I voted YES in 2014 and I will vote NO in 20-whenever
Simple - I despise the EU
So long as Nicola and SNP have their sights set on EU membership then I am OUT of Scottish Indy.
Full Independence - not swapping it for EU chains and all the garbage that entails.
Gerry k - 9 years ago
I want my country to control everything that my country does. Simple. I'm not snp but I am strongly for independence. Westminster have been making a right mess of things since around 2002/3 ... Scotland can do much better. Look at the international scratching of heads when it comes to GERS... creative accounting of that magnitude should be a criminal offence. We are economically positioned to do very well... better I think than England but that remains to be seen.
I'm ashamed of the uk. They are doing things in my name that are abhorrent. I've had enough.
Also...why is there so much push back for a second independence referendum?
Iif Scotland is so much of an economic drain, why are they so desperate to stop us leaving?
Sentimentality is NOT a quality you'd attribute to Westminster politics..... it has to be financial.
This poll means nothing. The referendum on Europe was to vote on the UNITED KINGDOM to remain or leave the fascist EU not if Scotland wants to. Scotland is going down the sewer not because of Westminster but because the Scottish nazi party do not have a clue on how to run the country even with the new powers they have been given. They are corrupt anglophobic racists and must be exposed at every turn. Rule Britannia.
Scotland is a country of the UK, not a region. Scotland was told to vote no in order to stay in the EU. At that time the Tories had not announced an EU referendum. We did as they said and voted no. Scotland has now voted for the UK to remain in the EU, along with NI who are the real losers here in my opinion, but instead of this ending up in a 50/50 tie between this "family of nations", for every 1 vote Scotland had the other 3 countries had roughly 10 combined, and they voted to leave the EU. Now the referendum of 2014 has been made redundant by this new question of which parent Scotland wants to live with after the divorce. They've both ruled out shared custody, and the UK has promised to uphold the decision to end the union with Europe. Europe has been supportive of keeping the union with Scotland - practically offering us to just remain in the UK's place in the bed. But it's noted globally that the democratic thing is to listen to the will of the people, and uphold their views, and what better way to do so than to ask them to clarify which union they want to remain part of, if any. It is because we are a country of the UK and not region that we have to hold another referendum on the UK, because both the EU and the UK are refusing to allow Scotland to remain in both. To not even ask would be the most anti-democratic response to the question we're already faced with.
Peter Barlow - 9 years ago
All the promises they made to make us vote 'no' have been broken.
All the threats and fear have been exposed as lies.
Rub it out and do it properly.
Ian a proud Scot - 9 years ago
There's only one way this is going, and the sooner ulterior motivated unionists accept that, the quicker they can lay off the blood pressure pills. Scotland will become Independent, no more the playground of the wealthy sociopathic type. Our Highlands will be returned to us, the aforementioned types will be removed from our commitees and we'll be free.
NOAH - 9 years ago
SCOTLAND is Ready, as for the ENGLISH having a Vote on it is WRONG
They have the vote on EVERYTHING that is why SCOTLAND, EVEN WALES and IRELAND never get what they Want
The population of ENGLAND is 50 times bigger than SCOTLAND, and as they are the MAJORITY of the UK
We could NEVER "WIN"
NO I am not ANTI ENGLISH, my Mother is ENGLISH her Relations that have moved to SCOTLAND , all as I did VOTED for "INDEPENDENCE".
Drew Macleod - 9 years ago
"The country doesn't need another split". What country is that? Britain isn't a country it is a union of four countries and one we need to get out of as quickly as we possibly can. The UK is undemocratic, Westminster is riddled with corruption and isn't just flirting with fascism but is openly embracing it.
liz brooks - 9 years ago
Getting out of the eu is actually a good thing, see what happened in Nice and Munich... uncontrolled influx of immigrants (Brussels will decide for Scotland) will change our country forever.
And I do not believe leaving the uk will bring us any good, our economy is much stronger staying in the uk, and we already have our own parliment.
I do not want to leave the uk and join the eu, that will lead us to become Greece, and very quickly.
Amanda Jane Gordon - 9 years ago
over 60% want it, it is time, we should remain in EU as independent small country, it will favour us. we need to be free from the yoke of oppression an d we have resources to do it .Discussions with EU countries to see who will support and recognise a UDI may be beneficial now too
Hugh Ferris - 9 years ago
If you look at the layout of the Scottish parliment Holyrood it is plain to see that Scotland is now a completely divided country. Unionists and Nationalists. Unfortunately for the Unionists their support seems to have platowed whike since the begining of the Scottish Independence referendum the support for Independence has steadily grown. It was 70% / 30% in favour of a No vote at the start of the independence referendum. Thats why the uk government neglected to fund the No campain properly and the rest is history. They assumed it was a for gone conclusion. The reality now is that Scotland only has 3 unionist MP's and the Scottish parliment has a majority of members in favour of independence. On basic numbers there is actualy an increase in independence supporting MSP's at Holyrood from the prevoius session even though the SNP were 2 seats short of a majority. Now we have the EU result and it magnify's the real difference between Scotland and England view on their placecin the world. Unfortunately for Scottish unionism the writing seems to be on the wall. The SNP smell blood and will take advantage of the massive mistake made by the Tory party in holding an EU referendum whilst at the same time neglecting non London/ poorer comunities. Nationalism will now grow even more rapid due to the inevitable financial down turn and self harm created by the EU result. The SNP lost the battle but itclooks inevitable now that they will win the war. Probably better for Scotland to break away sooner to limit the possible finacial damage coming towards us due to Europe making an example of Uk. Any unionists that cant see whats happening just have to look at the figures. Tne Nationalists have already won but it was by default. Time to get Scotlands plan for a better future and implement it, not hang around the coat tails of a broken UK.
