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What Are You Looking forward to Most in the SDCC News Flood This Weekend?

Total Votes: 8,426

  • name - 8 years ago

    >implying Chump wouldn't be just as awful in his own way
    >implying there's been a worthwhile candidate at any point in your thus-far short life

  • don - 8 years ago

    OTHER - Make A-MARE -ACA Friendly Again , CAP

    Go Trot / Trump


  • Sunlightstar - 8 years ago

    Honestly, I want to know about everything canon.
    1. Legend of the Everfree
    2. MLP The Movie
    3. Season 6 part 2 (though I don't care THAT much about it, except for the finale)

    But the most of all... I'd love to know if there's going to be season 7 and another EG movies... That's something that would make me happiest.

  • Who dat? - 8 years ago

    Vogel finally being kicked to the curb for being a talentless egomaniac who's brought more harm than good to the franchise.

  • Joshua Moudy - 8 years ago

    You gotta admit, Legend of Everfree looks interesting.

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