Laura and Kevin are awesome! Just like Kevin and Lucy and Kevin and Eve were, They can have a lot of fun and adventures together!????And Lexx? You spelled Laura wrong, It's L-A-U-R-A, And one more thing, Lighten up!
I love Kevin and Laura together. I only wish they had been paired together since the 90s.
Lexx - 9 years ago
None yuck ! Wtf is wrong with who ever made this poll Lara belongs with Luke always she shouldn't even be on the show without him her story line is a bore . Julian and Nina no way that's just weird . Ava and Scotty both yuck and idc about either of them . Franko is a weirdo rapist and Liz is a liar and a skank . Why not just get everyone in the poll off the show they all suck
Laura and Kevin are awesome! Just like Kevin and Lucy and Kevin and Eve were, They can have a lot of fun and adventures together!????And Lexx? You spelled Laura wrong, It's L-A-U-R-A, And one more thing, Lighten up!
I love Kevin and Laura together. I only wish they had been paired together since the 90s.
None yuck ! Wtf is wrong with who ever made this poll Lara belongs with Luke always she shouldn't even be on the show without him her story line is a bore . Julian and Nina no way that's just weird . Ava and Scotty both yuck and idc about either of them . Franko is a weirdo rapist and Liz is a liar and a skank . Why not just get everyone in the poll off the show they all suck