Aaron - 9 years ago
Some bitter unionists here lol look at the poll more than 60% want indyref2
Lorraine Philips - 9 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon is Alex Salmons puppet - they have done nothing for Scotland - she talks the talk but does nothing - she is in it for her own fame - THE BIG I AM - her own constituency in Glasgow is a complete shambles and is pretty much ignored by her - its is on you tube - she is a disgrace - she promised to help the poorest - she has done nothing - bloody local radio station has raised and done more. Food banks, how many in Scotland ? in this day & age - Oil crisis in Aberdeen - 75,000 lost their jobs - promised help - no help in fact the local SNP guy for Aberdeen said there is no oil crisis .....Fishing industry - peterhead & fraserburgh and Aberdeen, Montrose etc - entire towns brought to its knees - Immigration - they are all welcome here really - Aberdeen Council alone spent over 400 thousand on translators last year - and I have seen hundreds of them here from all over, sleeping on street, 12 to a house - no jobs - begging on streets - some cannot speak english - why would you do this to these people - they came here hoping for a better life and we cannot help them and neither it appears can she....she got money from the EU for our farmers ( which we pay to them and get back) she has just been fined by the EU for not paying them - she is an utter disgrace - yet hot footing it all over the place - begging on our behalf ??? I have never begged in my life - she does not speak for me.....I want her out and take Salmon with you
Charles Beckham - 9 years ago
I just said in this poll that Sturgeon should push for Scottish Independence NOW.
Oh, BTW, I am English and say now as I did when Scots had their first vote: "I they want independence let the English vote on it"!
rab houston - 9 years ago
when the goal posts are moved the game should restart , remember cameron is to blame for all of this yes cameron of the unionist party he was running scared of ukip and promised a eu ref in a attempt to stop tories voting ukip and keep HIM in no10 ,not only should their be a scottish indy ref there should be a gen election pity labour are such a joke , name one unionist in westminster you trust
Terry - 9 years ago
There needs to be a 4th option
Yes for Independence, NO to the EU.
Loveofscotch - 9 years ago
These are very worrying times. I think Nicola Sturgeon is playing with fire by heading to Brussels to meeet with EU leaders. Firstly, they have said there will be no informal negotiations. So why is the meeting happening? The EU cannot be seen to be actively aiding the break up of the UK. It will be a political nightmare! I think Merkel will intervene on this and Nicola will find all doors in Brussels closed to her. If not, then it looks like the EU are not respecting the democratic wishes of the majority, which sends a strong message to the likes of Marine Le Penne and all EU citizens!
Now i know that Scotland voted to remain, and i did too. I want a strong Scotland in the UK and a strong UK in the EU but we have had a nation wide referendum. It was never 4 seperate referendums in each uk country. We knew that the outcome would be based on a majority vote and that England has the largest population so there was always a risk of this. If we did not want the referendum, Nicola Sturgeon should have blocked it and made westminster wait until an agreement was reached between all 4 uk countries. But she didnt! She knew that if Scotland voted remain, she would be one step closer to her dream of an independent Scotland so she made no attempt to block it or draw up terms for Scotland.
Now, when i went to the polling station to vote, i knew, by ticking the box, i had agreed to the terms of this referendum and, regardless of the outcome, i knew i would have to respect what the majority outcome was. If i dont respect the outcome, it means i dont believe in democracy. When the vote happened in 2014, i feared that, if the outcome was for Scotland to leave the uk, it would be blocked by westminster. But i also feared that Salmond and Sturgeon would not respect the outcome if it were a vote to stay in the UK. Which isnt far from true these last 2 years. Nicola cannot block the result of this referendum in the same way that the rest of the uk could not block the result of the referendum in 2014.
I dont believe for a second that every person in Scotland thought that the result of this referendum would not apply to them. When we went to the polls, we knew this referendum applied to us and the result applied to us too.
Now, if there is to be a second referendum on Scotland, then fine. But as far as the UK in the EU is concerned, the matter is resolved and has been resolved by democratic means because the whole of the uk voted, not just England, all of us!
If scotland votes out of the uk, it can then apply to join the eu as an independent country. That will be the message from Brussles and from EU leaders. Sturgeon needs to back off and let the dust settle.
One thing that i have realised though, by leaving the EU, The UK became an independent country, that includes Scotland. So Scotland is now more independent than it has been for the last 43 years and, due to the new powers agreed in 2014, more than in the last 309 years. So what exactly is it that Nicola wants? Full independece will only be achieved outside of the UK and the EU. Scotland now has a chance to shape its relationship with the rest of yhe UK and strike a deal for itself in relation to the new powers the UK now has. It could be a win win for Scotland in the long run. This is why Nicola needs to chill out and wait!
Sean Crawford - 9 years ago
Scotland voted to remain a part of the UK in 2014 which at the time was a member of the European Union. Propaganda from the NO Thanks campaign explicitly stated that a vote for Independence would damage our entry into the European Union, 2 years later The majority of England and Wales have overruled the people of Scotland and Northern Ireland in a UK Wide referendum and the result is that Scotland will be dragged unwillingly out of the Union they voted to remain a part of TWICE.
This completely shows the lack of importance and even influence Scotland have in the UK.
If Scotland had been aware of the EU departure we now face today, the independence vote would have resulted differently. After the UK begged Scotland to stay on the basis that we would remain within the EU and has now gone on only 2 years later to demolish the many claims the No Thanks campaign promoted. Under the manifesto that was implemented at the time of the Scottish Referendum in 2014, Scotland can petition for independence once again as the terms created by the UK government at that time are completely null and void today.
Chris Johnston - 9 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon will never accept a 'NO' result in a referendum. Suddenly she is committed to the will of the people. Where is her commitment to the 55% of the Scottish people that voted NO to leaving the UK. Unshackle us from Westminster only to shackle us to an antidemocratic organisation even further away. How can she claim that as Independence? I voted to leave the EU, I voted to stay as part of the UK and I will do so again, I do not believe that Nicola Sturgeon or her cohorts have Scotland's best interest at heart. she is a self serving ego maniac much like her mentor predecessor
Gabrielle Harrington - 9 years ago
She has no authority to hold a referendum - and there is as yet no certainty that the UK will leave the EU. The article 50 trigger has not been activated and the result of the remain/leave poll is only advisory, it is not law. The result was close and it is perfectly feasible that the looming prospect of political and financial melt-down will end up with no trigger of article 50 and/or a second referendum on Europe. We will see. Anyway, to break up the UK in the present global climate would, to my mind, be very silly.
