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Did MOCA do the right thing by taking down the art or should they have allowed the artist's changes?

Total Votes: 1,369

  • Sandi - 8 years ago

    I admire crochet work, but I did not like this at all. Leave the monuments alone, if you want to make a statement, find another way. Ugh!

  • Wade DeHaven - 8 years ago

    Fire her and the idiots that hired her. If they would have investigator her before they hired her they wouldn't know what she's all about.
    She's done this in the past. Another waste of taxpayers money.

  • Tourist no more - 8 years ago

    As a tourist , it made it look like VA Beach was a hazard to be there. Bad air, bad water, bad service? Va beach is portrayed as a family beach. How am I supposed to know what King Neptune represents when my family views it draped in yarn and a gas mask? Let the artist express her views some where else.It would have been different if I paid to go to the museum to see this, but as it stands, I had no choice but to view this hideous mess upon arriving at it while strolling along the boardwalk . I am surprised that the creator of King Neptune allowed this and the museum curator should be fired .

  • CB - 8 years ago

    Neptune wouldve agreed with the message Olek was trying to portray here. its a shame that now this will only show the world how close minded VA Beach is...I cant even understand how anyone couldve found this ugly. If you saw it in person and upclose you wouldve seen the detail . it was awesome for the short time it was up.

  • SML - 8 years ago

    I agree that the artist broke her contract by adding the gas mask which was not part of her original piece for which she received approval. I believe the artist is the one who chose to remove ALL of the massive amount of crochet that was done to cover the statue, some of it done in plastic, to represent the devastating effects discarded plastic has on our animals in the ocean and on the ocean itself. That is what I think was a terrible mistake!!! As a needle worker I appreciate the incredible amount of work that all the crocheters contributed in their efforts to cover King Neptune with that beautiful art and to take that down because of the gas mask controversy was a travesty!!! My heart breaks for anyone who gave of themselves and their time to contribute their beautiful crochet only to see it removed because the artist chose to add the gas mask! The artist should have left all of that work of art up for all to see and appreciate, in my opinion! I am thankful for the brief glimpse I did get on the WAVY TV news! And I especially loved the sweet, little, white crocheted starfish!

  • Charles Harper - 8 years ago

    Her environmental freedom of speech was just crushed by those that arnt aware of the damage caused by the low mentality or less informed others. The King could have made a National Statement about the oceans problems! What a pity those against her haven't the artistic vision?

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