Which Is Your Pick For Hottest Future Port Charles Couple?


  • Bonnie Riffle - 9 years ago

    Laura and Kevin are awesome! Just like Kevin and Lucy and Kevin and Eve were, They can have a lot of fun and adventures together!????And Lexx? You spelled Laura wrong, It's L-A-U-R-A, And one more thing, Lighten up!

  • Krista Ramirez - 9 years ago

    I love Kevin and Laura together. I only wish they had been paired together since the 90s.

  • Lexx - 9 years ago

    None yuck ! Wtf is wrong with who ever made this poll Lara belongs with Luke always she shouldn't even be on the show without him her story line is a bore . Julian and Nina no way that's just weird . Ava and Scotty both yuck and idc about either of them . Franko is a weirdo rapist and Liz is a liar and a skank . Why not just get everyone in the poll off the show they all suck

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