Lee Appleby - 9 years ago
I'm sure a lot of voters opted to stay as park of the UK because leaving would mean leaving the EU too. With such a major change so soon I feel it's only right that they are allowed to revote.
To all the people saying the vote has been decided and now they must stick with it because that's democracy... This is not simply taking another vote just because they didn't get the result they wanted the first time. This is taking another vote because the circumstances have changed so drastically and many original voters did so on the basis of remaining in the EU and because of this, refusing to allow a revote undermines democracy.
Murray Hendrie - 9 years ago
If she accepts the will of the people she should also accept the vote where 55% said no to Scots independence. Being a a democrat.isnt a part-time hobby, you can't pick and choose when you want to listen to the people speak!!
Charles Palmer - 9 years ago
I regret to say that I was lulled into voting for independence after much soul searching. It was a tough decision. The "once in a life time" opportunity to decide on such a fundamental issue meant the decision on what to vote had a level of criticality that caused many voters difficulty in arriving at their decision. The European question wasn't an issue. The issue was one thing - do we stay as part of the UK or not, regardless of challenges or opportunities ahead in either direction. In the weeks and months that followed it became clear that we had been lied to by the SNP. Subsequently, the SNP economics adviser resigned and made public that the SNP economic policy would never have worked. Indeed if we had become independent we would have quickly become bankrupt. No one focussed at the time of the referendum on the fact that some 90% of Scottish exports are taken up by the UK. The European singe market is a complete red herring. Scotland with restricted access to the UK market, trade barriers, and a border to cross would be in an impossible position. Then there is the currency question - the one the SNP told us to trust them on last time. They were banking on being allowed to use the pound.
I have had to ask myself why on earth I voted for Independence when it now clearly seems to be a path to disaster. And with the UK out of Europe, Scottish independence would mean an even surer road to chaos and disaster. For me it was because I was hypnotised by the relentless drive of the SNP and their promises of a brighter future. But its absolutely clear that the likes of Salmond, Sturgeon and Swinney will do anything, say anything, twist anything to achieve their aim of independence - I cannot trust anything they say because they are unable to take a balanced view of what is right for Scotland. Their positions change with the wind to suit their crusade.
Whereas it took an enormous effort to decide between independence and remaining within the UK the last time because of the complexity and seriousness of the decision - I am now crystal clear that a) I could never trust the SNP (they are fanatical fantasists) and b) with the UK out of Europe independence for Scotland would be assured disaster. We should not have another referendum - lets turn our attention to making the most out of the savings and opportunities available from Brexit. I see there is now a passionate debate starting amongst German politicians about Germany's continued role in the EU. It seems Germany is the biggest net payer and the UK the second biggest. Without the UK's net contribution Europe itself will need to make some changes - hardly an attractive proposition for Scotland.
christine - 9 years ago
NO NO we don't need another referendum - we were told this was a once in a lifetime vote and the result was that we did not want to leave the United KIngdom - so the people had spoken and that should be the end of it!The referendum for business in Scotland (prior to the results) was catastrophic particullary to us in business who rely on sales south of the border and overseas nobody wanted to purchase from us for fear of what the future of business between us was going to hold.
The First Minister is certainly no business woman or she would be putting business first and not her own selfish ego! Maybe it's time we had another vote on her!!
John - 9 years ago
I wish all UK residents could vote for the SNP. Nicola would get my vote any day.
Wayne - 9 years ago
In 2012, the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee sought a clarification about how Scottish independence might affect its EU membership from the then European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. In his response, Barroso wrote:
"Although there is no certainty, it appears an independent Scotland would not automatically become a member of the EU but would instead have to re-apply and complete a process of accession... A new independent state would, by the fact of its independence, become a third country with respect to the EU and the Treaties would no longer apply on its territory."
Mr Barroso added that an independent Scotland would be able to apply to become a member and the application would be treated in the usual way. This would mean that, if the other member countries accepted the application unanimously, an agreement between Scotland and the EU would be negotiated, the EU Treaties adjusted and, finally, ratified by all member states.
Nicola Sturgeon was happy to remove Scotland from the EU 2 years ago(did she care about how Scotland felt about staying in the EU then?) and now she is using Brexit as an excuse to hold another referendum, if that does happen and she does get the independence she is so much craving for where will that leave Scotland, out of the UK and still most probably out of the EU, so ask yourself is she trying look after Scotland's best interests or just her own warped personal agenda.
Jay Cee - 9 years ago
I vote SNP but I'm voted No and would again! all Nicola Sturgen is interested is making a name for herself in the History books. She's a muppet hasn't got a clue! Scotland would be the new Greece if it was a yes vote. Best she sticks to appearing on the Crankies....
Pauline - 9 years ago
Scotland had a referendum on independence. At the time it was conducted, the electorate was fully aware a referendum on the EU was coming up. The independence referendum was only 2 years ago. It was fairly and properly conducted. It produced a clear, democratic result. You can't keep holding referendums till you get the result you want, each one is hugely divisive. Scotland voted to stay in the UK, now it's up to her people and her leaders to ensure that the new independent UK is stronger, fitter and better. What Scotland DOES need is either the Scottish Labour Party sorted out so that it can provide a credible opposition, or an entirely new political party to do so . A one-party state is not healthy politics.
