Should stratas have the right to ban smoking?


  • Mary - 8 years ago

    If you want to smoke, then smoke in your own apartment unit so that you are not affecting your neighbours rights by having their own home filled with smoke, while you smoke on the balcony. That to me is a win win. If smokers do not want to smoke in their home because they like the smell of a clean home, much like the non-smokers, then smoke outside the building where neither you, nor your neighbours will be affected.

    I personally do not like the smell of smoke filling up my home. I choose to have a home that does not smell like pot or cigarette smoke, but when you smoke on your balcony, my rights are taken away from me. I should not have to sacrifice my health, my home for someone who chooses to smoke. If a person chooses to smoke, I have nothing to say about that. When it affects me personally, then I have something to say. I wonder if a smoke free apartment complex could potentially lower home insurance prices.

  • Sheila - 8 years ago

    People have paid good money for their condos and as long as it is not illegal there should be no problems. We had smokers next to us and we never smelled smoke. The only smoke that we could smell was when BBQ's were going. Food smells linger a lot longer. There are so many more things that are more annoying than cigarette. We had partiers that would be partying all night every weekend and keeping people who had to get up for work awake and angry. The government, the strata's and anyone else should stay out of peoples business when it comes to the private units of residents. Common property is one thing but each unit is private property.

  • Monica - 8 years ago

    Yes, BAN SMOKING!!!! Nothing is worse than on a nice sunny day, to open your windows and or sliding doors for some FRESH air and not be able to because your neighbours are outside on their balcony smoking! Ironically enough; they do not want the smell of the smoke in their condo!

  • Keith - 8 years ago

    This is getting out of hand when the politically correct police start dictating what we can do in our own homes. This being said, at the same time , motions are being made to legalize pot, what hypocrisy. I do smoke and have for many years, it is legal. We know what happens when prohibition of a substance occurs, the criminal element makes a fortune. So, if pot is legalized , then get off the smokers case.

  • Cj - 8 years ago

    And to all you go vote at a strata meeting people...that doesn't help much when most of the owners are out of province and don't come to, nor care about the meeting, I too am a non smoker but they do have rights. Also not too keen on sending visitors to the street, in the dark alone when I have a balcony they could easily use.....ashtray provided.
    I get nauseous when I smell fish cooking, can strata say no cooking fish too?

  • Sally jermaine - 8 years ago

    No ban on smoking

  • Kyla lu - 8 years ago

    Smoking should not be banned rights for those to pot stink worse

  • Mallory dupont - 8 years ago

    I am a non smoker BUT i totally agree with the smokers as their rights have been so violated on so many levels. Smoking is legal govt sure take taxes and non smokers benefit from those taxes. As for the guy that list 50,000 on his property sale well it waa probably still over priced. Boo hoo cry some more. Stratas have way too much power already. People own that is their home they should have every right that other owners have and that is respect and privacy and peace in their home. What about all hou hipocrites that are stern non smokers but you light up yout pot hash or crack. You want to talk smell well who wants a skynk in their home. Some of the calmest people i know are smokers perhaps some of those that do all the complaining should have a smoke and chill i totally feel smokers have a huge human rights and privacy case against all thise that bully harass and alienate them. Leave them aline there are way worse things to combat such as drugs and alcohol. What abiut all you that drink get loud be jerks break things cause fights ban that it kills way more than cigarettes. Enough is enough alreafy. Get a life

  • lorraine - 8 years ago

    First off, as an owner YOU have a say/vote in your by-laws. If you do not go to the meetings, and vote, just like our government elections, then do not bitch. We lost at least $50,000 on our unit, then to turn around and buy another, because the woman below us would not stop smoking outside on her deck. Strata did not help us. Long story. Yes strata should be able to ban smoking. Don't get me started on pets....

  • kelly mellado - 8 years ago

    strata already has too much power , recently my strata change the wording on pet bylaw to simply say "No pets Allowed", in other words no visiting pets included. My other half cannot visit with me with the dog in tow,I feel like a prisoner in my own home,so I say stop the strata from dictating what we can do in our own homes.

  • Cherish - 8 years ago

    People think that they can ban smokers from smoking anywhere on earth! Give me a break! As long as they are 20 feet away from others doors and windows them they are being respectful!

  • Megan dunn - 8 years ago

    Last time I checked, smoking wasn't illegal. It's something a lot of people don't like, but still legal.

  • Cj - 8 years ago

    The only way most people can buy into the market these days is to buy into a multi unit complex. Soon enough this city will not have single unit dwellings, or they will be very very limited. I get it, smoking is unhealthy, but that being said we cannot force people to quit by not even allowing them to enjoy it on their own patio.
    Multi unit complexes house many people who believe and do different things. There has to be some give not only take.
    I could go on and on being the owner in a multi unit dwelling. Not everyone is the same, we have to live with it at times

  • Trishia - 8 years ago

    Our strata is voting on a smoking ban tonight. Renters smoke on patios and in carport a and you can smell the second hand smoke in the other units.

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