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Season 6 Part 2 is July 30th! What New Things Are you Looking forward to Most?

Total Votes: 6,879

  • Sailor Sedna - 8 years ago

    @Blood orange
    I'd kinda have to agree, something about this season just feels..........lacking.


    The theme here is supposed to be "Exploring Equestria"! I think it we spend too much time in existing locations like Manehattan, it'll end up being false advertising, which is one thing that can mislead and alienate fans.

  • don - 8 years ago

    Spikey taking Rarity on their first 'date' without involving Ponyvilles destruction . . .

  • Metemponychosis - 8 years ago

    Other... You guys know...

  • Handrew - 8 years ago

    I'd love to see Starlight Glimmer's head on the block

  • Who dat? - 8 years ago

    Vogel being kicked to the curb for being a talentless egomaniac who's done more harm than good to the franchise.

    And blow me Seth. I'll just repost again if you delete me again. "Open to criticism" my ass.

  • Swash - 8 years ago

    Seriously? You guys want to see more and more locations, but you don't want to return to them and look around more? Just NEW NEW NEW NEW shit all the goddamn time, huh?

  • Blood orange - 8 years ago

    I'm not looking forward to anything. I don't like this season. Just hope it ends better than it started.

  • don - 8 years ago

    Will Spike get that special date or will Rarity leave him dangling ?
    Will Twilight find the book to beat all other books?
    Will AJ trot in on Big Mac being silly?
    Will Pinkie find her thumb?
    Will Fluttershy beat the tarnation out of Angel Bunny?
    Will Rainbow Dash off into the sunset?
    Will Rarity see Spike as an equal ? or half a knight?
    Will the back ground ponies stage a revolt lead by Derpy?
    Will the CMC save the galaxy ?
    Stat tuned same bat pony time same bat pony channel !

  • Sailor Sedna - 8 years ago

    New locations. The theme of this season is supposed to be "Exploring Equestria!!" If we don't see that, then it'll end up being false advertising!

  • Moogle - 8 years ago

    I voted for the "fandom changing events" one. Of course I'm excited about the other aspects of the rest of the season listed above, but there are many teases of things that the fans will go nuts over! Like the Changing episode, the mysterious "Fault in our Cutiemarks", and one of the last episodes (not the season closer episodes, mind you) of this season 6 has a title heavily suggesting a feels episode that bronies have been invested in and speculating since early season 1! OK, I better slow down for a moment.

  • Frith - 8 years ago

    Other. Such as, what are the CMC doing now that they've become therapists. Such as, what does 'learning about friendship' look like under Twilight's mentorship, now that she's apparently learned to not micromanage Starlight Glimmer? What's Sunburst up to, or has he been relegated to the sidelines, like Zecora. What's with that lone changeling buzzing in on the Crystal Empire?

  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    Definitely new songs. The songs have been great so far! Can't wait to see what's in store!

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