GeeJay - 9 years ago
By agreeing to stay part of the UK in 2014, Scotland also agreed to respect and abide by the collective decisions of the UK. THAT my fellow correspondents is DEMOCRACY.
its 5.15 and its Crackerjack !! - 9 years ago
Vince was obviously educated south of the boarder. When you learn to read and write..please give us an educated response.
vince - 9 years ago
lol, what about the democracy, well what about it, scotland gets a government they dont vote for, wheres that democracy, scotland voted stay but getting dragged out of the EU, wheres that democracy, you dont want to be controlled by brussels, yet your happy to control scotland, wheres that democracy, ppl in scotland was told if you want to stay in the EU then vote no, to stay in the uk, ppl voted no, then the rest of uk votes out, sturgeon does not want to be in the history books, she wants whats best for scotland, even north of england suffer from westminster, scotland is ignored, all the parties cames up during the indy ref, after it, they ignored scotland, and our revenue is high that excludes oil "ian" "selena mackie" if ur in scotland ur free to move south if u not like it..."linda mills" ppl in the EU voted leave thinking it stop immigration, as farage said on tv, "no one said immigration would stop, they will still come to work" his words, and the £350 million he was going to use for the NHS, farage said "oh i never said that, that was the leave campaigns mistake" again his words, calais is now wanting to move control from there to the uk, so expect thousands of immigrations now, and it was westminster that let them in, seriously u vote without knowing facts is scary, read facts instead of listening to twats, so as i said where is the democracy for scotland, there is none, problem with england is, they think england is the uk, and the uk is england, its not...they want their cake and eat it....seems like alot of ppl that voted leave now wish they voted stay, i for one will vote SNP, and fight for our independence, i am no traitor and i will not back down to no westminster gov, for whom scotland did not vote for, but thats democracy eh !!!. either we get it, or call a cival war and i sign up first.....SOAR ALBA GU BRATH.
linda mills - 9 years ago
I think Nicola Sturgeon has no other agenda apart from independence what about the people of Scotland who do not want independence what about the people of Scotland who voted out of the eu ..It seems that Nicola sturgeon and her snp are only interested in the sheep who wish to follow her to our countries demise.
start being the leader you were voted to be and rule the nation and get a plan in action to get on some sort of unification of the uk to encourage and give some confidence to the Scottish people that now we are out of the eu that you have some other plan apart from independence because frankly its not going to happen people are sick hearing it...Anyone with half a brain knows its a pipe dream get on with doing what you were voted in to do make our nation economically stable ...and keep the migrants out were already struggling to survive I myself have 2 jobs my partner works 7 days a week ridiculous hours just to survive I benefit zero from my ni contributions or my huge taxes on wages ..and snp want more refugees to drain our resources and then cry racist when we complain...nope enough is enough
MAx Woolfson - 9 years ago
If the result had been Remain and the majority less than the remain majority in Scotland it could have been said that Scotland had kept the rest of the UK in the union. The rest would have had to follow the result due to something called democracy. So because the majority in the UK voted to leave everybody who agrees with democracy should live with the result. If you moan and make demands and decry the result and want a way to overturn it then you are denying the demacratic process and you do not believe in democracy but a one party state and dictatorship. No other way of looking at it.
selina mackie - 9 years ago
what part of NO does sturgeon not understand her party ripped Scotland apart at the 1st indy ref and tore families and friends apart...we were also promised only 1 indy ref in our life time but obviously it was all lies so much for democracy. her and her party are free to move to Brussels if she wants to be part of the EU!!!!!!!
ian - 9 years ago
can someone please explain tp the hoards of people who woukd now vote in favour of independence,so we could possibly rejion the eu,where do we get the billions to pay the eu,oh i forgot the snp are still driving the nail with income from oil haha,sturgeon will bring scotland on the brink of poverty,being part of the eu will decimate industry in scotland with thousands of job losses is this the legacy we want to leave our grandchildren i think not
David Gibson - 9 years ago
EU Referendum, National or Regional?
On the 23rd of June 2016 Great Britain as a whole voted to leave the EU.
Regardless of where the votes came from, the majority decision was for Brexit and that is overwhelmingly the will of the British people.
The following information from the SNP is totally irrelevant.
All 32 local authorities in Scotland voted to remain part of the EU but, because of the Leave vote in England, Scotland will still be forced out of the EU. The result means Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will now come under pressure to call a second independence referendum. The SNP manifesto for May’s Scottish Parliament election said there should be another ballot if there was a “significant and material” change in circumstances from the 2014 vote, such as Scotland being taken out of the EU against its will.
The facts, totally relevant.
In laymans terms, the total voter count in Scotland was 2.68 million votes cast with 62% chosing to remain while 38% voted to leave the EU.
Percentage wise this would seem like a significant vote in favour of remain, however the actual figures paint a totally different picture.
Approx total votes cast by Scottish voters – 2.68 million
Remain - 1.66 million
Leave - 1.02 million
This would indicate a majority of approx 640,000 votes, which in the grand scheme of things in a Nationwide Referendum, where approx 34 million votes were cast by all 4 countries, is actually no more significant than the leave vote in Wales or the remain vote in Northern Ireland. Even the overwhelming remain vote of the inner London Boroughs became insignificant when put against the will of the majority.
As 1 of the Scottish 1.02 million leave voters I would disagree wholeheartedly with the SNP indication at a second independence referendum for Scotland.
The 2014 Independence Referendum was always intended to be a final say for the Scottish people to leave or remain in the UK. The remain vote by the people of Scotland was a democratic decision made by the same majority who have voted in the EU Referendum. This is what democracy is all about, the will of the majority and in both cases the majority have spoken. Whether these decisions are right or wrong they are the decisions of the majority and they should be upheld. Only time and strong leadership from Parliament and the National Assembly’s will decide if the results were in the best interests of individual countries and the nation as a whole.
I stand by both of my decisions, to remain in the UK and to leave the EU.
james - 9 years ago
yeah sure look where that got you last time, scotland says NAW
Paul Robison - 9 years ago
The game has changed significantly since the last referendum; we were told that a yes vote meant we would be out of the EU, that turned out well! We were also told that the UKs' broad shoulders would protect our oil industry in hard times - that didn't happen either. So with 65k+ jobs lost, a lot of them in Aberdeen, I wonder if the Granite City is now ready to vote Yes like Dundee, Glasgow, etc.
