Tony BLAIR is saint and holy man and of course G W Bush is a Angel
More than 25% people think he acted in good faith
People wants WAR and that is one in four , do blame TB or GWB
Neo colonial ideas , regime change , NOT for oil , for Democracy ? free world
Robert Mugabe is a good man too , but the ? west is not interested in Regime change why ? OIL
Come on ................................. people
Stevo - 9 years ago
I think the man should tried in court for murder for every single war death
esnowball - 9 years ago
Try telling that to all the parents that have lost sons and daughters or to the soldiers who have lost legs arms and their mental health. TB lied lied lied his way to war and should pay now for his lies. How this man can say the world is now a better place because of this war is seriously deluded.
I can't believe so many people think he should face legal action - do they realise that the client has a legal right to have an advocate present at an assessment and that Maximus were knowingly breaking the law in asking him to leave? Anyone who had had to deal with Maximus or Atos would realise what a major blow for the rights of sick and vulnerable people this is.
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Tony BLAIR is saint and holy man and of course G W Bush is a Angel
More than 25% people think he acted in good faith
People wants WAR and that is one in four , do blame TB or GWB
Neo colonial ideas , regime change , NOT for oil , for Democracy ? free world
Robert Mugabe is a good man too , but the ? west is not interested in Regime change why ? OIL
Come on ................................. people
I think the man should tried in court for murder for every single war death
Try telling that to all the parents that have lost sons and daughters or to the soldiers who have lost legs arms and their mental health. TB lied lied lied his way to war and should pay now for his lies. How this man can say the world is now a better place because of this war is seriously deluded.
I can't believe so many people think he should face legal action - do they realise that the client has a legal right to have an advocate present at an assessment and that Maximus were knowingly breaking the law in asking him to leave? Anyone who had had to deal with Maximus or Atos would realise what a major blow for the rights of sick and vulnerable people this is.