I think white celebrities who speak out on injustices in the black community are damned if they do, damned if they don't so when they do it in a respectful way, I actually appreciate it because they risk alienating their white fans. I've seen several posts where Matt McGory of How to Get Away With Murder and OITNB fame have posted some woke ass tweets and each time one of his white fans tells him how divisive he's being yet he continues to do it. We need white people to speak up to, because sometimes black people can educate and protest until we're blue in the face but some white people will only listen to other white people. And as fucked up as that is, that's just how it is sometimes.
Mark - 9 years ago
White people should speak out - but they need to be sincere and confident in what they are saying. Because there could be pushback. If they are going to fold like a cheap suit, at the first negative comment, then they do no one any good. It would probably help if they had some goodwill; for example, have they been around people of different races before? Are they known to frequent activities where people of different races might be? Is the community in question familiar enough with them? Are there people of the race in question that could - if it came to it - vouch for them in a way that would be accepted (versus a nice-but-insincere act to save someone from figurative drowning)?
The first few occasions of speaking up should probably be in audio or video form, so that people don't misinterpret the tone of what the celebrity is saying. I would recommend a talk show or podcast format, with someone who has credibility, and might guide them through bumpy patches in what they are saying. Once the training wheels come off, the celeb should be good to go solo commenting, knowing that at least some people will have his or her back.
dre3dub - 9 years ago
I think they should speak up due to the fact that it does seem that whom delivers the message, is more important than the message. Why does the victims need to be perfect and the protestors need to identify more than saying something is or isn't right. I know that is a simple way to encapsulate the problems, but I believe if society says this person has been deemed as someone who is worth listening too, society does. And society worships celebrities.
uaintgottheansa aka Aida - 9 years ago
This is such an interesting poll because many of us who are a part of this movement are divided. Personally, I think EVERYONE should speak out. We live in two different Americas despite what people think but for me, silence means you support what's going on. Period. There isn't a grey area with things like this. People do not understand that being silent when you see injustice makes you just as complicit as the person delivering the injustice. Sure, famous people say dumb shit at times, but if they didnt say anything, those same people telling them to shut up would be saying: "They can steal our culture but can't speak up." Its ridiculous. Everybody needs to speak up! Errybody.
I think white celebrities who speak out on injustices in the black community are damned if they do, damned if they don't so when they do it in a respectful way, I actually appreciate it because they risk alienating their white fans. I've seen several posts where Matt McGory of How to Get Away With Murder and OITNB fame have posted some woke ass tweets and each time one of his white fans tells him how divisive he's being yet he continues to do it. We need white people to speak up to, because sometimes black people can educate and protest until we're blue in the face but some white people will only listen to other white people. And as fucked up as that is, that's just how it is sometimes.
White people should speak out - but they need to be sincere and confident in what they are saying. Because there could be pushback. If they are going to fold like a cheap suit, at the first negative comment, then they do no one any good. It would probably help if they had some goodwill; for example, have they been around people of different races before? Are they known to frequent activities where people of different races might be? Is the community in question familiar enough with them? Are there people of the race in question that could - if it came to it - vouch for them in a way that would be accepted (versus a nice-but-insincere act to save someone from figurative drowning)?
The first few occasions of speaking up should probably be in audio or video form, so that people don't misinterpret the tone of what the celebrity is saying. I would recommend a talk show or podcast format, with someone who has credibility, and might guide them through bumpy patches in what they are saying. Once the training wheels come off, the celeb should be good to go solo commenting, knowing that at least some people will have his or her back.
I think they should speak up due to the fact that it does seem that whom delivers the message, is more important than the message. Why does the victims need to be perfect and the protestors need to identify more than saying something is or isn't right. I know that is a simple way to encapsulate the problems, but I believe if society says this person has been deemed as someone who is worth listening too, society does. And society worships celebrities.
This is such an interesting poll because many of us who are a part of this movement are divided. Personally, I think EVERYONE should speak out. We live in two different Americas despite what people think but for me, silence means you support what's going on. Period. There isn't a grey area with things like this. People do not understand that being silent when you see injustice makes you just as complicit as the person delivering the injustice. Sure, famous people say dumb shit at times, but if they didnt say anything, those same people telling them to shut up would be saying: "They can steal our culture but can't speak up." Its ridiculous. Everybody needs to speak up! Errybody.