Andy Robertson - 9 years ago
nice try to split the yes vote, typical unionist ploy. Put together its 57% yes
anne carson - 9 years ago
i know a lot of no voters who have now changed to yes
Kathleen donald - 9 years ago
I am a person who' votes snp and supports independence ,but if nicola sturgeon thinks she can have another referendum for independence because of the eu result then my vote for Scotland will be no. I believe she wants to be in the history books as the first minister to gain independence for scotland
its 5.15 and its Crackerjack. !! - 9 years ago
The SNP held this referendum..they lost. Scotland chose to stay in the UK. The UK has now chosen to leave the EU. The SNP mandate is Scottish Independence..why then does Sturgeon feel we need to vote to leave one federation...to join another...that's NOT Independence...that's just another term for Colonialism. The EU are far worse for Scotland than the UK ever was. The EU will dominate Scotland from Brussels..they will determine Scottish Laws...Immigration... business decisions and just about every other bilateral matter concerning Scotland. If Sturgeon says she has the answers...sorry but in my opinion she is lying. Poor leadership results in Poor decisions..the last referendum resulted in division and instability. Its time for a concerted effort by a forthright leader to take this opportunity to go forward and make Scotland strong again inside an independent UK. Do yourself a favor...get Sturgeon out.
I voted YES in 2014 and I will vote NO in 20-whenever
Simple - I despise the EU
So long as Nicola and SNP have their sights set on EU membership then I am OUT of Scottish Indy.
Full Independence - not swapping it for EU chains and all the garbage that entails.
I want my country to control everything that my country does. Simple. I'm not snp but I am strongly for independence. Westminster have been making a right mess of things since around 2002/3 ... Scotland can do much better. Look at the international scratching of heads when it comes to GERS... creative accounting of that magnitude should be a criminal offence. We are economically positioned to do very well... better I think than England but that remains to be seen.
I'm ashamed of the uk. They are doing things in my name that are abhorrent. I've had enough.
Also...why is there so much push back for a second independence referendum?
Iif Scotland is so much of an economic drain, why are they so desperate to stop us leaving?
Sentimentality is NOT a quality you'd attribute to Westminster politics..... it has to be financial.
This poll means nothing. The referendum on Europe was to vote on the UNITED KINGDOM to remain or leave the fascist EU not if Scotland wants to. Scotland is going down the sewer not because of Westminster but because the Scottish nazi party do not have a clue on how to run the country even with the new powers they have been given. They are corrupt anglophobic racists and must be exposed at every turn. Rule Britannia.
Scotland is a country of the UK, not a region. Scotland was told to vote no in order to stay in the EU. At that time the Tories had not announced an EU referendum. We did as they said and voted no. Scotland has now voted for the UK to remain in the EU, along with NI who are the real losers here in my opinion, but instead of this ending up in a 50/50 tie between this "family of nations", for every 1 vote Scotland had the other 3 countries had roughly 10 combined, and they voted to leave the EU. Now the referendum of 2014 has been made redundant by this new question of which parent Scotland wants to live with after the divorce. They've both ruled out shared custody, and the UK has promised to uphold the decision to end the union with Europe. Europe has been supportive of keeping the union with Scotland - practically offering us to just remain in the UK's place in the bed. But it's noted globally that the democratic thing is to listen to the will of the people, and uphold their views, and what better way to do so than to ask them to clarify which union they want to remain part of, if any. It is because we are a country of the UK and not region that we have to hold another referendum on the UK, because both the EU and the UK are refusing to allow Scotland to remain in both. To not even ask would be the most anti-democratic response to the question we're already faced with.
All the promises they made to make us vote 'no' have been broken.
All the threats and fear have been exposed as lies.
Rub it out and do it properly.
There's only one way this is going, and the sooner ulterior motivated unionists accept that, the quicker they can lay off the blood pressure pills. Scotland will become Independent, no more the playground of the wealthy sociopathic type. Our Highlands will be returned to us, the aforementioned types will be removed from our commitees and we'll be free.
SCOTLAND is Ready, as for the ENGLISH having a Vote on it is WRONG
They have the vote on EVERYTHING that is why SCOTLAND, EVEN WALES and IRELAND never get what they Want
The population of ENGLAND is 50 times bigger than SCOTLAND, and as they are the MAJORITY of the UK
We could NEVER "WIN"
NO I am not ANTI ENGLISH, my Mother is ENGLISH her Relations that have moved to SCOTLAND , all as I did VOTED for "INDEPENDENCE".
"The country doesn't need another split". What country is that? Britain isn't a country it is a union of four countries and one we need to get out of as quickly as we possibly can. The UK is undemocratic, Westminster is riddled with corruption and isn't just flirting with fascism but is openly embracing it.
Getting out of the eu is actually a good thing, see what happened in Nice and Munich... uncontrolled influx of immigrants (Brussels will decide for Scotland) will change our country forever.
And I do not believe leaving the uk will bring us any good, our economy is much stronger staying in the uk, and we already have our own parliment.
I do not want to leave the uk and join the eu, that will lead us to become Greece, and very quickly.
over 60% want it, it is time, we should remain in EU as independent small country, it will favour us. we need to be free from the yoke of oppression an d we have resources to do it .Discussions with EU countries to see who will support and recognise a UDI may be beneficial now too
If you look at the layout of the Scottish parliment Holyrood it is plain to see that Scotland is now a completely divided country. Unionists and Nationalists. Unfortunately for the Unionists their support seems to have platowed whike since the begining of the Scottish Independence referendum the support for Independence has steadily grown. It was 70% / 30% in favour of a No vote at the start of the independence referendum. Thats why the uk government neglected to fund the No campain properly and the rest is history. They assumed it was a for gone conclusion. The reality now is that Scotland only has 3 unionist MP's and the Scottish parliment has a majority of members in favour of independence. On basic numbers there is actualy an increase in independence supporting MSP's at Holyrood from the prevoius session even though the SNP were 2 seats short of a majority. Now we have the EU result and it magnify's the real difference between Scotland and England view on their placecin the world. Unfortunately for Scottish unionism the writing seems to be on the wall. The SNP smell blood and will take advantage of the massive mistake made by the Tory party in holding an EU referendum whilst at the same time neglecting non London/ poorer comunities. Nationalism will now grow even more rapid due to the inevitable financial down turn and self harm created by the EU result. The SNP lost the battle but itclooks inevitable now that they will win the war. Probably better for Scotland to break away sooner to limit the possible finacial damage coming towards us due to Europe making an example of Uk. Any unionists that cant see whats happening just have to look at the figures. Tne Nationalists have already won but it was by default. Time to get Scotlands plan for a better future and implement it, not hang around the coat tails of a broken UK.
