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Should the age limit for purchasing alcohol be raised to 21?

Total Votes: 2,278

  • hank - 8 years ago

    it should be raised to 23. English kids are too imature to handle drink

  • Bryan - 8 years ago

    No. You're an adult at 18, and regardless of harm or anything else, it's no one else's business to tell you what you can and can't do with your own body.

    However much you may disapprove of 18 year olds drinking, it's not up to you. Not your body, not your choice.

    The idea that someone can be old enough to join the army, to vote, but not old enough to drink is utterly preposterous.

    If 18 year olds are too young to make the decision to drink, then they're arguably too young to be held criminally responsible for their actions, to pay tax. Can't have it both ways, are they adults or aren't they? They're old enough to vote for someone that could theoretically start a nuclear war, but they're not old enough to drink? Authoritarian nonsense.

  • katie - 8 years ago

    I moved from Forfar to the US eight years ago and used to think the drinking age was ridiculous. But now I see that kids are drinking far too young in the UK and even after they're 18 it takes years for most of them to drink responsibly. I also think the higher drinking age contributes to higher academic achievement in the US, although i also suspect it leads to more widespread drug use among teens. #dilemma

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