphor, that just because someone has a different mindset, like they're racist, homophobic, etc., you can still change their thinking by being a "friend."
    Starlight thought she was being good overall.
    The only other thing would be obliteration of a villain. But I feel like the show grows with every reformation. I mean think about an episode were two characters shun each other off forever, "great job using the magic of friendship."
    I mean I guess it is more of a preference thing, but this is just the way I look at things.

  • LanceOmikron - 8 years ago

    Honestly, I can't choose either one. I think it's important to have both types.

    Discord made for a great villain, but he was also a perfect choice for redemption. His trickster antics are extremely fun, and a good thing to have around without him and the main characters having to fight it out. It would have been a waste to keep him imprisoned for the rest of the series.

    On the other hand, there should always be at least a few villains that are permanently evil to the core, with no chance for redemption. There's no more perfect example of that than Chrysalis.

  • AC - 8 years ago

    Perma-evil. I get sick of sympathetic villains in the media (especially how often the female ones are made sympathetic or redeemed). Chrysalis for the win.

  • guest - 8 years ago

    Perma villains plz! Plus Glimmer hasn't redeemed shit, fuck she got rewarded for being a demented asshole. someone needs to kick that bitch

  • MWJ - 8 years ago

    I voted for Perma Evil, mainly because I don't really like Starlight Glimmer as one of the Mane characters. As a villain she was more interesting, now she is fitting into a role that Sunset Shimmer does better (and first). I'm finding that my favorite episodes this season are ones that don't include her. If they had to redeem her, they would have been a lot better off making her a recurring, like Discord or Trixie, rather than a Mane.

    We need more Crysalis and less GlimGlamSpam.

  • Professor Oats - 8 years ago

    I voted Perma Evil, but I'm OK with reformed villains in some cases (like Luna). They've been doing it too much, though, and it's almost always poorly executed. Certainly doesn't help that reformed Discord's so annoying

  • John - 8 years ago

    Really, they're both fine, but I think there have been too many reformed characters as of late. Gotta keep the balance.

  • Konami - 8 years ago

    The ONE time I would've actually picked the "other" option.

    It really does depend on the character, the circumstances in which they're reformed, and what they're like as a character post-reformation. Discord's a good example of a character that I think benefited from reformation - he actually has possibly *more* story potential now than he did as a villain and his character hasn't had to change significantly, either. Add on top of that the fact that his redemption as a whole was fairly convincing (not the initial one, but the whole defect-back-to-villainy-before-truly-realizing-the-error-of-his-ways thing), and there's hardly an issue at all really.

    Glimglam on the other hand, while I'm not *against* her as a reformed character per-se, did have a rather awkward redemption, and so far (SO FAR, mind you) her character seems to be slightly more generic and less... characterful than she was prior to heel-face-turn.

    So... yeah. Slightly more complicated than a simple "yes/no" question in my opinion, but for what it's worth I voted "non-reformed" because in the majority of cases villainous characters were *written* to be villains, and logically that's the role in which their characters would shine the most.

  • Sheep - 8 years ago

    Please God no more reformed villains. It's gotten old and predictable.

  • Don - 8 years ago

    Spikezilla wrecked Ponyville does that count?
    He even got a smooch from Rarity "Spikey your my hero!"
    The villain waits in scales. . .asleep waiting to rise again.

  • amesbill - 8 years ago

    The show needs characters to be villains but when you have an un-redeemed villain that you can like the hope that he/she can be saved is more entertaining. A redeemed villain may fall again but you have to be very careful, as if they do you can never trust them again unless they make a big sacrifice to redeem themselves a second time. Chrysalis has potential for redemption, especially like to see her human counterpart xD

  • M.D. Webster - 8 years ago

    It has to depend on the character if he or she wants to change his/herself. Either by perspective or motivation.

    Even though I prefer the redeeming but sad fact is there are some people are not going to change themselves.

  • RLYoshi - 8 years ago

    As long as the reason for redemption isn't forced or rushed, I prefer redeemed ones. Villains that stay evil either get doomed to never return, or are just kind of boring and predictable when they do.

  • Major Mike - 8 years ago

    Depends on the villain.
    ^ This should've been a third option, IMHO.

  • cfran100 - 8 years ago

    depends on the personality of the villain. I'd select option 3...if it existed

  • Hakirayleigh - 8 years ago

    Maybe all series villains , the princesses and the mane 6 until now, they'll join forces to defeat the final menace (I don't believe that might happen in the movie). I'm ok with Starlight redemption, but I hope more irredeemable main antagonists.

  • Judgement - 8 years ago

    "Glimglam", AKA "Moronic buzzword created for the sake of shilling out a disliked character".

    Yknow what they say, when you repeat something enough times, people just roll with it. Not this time, EQD staff, not this time.

  • Lena - 8 years ago

    Who's Glimglam?

  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    Friendship is Magic mother fuckas!!!!!!!!!!!
    Redemptions for all!

  • Squeaky Belle - 8 years ago

    Now this is a good poll question! We really need more polls like this one. So even. :)

  • Bill - 8 years ago

    Well I really like Starlight Discord and Sunset, but I think that some villains have just not the potential to be reformed. I am a huge King Sombra fan but I would be very surprised if he would be reformed. On the other hand am I really uncomfortable with Trixie as a "reformed" character so a desission is very difficult.

  • Unimpressive Chaoslord - 8 years ago

    It really depends on the villain. Some of them work better as vile good characters, such as Discord, while others I consider should have remained evil, such as Starlight.

  • paradoxical - 8 years ago

    I like both about as much as each other. A smart villain with understandable motivation is a great recurring villain, but if the motivation is solid, but flawed and the villain can be reformed, that’s great, as long as the process seems real.

  • Frith - 8 years ago

    I would rather villains with good reasons. Like the vampire fruit bats, but with better sympathetic background story. It wouldn't be as easy to tell as a us vs them story.

  • George - 8 years ago

    Interesting that at the moment the vote is tied. Tbh I would like Chyrsalis redeemed as she is not really evil - she is trying to protect her subjects from starvation.

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