Some bitter unionists here lol look at the poll more than 60% want indyref2
Nicola Sturgeon is Alex Salmons puppet - they have done nothing for Scotland - she talks the talk but does nothing - she is in it for her own fame - THE BIG I AM - her own constituency in Glasgow is a complete shambles and is pretty much ignored by her - its is on you tube - she is a disgrace - she promised to help the poorest - she has done nothing - bloody local radio station has raised and done more. Food banks, how many in Scotland ? in this day & age - Oil crisis in Aberdeen - 75,000 lost their jobs - promised help - no help in fact the local SNP guy for Aberdeen said there is no oil crisis .....Fishing industry - peterhead & fraserburgh and Aberdeen, Montrose etc - entire towns brought to its knees - Immigration - they are all welcome here really - Aberdeen Council alone spent over 400 thousand on translators last year - and I have seen hundreds of them here from all over, sleeping on street, 12 to a house - no jobs - begging on streets - some cannot speak english - why would you do this to these people - they came here hoping for a better life and we cannot help them and neither it appears can she....she got money from the EU for our farmers ( which we pay to them and get back) she has just been fined by the EU for not paying them - she is an utter disgrace - yet hot footing it all over the place - begging on our behalf ??? I have never begged in my life - she does not speak for me.....I want her out and take Salmon with you
I just said in this poll that Sturgeon should push for Scottish Independence NOW.
Oh, BTW, I am English and say now as I did when Scots had their first vote: "I they want independence let the English vote on it"!
when the goal posts are moved the game should restart , remember cameron is to blame for all of this yes cameron of the unionist party he was running scared of ukip and promised a eu ref in a attempt to stop tories voting ukip and keep HIM in no10 ,not only should their be a scottish indy ref there should be a gen election pity labour are such a joke , name one unionist in westminster you trust
There needs to be a 4th option
Yes for Independence, NO to the EU.
These are very worrying times. I think Nicola Sturgeon is playing with fire by heading to Brussels to meeet with EU leaders. Firstly, they have said there will be no informal negotiations. So why is the meeting happening? The EU cannot be seen to be actively aiding the break up of the UK. It will be a political nightmare! I think Merkel will intervene on this and Nicola will find all doors in Brussels closed to her. If not, then it looks like the EU are not respecting the democratic wishes of the majority, which sends a strong message to the likes of Marine Le Penne and all EU citizens!
Now i know that Scotland voted to remain, and i did too. I want a strong Scotland in the UK and a strong UK in the EU but we have had a nation wide referendum. It was never 4 seperate referendums in each uk country. We knew that the outcome would be based on a majority vote and that England has the largest population so there was always a risk of this. If we did not want the referendum, Nicola Sturgeon should have blocked it and made westminster wait until an agreement was reached between all 4 uk countries. But she didnt! She knew that if Scotland voted remain, she would be one step closer to her dream of an independent Scotland so she made no attempt to block it or draw up terms for Scotland.
Now, when i went to the polling station to vote, i knew, by ticking the box, i had agreed to the terms of this referendum and, regardless of the outcome, i knew i would have to respect what the majority outcome was. If i dont respect the outcome, it means i dont believe in democracy. When the vote happened in 2014, i feared that, if the outcome was for Scotland to leave the uk, it would be blocked by westminster. But i also feared that Salmond and Sturgeon would not respect the outcome if it were a vote to stay in the UK. Which isnt far from true these last 2 years. Nicola cannot block the result of this referendum in the same way that the rest of the uk could not block the result of the referendum in 2014.
I dont believe for a second that every person in Scotland thought that the result of this referendum would not apply to them. When we went to the polls, we knew this referendum applied to us and the result applied to us too.
Now, if there is to be a second referendum on Scotland, then fine. But as far as the UK in the EU is concerned, the matter is resolved and has been resolved by democratic means because the whole of the uk voted, not just England, all of us!
If scotland votes out of the uk, it can then apply to join the eu as an independent country. That will be the message from Brussles and from EU leaders. Sturgeon needs to back off and let the dust settle.
One thing that i have realised though, by leaving the EU, The UK became an independent country, that includes Scotland. So Scotland is now more independent than it has been for the last 43 years and, due to the new powers agreed in 2014, more than in the last 309 years. So what exactly is it that Nicola wants? Full independece will only be achieved outside of the UK and the EU. Scotland now has a chance to shape its relationship with the rest of yhe UK and strike a deal for itself in relation to the new powers the UK now has. It could be a win win for Scotland in the long run. This is why Nicola needs to chill out and wait!
Scotland voted to remain a part of the UK in 2014 which at the time was a member of the European Union. Propaganda from the NO Thanks campaign explicitly stated that a vote for Independence would damage our entry into the European Union, 2 years later The majority of England and Wales have overruled the people of Scotland and Northern Ireland in a UK Wide referendum and the result is that Scotland will be dragged unwillingly out of the Union they voted to remain a part of TWICE.
This completely shows the lack of importance and even influence Scotland have in the UK.
If Scotland had been aware of the EU departure we now face today, the independence vote would have resulted differently. After the UK begged Scotland to stay on the basis that we would remain within the EU and has now gone on only 2 years later to demolish the many claims the No Thanks campaign promoted. Under the manifesto that was implemented at the time of the Scottish Referendum in 2014, Scotland can petition for independence once again as the terms created by the UK government at that time are completely null and void today.
Nicola Sturgeon will never accept a 'NO' result in a referendum. Suddenly she is committed to the will of the people. Where is her commitment to the 55% of the Scottish people that voted NO to leaving the UK. Unshackle us from Westminster only to shackle us to an antidemocratic organisation even further away. How can she claim that as Independence? I voted to leave the EU, I voted to stay as part of the UK and I will do so again, I do not believe that Nicola Sturgeon or her cohorts have Scotland's best interest at heart. she is a self serving ego maniac much like her mentor predecessor
She has no authority to hold a referendum - and there is as yet no certainty that the UK will leave the EU. The article 50 trigger has not been activated and the result of the remain/leave poll is only advisory, it is not law. The result was close and it is perfectly feasible that the looming prospect of political and financial melt-down will end up with no trigger of article 50 and/or a second referendum on Europe. We will see. Anyway, to break up the UK in the present global climate would, to my mind, be very silly.
