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Do you think there should be stricter gun laws?

Total Votes: 2,432

  • burbanite - 8 years ago

    The Govt. agencies that let the murderer operate are the ones who are fully responsible for this, we are at war with ISIS and it's ilk but they will not declare it as such because they know that in doing so they validate the use of firearms such as the AR15 as weapons of self defense.

    The term "weapons of war", (which an AR15 is not), used this week by the Sec of State and the President is appropriate in a time of war but they must first declare a war against ISIS, something they are unwilling to do because it then opens up that Pandoras Box that they will be unable to close. An AR15 is not nor has ever been a "weapon of war"....until the use of it by an ISIS supporter is declared as such. Then, at that point, any citizen of the United States has a Constitutional right to not only own one but to bear it as well.

    To know that this gutless, ISIS sympathizer was allowed to get to this point is more proof that the Govt. and in this case particularly the FBI, has no interest in protecting you or I as individuals but is prepared to let people like him wreak havoc because they are complicit just like the BATF are in the Border Patrol Officer Brian Terry case in Arizona.

  • Sheri - 8 years ago

    I agree with Mr. Craig, we have enough laws already.

  • Ronald Craig - 8 years ago

    I read in other stories that tha shooter's coworkers thought that he was unstable and reported him as such. Why wasn't he investigated better? Was the FBI afraid of being non PC by looking closer at a Muslim. Stricter gun laws will not do anything but make it harder for law abiding citizens to get a gun to protect themselves.

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