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Should Bernie Sanders Drop Out of the Race?

Total Votes: 989

  • Tcfins - 8 years ago

    Absolutely. This continued persistence is (and has been) weakening the party. He's no fool. He knows exactly the damage he's causing. He doesn't care. Go home

  • Ahamad - 8 years ago

    Yes, we need to reunify the party; there is too much at stake this cycle. Regardless of what you think about Hillary, she has the popular vote by over 3 million, she is about 400 pledged delegates ahead of Sanders so, she is going to get the nomination whether you like it or not. As much as I like feeling burn, Bernie is doing more harm than good right now. As long as Bernie insists on holding on, the less likely Hillary is of securing the youth vote, and the more likely Bernie supporters are of staying home during the general election. Hillary isn't perfect (no candidate is) but, most her policies are similar to, if not the same as, Bernie's. We have a republican controlled congress. I don't want a republican president that will allow transphobic bills to go unvetoed. I don't want a president that disproportionately responds to a low priority issue by building a expensive, offensive wall between us and our third largest trading partner just to pander to the lowest denominator. I don't want to have a trade war with our second largest trading partner. I don't want an islamiphobic bigot for president that takes an entire day to decide whether or not he wants the KKK's support. And I definitely don't want him nominating another Scallia to the supreme court. If Bernie doesn't drop soon we are going to lose to Trump. If you are truly a progressive and don't want to undo the small amount of progress that we have made over the last 7 years, then you will swallow your pride, like so many of us already have, and get your Bernie-bro friends to back Hillary.

  • Norma - 8 years ago

    She won the popular vote by over 3 MILLION votes. He says he understand mathematics. If he does then it is time to quit campaigning for himself and campaign for Hillary.

  • joe - 8 years ago

    All Sander is doing and will be known for is helping Trump, in fact he acts as crazy as Trump thinking he could win when he is and has been 2/3 behind all the way. About the only states he won were Caucus states and they are far from a 1 vote 1 person and in fact Washington Primary Clinton kicked Sanders butt and in the one that counted the Washington CAUCUS Sanders won but you want cheated, when a handful of people counted for a win and Clinton all thee people in the primary wins big but don't count, that's cheating. Sanders wins when fewer people vote that's why he likes Caucus states. If Sanders was not giving free college away, which he never was and he knew that he would have be at 5 or 10% at the end, he SNOWED the young and that was the Sanders way, taking advantage of the your people, someday they will learn and maybe as soon as SANDERS puts out his TAXES.

  • Natalia - 8 years ago

    No Nadine he is dividing the party.
    She's won the majority of votes , well over 3 Million votes.. Come on now let's be realistic
    He needs to stop this, he needs to concede and unify the party against trump because that is something we all are scared of. Why in gods name won't he unify all democrats against that racist bigot !!!

  • Nadine - 8 years ago

    NO Clinton and the DNC are dividing the party.

  • Elizabeth Oyondi - 8 years ago

    Yes, he's dividing the party.

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