I'm sure a lot of voters opted to stay as park of the UK because leaving would mean leaving the EU too. With such a major change so soon I feel it's only right that they are allowed to revote.
To all the people saying the vote has been decided and now they must stick with it because that's democracy... This is not simply taking another vote just because they didn't get the result they wanted the first time. This is taking another vote because the circumstances have changed so drastically and many original voters did so on the basis of remaining in the EU and because of this, refusing to allow a revote undermines democracy.
If she accepts the will of the people she should also accept the vote where 55% said no to Scots independence. Being a a democrat.isnt a part-time hobby, you can't pick and choose when you want to listen to the people speak!!
I regret to say that I was lulled into voting for independence after much soul searching. It was a tough decision. The "once in a life time" opportunity to decide on such a fundamental issue meant the decision on what to vote had a level of criticality that caused many voters difficulty in arriving at their decision. The European question wasn't an issue. The issue was one thing - do we stay as part of the UK or not, regardless of challenges or opportunities ahead in either direction. In the weeks and months that followed it became clear that we had been lied to by the SNP. Subsequently, the SNP economics adviser resigned and made public that the SNP economic policy would never have worked. Indeed if we had become independent we would have quickly become bankrupt. No one focussed at the time of the referendum on the fact that some 90% of Scottish exports are taken up by the UK. The European singe market is a complete red herring. Scotland with restricted access to the UK market, trade barriers, and a border to cross would be in an impossible position. Then there is the currency question - the one the SNP told us to trust them on last time. They were banking on being allowed to use the pound.
I have had to ask myself why on earth I voted for Independence when it now clearly seems to be a path to disaster. And with the UK out of Europe, Scottish independence would mean an even surer road to chaos and disaster. For me it was because I was hypnotised by the relentless drive of the SNP and their promises of a brighter future. But its absolutely clear that the likes of Salmond, Sturgeon and Swinney will do anything, say anything, twist anything to achieve their aim of independence - I cannot trust anything they say because they are unable to take a balanced view of what is right for Scotland. Their positions change with the wind to suit their crusade.
Whereas it took an enormous effort to decide between independence and remaining within the UK the last time because of the complexity and seriousness of the decision - I am now crystal clear that a) I could never trust the SNP (they are fanatical fantasists) and b) with the UK out of Europe independence for Scotland would be assured disaster. We should not have another referendum - lets turn our attention to making the most out of the savings and opportunities available from Brexit. I see there is now a passionate debate starting amongst German politicians about Germany's continued role in the EU. It seems Germany is the biggest net payer and the UK the second biggest. Without the UK's net contribution Europe itself will need to make some changes - hardly an attractive proposition for Scotland.
NO NO we don't need another referendum - we were told this was a once in a lifetime vote and the result was that we did not want to leave the United KIngdom - so the people had spoken and that should be the end of it!The referendum for business in Scotland (prior to the results) was catastrophic particullary to us in business who rely on sales south of the border and overseas nobody wanted to purchase from us for fear of what the future of business between us was going to hold.
The First Minister is certainly no business woman or she would be putting business first and not her own selfish ego! Maybe it's time we had another vote on her!!
I wish all UK residents could vote for the SNP. Nicola would get my vote any day.
In 2012, the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee sought a clarification about how Scottish independence might affect its EU membership from the then European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. In his response, Barroso wrote:
"Although there is no certainty, it appears an independent Scotland would not automatically become a member of the EU but would instead have to re-apply and complete a process of accession... A new independent state would, by the fact of its independence, become a third country with respect to the EU and the Treaties would no longer apply on its territory."
Mr Barroso added that an independent Scotland would be able to apply to become a member and the application would be treated in the usual way. This would mean that, if the other member countries accepted the application unanimously, an agreement between Scotland and the EU would be negotiated, the EU Treaties adjusted and, finally, ratified by all member states.
Nicola Sturgeon was happy to remove Scotland from the EU 2 years ago(did she care about how Scotland felt about staying in the EU then?) and now she is using Brexit as an excuse to hold another referendum, if that does happen and she does get the independence she is so much craving for where will that leave Scotland, out of the UK and still most probably out of the EU, so ask yourself is she trying look after Scotland's best interests or just her own warped personal agenda.
I vote SNP but I'm voted No and would again! all Nicola Sturgen is interested is making a name for herself in the History books. She's a muppet hasn't got a clue! Scotland would be the new Greece if it was a yes vote. Best she sticks to appearing on the Crankies....
Scotland had a referendum on independence. At the time it was conducted, the electorate was fully aware a referendum on the EU was coming up. The independence referendum was only 2 years ago. It was fairly and properly conducted. It produced a clear, democratic result. You can't keep holding referendums till you get the result you want, each one is hugely divisive. Scotland voted to stay in the UK, now it's up to her people and her leaders to ensure that the new independent UK is stronger, fitter and better. What Scotland DOES need is either the Scottish Labour Party sorted out so that it can provide a credible opposition, or an entirely new political party to do so . A one-party state is not healthy politics.
By agreeing to stay part of the UK in 2014, Scotland also agreed to respect and abide by the collective decisions of the UK. THAT my fellow correspondents is DEMOCRACY.
Vince was obviously educated south of the boarder. When you learn to read and write..please give us an educated response.
lol, what about the democracy, well what about it, scotland gets a government they dont vote for, wheres that democracy, scotland voted stay but getting dragged out of the EU, wheres that democracy, you dont want to be controlled by brussels, yet your happy to control scotland, wheres that democracy, ppl in scotland was told if you want to stay in the EU then vote no, to stay in the uk, ppl voted no, then the rest of uk votes out, sturgeon does not want to be in the history books, she wants whats best for scotland, even north of england suffer from westminster, scotland is ignored, all the parties cames up during the indy ref, after it, they ignored scotland, and our revenue is high that excludes oil "ian" "selena mackie" if ur in scotland ur free to move south if u not like it..."linda mills" ppl in the EU voted leave thinking it stop immigration, as farage said on tv, "no one said immigration would stop, they will still come to work" his words, and the £350 million he was going to use for the NHS, farage said "oh i never said that, that was the leave campaigns mistake" again his words, calais is now wanting to move control from there to the uk, so expect thousands of immigrations now, and it was westminster that let them in, seriously u vote without knowing facts is scary, read facts instead of listening to twats, so as i said where is the democracy for scotland, there is none, problem with england is, they think england is the uk, and the uk is england, its not...they want their cake and eat it....seems like alot of ppl that voted leave now wish they voted stay, i for one will vote SNP, and fight for our independence, i am no traitor and i will not back down to no westminster gov, for whom scotland did not vote for, but thats democracy eh !!!. either we get it, or call a cival war and i sign up first.....SOAR ALBA GU BRATH.
