What Are Your Views on Original Character Ponies?


  • n/a - 8 years ago

    i only like ocs if they are the thing that drives a good plot i am just particularly found of people punting ocs in stories that is the writer or is the main character now oc making for just pics, YouTube videos, or just for fun is alright and i tend to enjoy making an oc when it's just for a few laughs

    now the only way i normally will let an oc go by if they are the main character is when they actually have human qualities instead of trying to make them as edgy as fuck or make them extremely overpowered

  • name - 8 years ago

    How dare people use their imaginations to create things!

    Nah, even if they suck I don't see any reason to get upset about OCs. Why should I? Hell, FiM is just one little girl's set of MLP-based OCs. Go. Play. Make some cool shit up. Who knows, you do it often enough you might even make something other people like too.

  • Chrome Thunder - 8 years ago

    I have no problems with OC's. Even alicorn ones. Blogs like Terrible Ponies on Tumblr (which thankfully has been dead for almost a year now) that berate people for their OC's (and in many cases causes them to remove them) are cancers on the fandom. People can make their OC's however they want. You don't have to like them, and can offer critique or suggestions, but you don't have the right to tell them they can't make their OC like this or that.

  • HalflingPony - 8 years ago

    It depends entirely on context. If you want your avatar/ponysona to be a red and black alicorn who bears the Element of Wubs and is Vinyl Scratch's long-lost elder sister who was kidnapped and enslaved by changelings as a filly and ascended to alicornhood when she vanquished Chrysalis by creating a new kind of bass drop... well, TBH I'm probably going to look at you a little funny, but still, more power to you.
    If, on the other hand, you want to draw a bunch of art of said OC being fawned over by the Mane 6, I'm not going to care to look at it. If you actually want to RP with such a character, I'm going to look at you like you're completely crazy. And if you write a bunch of fanfic with a premise insisting on the existence of such a character in the actual MLPverse you had better be a damn good author if you want to have any chance to convince me that such a thing is in any conceivable fashion both reasonable and desirable.

  • BlueDragonAura - 8 years ago

    Well, the quality of OC stories and art have been on the rise as people finally got together some sense of color coordination and gained experience in writing fiction. Personal OC's in particular have significantly improved. However, the statements given are rather broad... and tend toward optimism. Nothing wrong with that, just an observation.

  • Vinyl_Scratch - 8 years ago

    I am cool with about half of the OC's out there I don't like them when they are self inserts or Alicorns I also don't like them when they are over dressed with every bit of clothing the creator could fit on there character.

  • CCD - 8 years ago

    I hit other since I really love well thought out OC that make sense in the MLP world.
    But there are a lot of over the top OC and "UNIQUE" styles that I just don't like when people toss them into the G4 MLP world with no deeper thought at all.

  • Fluttershy626 - 8 years ago

    I like oc's if they're interesting and creative (dessign, personality, or background OR all of it). Even though, I can accept them in fanmade stories as long as their role is interesting and they fit in (though I just rarely read fanfictions or fanmade comics). Or shippings with canon characters (the only thing I really dislike about oc's). Overall, I don't mind them and I respect them, though just rarely care for them. I can see nothing so bad about them.

  • Royal Brisk - 8 years ago

    It really depends on the OC. For every good OC there is easily 5-10 very bad ones. Granted this bad could range from bad character design (insert black and red pony here) to just badly developed character. Of course then there are the bad design AND badly developed...

  • Cro the Stray - 8 years ago

    I don't see how OC ponies could be bad in any way. I mean they are inspired by the show and (probably) by ourselvs or others we know. To me it is those kind of inspired and creative people are what make up half of this fandoms greatness. And that doesn't mean the one's who don't create are any less awesome, they make the other half by just being themselves, the way they are and only they can be. No creator would be doing their stuff if there was nopony to enjoy their work.
    To me OCs are a part of the inspiration that kickstarted this fandom and to be honest, even with the one's that are much older like Star Trek or Star Wars, i can't think of any fandom that creates soooo many kinds of stuff this fast. And the stuff i tend to see as comments can be realy encouraging and lovely.
    Some may have one OC, some may make ten, but there is no denying that they were all made with love and care (except for some pony creator ones, lol) , how could i dislike that?

  • ChocolateCrane - 8 years ago

    OC ponies are fucking disgusting ABOMINATIONS OF MANKIND!

    Unless you count Snowdrop, ofc. ( I want to rape her delicious, non-functioning eyeballs

  • Drax99 - 8 years ago

    There are a few that i have grown to like, like Flufflepuff, Lilpip, and such, but as a whole, I detest OCs. I wont even write any stories about my own OC, no matter how many time I am asked.

  • Zebugamer45 - 8 years ago

    Let's say I don't really mind OCs... except when it's LITTLEPIIIIIP!! :D

  • lhhh - 8 years ago

    Another rigged poll with a single option to say "No" and several variations of "Yes, I like X!ยช"

    This is Equestria Daily for you.

  • don - 8 years ago

    Crystal Clairity, Sparity the Dragon, Lavender etc. Lots of fine work that's out and about.

    Talent galore in this fandom - Seaponies, bat ponies, Draconies, Pongons, Dragacorns and OC ponies.

    Twilights School for Fantastic Foals another fine work...On FimFiction.

    Rouge Diamond Comics

    The Plushies

    The fun

    Too much stuff

    So little $$$$

  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    To me I like pony OC's that people make because some can be really good. I enjoy the ones I see in reviews and etc. I don't like OC in fanfics, fanmdade comics, etc. that have a big part with the other characters past times, shipping, and things like that. That's really annoying.

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