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Who Framed Adam For Constance Bingham's Murder?


  • Marie - 8 years ago

    Gabriel Bingham killed Constance for the money, had surgery took the real Luca Santori indentity, made a fake diary to frame Adam he threaten Sage because she knew he killed Delia, he framed Adam because Adam has his face and Adam refuse to help him destroy Victor.

  • Susie - 8 years ago

    Shawn would be a perfect one to have accesses, and doing it because Ian Ward wanted her to would make sense, because like someone else said, it could frame Victor for doing it and frame Adam for the murder ! Killing two birds with one stone!

  • Susie - 8 years ago

    Shawn would be a perfect one to have accesses, and doing it because Ian Ward wanted to would make sense, because like someone else said, it could frame Victor for doing it and frame Adam for the murder ! Killing two birds with one stone!

  • Patricia - 8 years ago

    I think Sage did it because when she was killed in the story many viewers were upset. They had been waiting for months to see Sage and Nick be reunited with Christian. Sage was liked by most viewers at the time she was killed in the accident. I think by having Sage be the one who killed Constance this is the writers way of trying to make the viewers more accepting of her being killed off in the story.

  • Ida - 8 years ago

    Ian paid Shawn to plant a fake diary. It was all a set up to frame Adam at the perfect timing making everyone think it was Victor who framed him. Ian wants both Victor and Adam to be in prison, he wants them to pay dearly. Shawn was never putting up her baby for adoption it was a hoax. Ian has the resources to make it all happen.

  • Cheryl Csengery - 8 years ago

    I think Sage killed her

  • Wheezie - 8 years ago

    Here's my longshot: Chelsie She just might be fed up with Adam's bs

  • Forrestine - 8 years ago

    Never thought about Shawn, but the scenario makes a lot of sense. She did have access. But wouldn't Sage have seen this if she was still writing in the journal after this insertion. There are a lot of if s in this situaion.

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