Forgotten to mention, Veterans Home was sued, when fire cracker back fired landing on someone . Be nice if a Veteran organization would block off section or close off for Vets. That way give them incentive to see our part of town at night.
Melissa Rudd - 9 years ago
Seriously? Shouldn't our vets have this day? So very sad we even have to have a vote on this.....smh.......but I'm sure someone's missing out financially.
Kay Penrose - 9 years ago
Several yrs ago when it was at Veterans Home was probably a resdent hide behind.a rock whenever loud firework gone off,assuming shell shock. Someone mention having at riverfront a good idea, I'm sure they can accommodate a section for our Veterans or close off a section for our Veterans.
Tiffany Steinhauser - 9 years ago
The Veteran 's of this home deserve to get to celebrate July 4th. They are the reason we have the freedoms this day represents. I remember going to the Vets home as a child...a wonderful tradition. They accommodate those who need them-as a nurse specifically just told us. I am so glad our city officials made the right choice and put it back where it belongs.
Jessica loza - 9 years ago
Def the vets home! The vets home holds a lot of special memories for me and my family. My uncles final resting spot is there. He served 20 yrs and retired from the military and loved taking us kids to watch em there!
lee Goehl - 9 years ago
July 4th is the only holiday that we in Quincy as a city do anything remotely to honor our men and women who have sacrificed so much for what we enjoy today. Many of these Vets can't attend the riverfront due to their conditions. But they can look out the window and enjoy a moment of joy. Can any of you reply say we should take that way from them?
Tammy Schoch - 9 years ago
Vets home. Its not about where you want it or where I want it. These folks have earned the right to enjoy this wonderful display and to take part in this celebration. As far as busing them there. Seriously????It shouldn't be what's convienant for the community, it should be about convienance for the veterans of this great nation. Most are confined to this home and you want to take this wonderful day of celebration away from them. Shame, shame, shame.
Jena - 9 years ago
It should be at the vets home. No question asked. Our vets fought for our freedom. They deserve to see it. And the stupid lighted bridge who cares. Not impressed with a lighted bridge. Leave it at the vets home.
Net - 9 years ago
I'm old enough to remember when it was at the Vets Home. I liked it so much better. You bring out a blanket the whole family campout get comfortable and watch it under the stars. After they moved it to downtown to the river, we couldn't find parking, we couldn't find a place to sit where we could actually see everything or it was so crowded there was nowhere to sit. I never ever liked it downtown period the 4th of July was wonderful when it was still at the vet's home and you could really make it an outing. Besides, shouldn't the vet see it? People need to understand many of the veterans are not transportable but they could see from their buildings if it was there at the home.
A. Fields - 9 years ago
I don't understand why the vets home couldn't bus the residents down?
Lisa Tipton - 9 years ago
There would be no need for fireworks if our veterans would not have fought for your independence. They have have so much and now you want to take this away? Shame on you!
Melissa H. - 9 years ago
When we have an opportunity to share the magical firework display with people that actually have served our country, we shouldn't be so selfish to take that moment away from them too. Some of them can't make it out. I would much rather we celebrate our country's independence on July 4th sharing it with those who have helped keep our independence by giving all of themselves to our country.
Amber - 9 years ago
I'm still new to Quincy and I love going to the Vets home. There's so much more room. Easy to find a parking spot and then plenty of space for the kids to roam and lay out. Down at the river front there's no parking. And no place to sit. The. I would have to worry about the stupid drivers in Quincy not parking where they should or pulling out in front of someone. And at the vets home the Vets get to be park of the celebration. I mean isn't the fourth about our freedom. And they are the ones who fought to keep us remaining free. What's a better than that?
Chantel - 9 years ago
I believe it should be held at the vets home. I am an employee of the vets home and our residents love it. I also think it's easier to see the fireworks here. The parking on the river is horrible and seating is even harder as the bridge will often cover up the fireworks if you are on the Clat Adams park side. We are a free country because of these veterans.
Julie Harlan - 9 years ago
I've always thought it was silly to have them at the Vets Home anyway. I don't think shooting fireworks at a facility filled with people who have been in battle is a good idea.
Forgotten to mention, Veterans Home was sued, when fire cracker back fired landing on someone . Be nice if a Veteran organization would block off section or close off for Vets. That way give them incentive to see our part of town at night.
Seriously? Shouldn't our vets have this day? So very sad we even have to have a vote on this.....smh.......but I'm sure someone's missing out financially.
Several yrs ago when it was at Veterans Home was probably a resdent hide behind.a rock whenever loud firework gone off,assuming shell shock. Someone mention having at riverfront a good idea, I'm sure they can accommodate a section for our Veterans or close off a section for our Veterans.
The Veteran 's of this home deserve to get to celebrate July 4th. They are the reason we have the freedoms this day represents. I remember going to the Vets home as a child...a wonderful tradition. They accommodate those who need them-as a nurse specifically just told us. I am so glad our city officials made the right choice and put it back where it belongs.
Def the vets home! The vets home holds a lot of special memories for me and my family. My uncles final resting spot is there. He served 20 yrs and retired from the military and loved taking us kids to watch em there!
July 4th is the only holiday that we in Quincy as a city do anything remotely to honor our men and women who have sacrificed so much for what we enjoy today. Many of these Vets can't attend the riverfront due to their conditions. But they can look out the window and enjoy a moment of joy. Can any of you reply say we should take that way from them?
Vets home. Its not about where you want it or where I want it. These folks have earned the right to enjoy this wonderful display and to take part in this celebration. As far as busing them there. Seriously????It shouldn't be what's convienant for the community, it should be about convienance for the veterans of this great nation. Most are confined to this home and you want to take this wonderful day of celebration away from them. Shame, shame, shame.
It should be at the vets home. No question asked. Our vets fought for our freedom. They deserve to see it. And the stupid lighted bridge who cares. Not impressed with a lighted bridge. Leave it at the vets home.
I'm old enough to remember when it was at the Vets Home. I liked it so much better. You bring out a blanket the whole family campout get comfortable and watch it under the stars. After they moved it to downtown to the river, we couldn't find parking, we couldn't find a place to sit where we could actually see everything or it was so crowded there was nowhere to sit. I never ever liked it downtown period the 4th of July was wonderful when it was still at the vet's home and you could really make it an outing. Besides, shouldn't the vet see it? People need to understand many of the veterans are not transportable but they could see from their buildings if it was there at the home.
I don't understand why the vets home couldn't bus the residents down?
There would be no need for fireworks if our veterans would not have fought for your independence. They have have so much and now you want to take this away? Shame on you!
When we have an opportunity to share the magical firework display with people that actually have served our country, we shouldn't be so selfish to take that moment away from them too. Some of them can't make it out. I would much rather we celebrate our country's independence on July 4th sharing it with those who have helped keep our independence by giving all of themselves to our country.
I'm still new to Quincy and I love going to the Vets home. There's so much more room. Easy to find a parking spot and then plenty of space for the kids to roam and lay out. Down at the river front there's no parking. And no place to sit. The. I would have to worry about the stupid drivers in Quincy not parking where they should or pulling out in front of someone. And at the vets home the Vets get to be park of the celebration. I mean isn't the fourth about our freedom. And they are the ones who fought to keep us remaining free. What's a better than that?
I believe it should be held at the vets home. I am an employee of the vets home and our residents love it. I also think it's easier to see the fireworks here. The parking on the river is horrible and seating is even harder as the bridge will often cover up the fireworks if you are on the Clat Adams park side. We are a free country because of these veterans.
I've always thought it was silly to have them at the Vets Home anyway. I don't think shooting fireworks at a facility filled with people who have been in battle is a good idea.