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Which Song is the Best of Season 6 Part 1?

Total Votes: 8,629

  • Lucille - 8 years ago

    Is it quite bad that as a lover of FiM songs, i've truly only enjoyed Out on my Own so far? All the other songs have great sections in them, but overall they just. feel. so. bland. I'm sorry.

  • EbCreations - 8 years ago

    I chose "say goodbye to the holiday" because one it was really catchy, and two, uThunder's remix just adds to it.

  • Oleks_FS - 8 years ago

    Clearly, Pie Sisters' Swap Day Song was the best.

  • guy1224314324 - 8 years ago

    Obviously SWEEP is the best.

  • MayrahDash123 - 8 years ago

    I think these are all good songs, but my favorite is "Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again." I love that one because it's a happy song. But all of these are good songs.

  • Zidders Roofurry - 8 years ago

    Of course Luna's going to take it despite 'Out On My Own' being the only song in season six to have any real meaning and heart to it. Seriously-Hearth's Warming Tale is one of the shallowest retelling's of A Christmas Carol I've ever seen. I love Luna but her song is as hollow as Tiny Tim's wooden leg.

  • novalisk - 8 years ago

    My favorite is either the beautiful Seeds of the Past, or the amazingly catchy Pinkie's present, with special mention to Michelle's amazing singing voice and the very spicy and visually well directed It's gonna work.

    About the fan favorite, Luna's Future: it was great and gave me chills, however the reasons I wouldn't put it on top of list are quite distinct: one is its very short length and the other is that while the music was mind blowing quality, the singing itself was (though very fitting for Luna) average at best.

  • PhonicB∞m - 8 years ago

    Ehh... not gonna lie, I really haven't been impressed by any of the songs so far this season. Luna's Future is gonna win by a landslide simply because ZOMG LUNA IS SINGING but I really don't think it's a great song. Aloma's performance was stellar, don't get me wrong, it's just not a great piece of music.
    But, yeah... no outstanding music so far this season, but as awesome as the writing has been, this is still my favorite season yet.

  • Frith - 8 years ago

    I call shenanigans! This poll is missing the best song of season six: Twilight's Sweep remix! Sweep sweep sweep sweep!

  • Strickerx5 - 8 years ago

    Another landslide for Luna incoming! :D

  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    My list
    1.Pinkie's Present
    2.Out On My Own
    3.Can I Do It On My Own
    4.Seeds of the Past
    5.Say Goodbye to the Holiday
    6.Hearth's Warming Eve is Here Once Again
    7.Luna's Future
    8. It's Gunna Work
    All good-incredible songs

  • Fluttershy626 - 8 years ago

    My list:
    1. Seeds of the past / Luna's future / It's gonna work (can't choose)
    2. Can I do it on my own
    3. Out on my own
    4. Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
    5. Say Goodbye to the holiday
    6. Pinkie's Present

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