I think Nicola Sturgeon has no other agenda apart from independence what about the people of Scotland who do not want independence what about the people of Scotland who voted out of the eu ..It seems that Nicola sturgeon and her snp are only interested in the sheep who wish to follow her to our countries demise.
start being the leader you were voted to be and rule the nation and get a plan in action to get on some sort of unification of the uk to encourage and give some confidence to the Scottish people that now we are out of the eu that you have some other plan apart from independence because frankly its not going to happen people are sick hearing it...Anyone with half a brain knows its a pipe dream get on with doing what you were voted in to do make our nation economically stable ...and keep the migrants out were already struggling to survive I myself have 2 jobs my partner works 7 days a week ridiculous hours just to survive I benefit zero from my ni contributions or my huge taxes on wages ..and snp want more refugees to drain our resources and then cry racist when we complain...nope enough is enough
If the result had been Remain and the majority less than the remain majority in Scotland it could have been said that Scotland had kept the rest of the UK in the union. The rest would have had to follow the result due to something called democracy. So because the majority in the UK voted to leave everybody who agrees with democracy should live with the result. If you moan and make demands and decry the result and want a way to overturn it then you are denying the demacratic process and you do not believe in democracy but a one party state and dictatorship. No other way of looking at it.
what part of NO does sturgeon not understand her party ripped Scotland apart at the 1st indy ref and tore families and friends apart...we were also promised only 1 indy ref in our life time but obviously it was all lies so much for democracy. her and her party are free to move to Brussels if she wants to be part of the EU!!!!!!!
can someone please explain tp the hoards of people who woukd now vote in favour of independence,so we could possibly rejion the eu,where do we get the billions to pay the eu,oh i forgot the snp are still driving the nail with income from oil haha,sturgeon will bring scotland on the brink of poverty,being part of the eu will decimate industry in scotland with thousands of job losses is this the legacy we want to leave our grandchildren i think not
EU Referendum, National or Regional?
On the 23rd of June 2016 Great Britain as a whole voted to leave the EU.
Regardless of where the votes came from, the majority decision was for Brexit and that is overwhelmingly the will of the British people.
The following information from the SNP is totally irrelevant.
All 32 local authorities in Scotland voted to remain part of the EU but, because of the Leave vote in England, Scotland will still be forced out of the EU. The result means Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will now come under pressure to call a second independence referendum. The SNP manifesto for May’s Scottish Parliament election said there should be another ballot if there was a “significant and material” change in circumstances from the 2014 vote, such as Scotland being taken out of the EU against its will.
The facts, totally relevant.
In laymans terms, the total voter count in Scotland was 2.68 million votes cast with 62% chosing to remain while 38% voted to leave the EU.
Percentage wise this would seem like a significant vote in favour of remain, however the actual figures paint a totally different picture.
Approx total votes cast by Scottish voters – 2.68 million
Remain - 1.66 million
Leave - 1.02 million
This would indicate a majority of approx 640,000 votes, which in the grand scheme of things in a Nationwide Referendum, where approx 34 million votes were cast by all 4 countries, is actually no more significant than the leave vote in Wales or the remain vote in Northern Ireland. Even the overwhelming remain vote of the inner London Boroughs became insignificant when put against the will of the majority.
As 1 of the Scottish 1.02 million leave voters I would disagree wholeheartedly with the SNP indication at a second independence referendum for Scotland.
The 2014 Independence Referendum was always intended to be a final say for the Scottish people to leave or remain in the UK. The remain vote by the people of Scotland was a democratic decision made by the same majority who have voted in the EU Referendum. This is what democracy is all about, the will of the majority and in both cases the majority have spoken. Whether these decisions are right or wrong they are the decisions of the majority and they should be upheld. Only time and strong leadership from Parliament and the National Assembly’s will decide if the results were in the best interests of individual countries and the nation as a whole.
I stand by both of my decisions, to remain in the UK and to leave the EU.
yeah sure look where that got you last time, scotland says NAW
The game has changed significantly since the last referendum; we were told that a yes vote meant we would be out of the EU, that turned out well! We were also told that the UKs' broad shoulders would protect our oil industry in hard times - that didn't happen either. So with 65k+ jobs lost, a lot of them in Aberdeen, I wonder if the Granite City is now ready to vote Yes like Dundee, Glasgow, etc.
nice try to split the yes vote, typical unionist ploy. Put together its 57% yes
i know a lot of no voters who have now changed to yes
I am a person who' votes snp and supports independence ,but if nicola sturgeon thinks she can have another referendum for independence because of the eu result then my vote for Scotland will be no. I believe she wants to be in the history books as the first minister to gain independence for scotland
The SNP held this referendum..they lost. Scotland chose to stay in the UK. The UK has now chosen to leave the EU. The SNP mandate is Scottish Independence..why then does Sturgeon feel we need to vote to leave one federation...to join another...that's NOT Independence...that's just another term for Colonialism. The EU are far worse for Scotland than the UK ever was. The EU will dominate Scotland from Brussels..they will determine Scottish Laws...Immigration... business decisions and just about every other bilateral matter concerning Scotland. If Sturgeon says she has the answers...sorry but in my opinion she is lying. Poor leadership results in Poor decisions..the last referendum resulted in division and instability. Its time for a concerted effort by a forthright leader to take this opportunity to go forward and make Scotland strong again inside an independent UK. Do yourself a favor...get Sturgeon out.