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How do you feel about the stories on Tommy Norman right now?

Total Votes: 32

  • dre3dub - 8 years ago

    I see no big deal about officer Tommy, because personally I already know officers like him. My town has resource officers, policemen who patrol schools, come to games, and kinda first responders when things break out at school. Whenever I go home, I see those guys and they are cool as hell (cuz they remember me). But the larger issue is the Police incorporated have an issue. Most of them are not Officer Tommy, my school's resource officers or Shaq. They don't relate to the people they police unless you interact with them outside of the badge. So they seem standoffish and act as if they are the only ones that take care of the community. 'Who watches the Watchmen'

  • Allie - 8 years ago

    Yeah I am more like meh... OK sooooo does he want a cookie? I do follow officer Tommy on Instagram and while some of his posts are heartwarming there are others that come across like a peep show for not only whites but anyone who doesn't know what it's like to live in an inner city neighborhood. In his attempt to humanize these people sometimes he further "otherizes" them because there is only but so much of a person's life that a picture or a 15 second video can tell.
    I agree with you Rod. I am happy he is doing the work that he does. It seems to come from a sincere place but I am not ready to give him the medal of honor for doing what he is supposed to do. There is another officer I've come across on Twitter @MichaelAWoodsJr who is a former Baltimore officer was fired (or maybe he quit, I'm not sure) who actively speaks out about corruption in policing. Have you heard of him? You should check him out.

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