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Will Trump get dumped at the RNC?

Total Votes: 3,897

  • PoqVaUSA - 8 years ago

    Three reasons delegates should not be bound to Trump:
    1. Democrat crossover voters put Trump over the top.
    2. Trump has changed his positions on key issues since the primaries.
    3. Poles show Trump will lose to Hillary in November. The House and
    Senate races will suffer for it, and Hillary will stuff the Supreme Court
    with Progressives.

    Why should delegates be bound to a nominee chosen by Democrats,
    who does not hold the positions he held when people voted in primaries,
    and who will hand the Presidency, and therefore the Supreme Court,
    over to the Democrats, while trashing the 'down ticket' races?


  • Diannnoeora - 8 years ago

    Robotic Ted Cruz, the voters have spoken and the greatest majority do NOT want DJT. BTW, the U.S.A. Is NOT a democracy.

  • grayson4cruz - 8 years ago

    Trump is not just a buffoon - he’s a danger that can’t be unleashed on the world. The Titanic at the top of the ticket will always hurt down ticket, and now there are Republicans vowing not to support any Republican who supports Trump. If Republicans don’t get rid of Trump they should start preparing for a down ticket blood bath.

  • BikerHoop - 8 years ago

    We are at the point where Trump is the only way out. All of this other crap is nonsense.

  • Ruthie Thompson - 8 years ago

    Seems Donald is the candidate. Perhaps Shadowman should tend to his ailements rather than that witch adults should deal with. I know it is hard to accept.

  • Joe - 8 years ago

    Trump is a conservative and people need to rally behind him.

  • David Ford - 8 years ago

    Some should revisit Picketts Charge... Especially that RightScoop crowd. The massive slaughter will go down in history as one of he stupidest maneuvers in political history. The Old Man is going to have a Malox moment come the convention

  • Molon labe - 8 years ago

    Like the little malady candy ass Shadowman, cry a river and block those who disagree that Ted Cruz is some sort of savior to the so called conservative movement. The so called Republican party is gone...

  • 2noxtnt - 8 years ago

    One must learn to embrace the things they fear..

  • Daj - 8 years ago

    The people are speaking. There's obviously a lot more conservative republicans against Trump than for him.
    The democrat crossovers are gone. They will be voting democrat in the general.
    Stop acting surprised that a proven progressive democrat salesman is running into this type of resistance with true conservative values voters. You were warned in August that Trump would not and could not beat Hillary.
    Trump is not the choice of the people. He's the choice of democrats and moderate to liberal "republicans". BTW. This is a republic. Not a democracy. The rules are set up so the uninformed mob rule cant take over.
    He's your mess. Wear him proudly!

  • Melanie - 8 years ago

    Trump has crossed the line. He has now flipped on gun control by supporting the no fly no buy/terrorist watch list. Standing against gun control is a BASIC republican policy. If Trump can flip on gun control he is not to be trusted with ANY issue. The delegates have a duty to uphold the republican platform.

  • Sandra-Anne Cronin - 8 years ago

    If the republican party wants to survive as a structure within the government they will not. If they get stupid they will force a third party win. Very few people today vote party, if it was not for the restriction on primaries and caucuses very few of us would be listed as either party. And with most if you put in a position of the rock and the hard place when you vote pres in either party you go the other way and everything else just to keep the stupid to a limit.

  • Olivia - 8 years ago

    12 million democrats crossed over to vote for trump in open primaries. Democrats should have no say in who is the republican nominee.

  • Robotic Ted Cruz - 8 years ago

    This poll is a disgrace to American democracy. The voters have spoken and they have chosen Donald Trump to be the nominee for the Republican party. To attempt to defy the will of the voters at the convention is a recipe for disaster.

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