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Should the NDP set a limit on political parties' election spending?

Total Votes: 2,332

  • Don Gillard - 8 years ago

    Most political party war chests are spent on advertising and persuasion, without having to endure the discomfort of backing up what they saying.

    Democracy was never supposed to be based on who can make the best tv commercial. It is about debating ideas, vision and policy amongst the contenders, in a public forum.

    This keeps the cost of running as a candidate low, thereby making it accessible to anyone, no matter how rich or poor you are. Based on what comes out of their mouths during these debates, the public has the opportunity of seeing whether their positions make sense and are defendable,. On that basis, the public decides how to cast their vote on election day.

    This was the genesis of Democracy.

    Just off the top of your head, can anybody here give an example or two of politicians running for office during an election, who have said to hell with you I don't have to attend any debate and justify what I say as fact?

    I know I can.

    Nowadays, there are people who run for election that want to avoid civil public disourse at any cost. As a consequence, the process has been corrupted by those whose money can buy more air time on the idiot box telling you what to believe. And on election day they are the winners, and the public predictably end up the losers.

  • Malen Vidler - 8 years ago

    Talking about trying to ensure they stay in power. They have done nothing for hard working Albertans so far, just the warm fuzzy self entitled types and government funded sponges.

  • Tammy Hawkes - 8 years ago

    I don't need anyone telling me how much I can contribute to my party! I'm already tired of this NDP gov thinking I need them to run my whole life! I was doing a lot better before they came into power.
    I've been laid off my husbands wages have been rolled back 20%, we are both self employed so do not qualify for EI. I've yet to see the government cut back anything!

  • Jack Meyer - 8 years ago

    About time, and yes stop all the false reporting of polls that say 3.4% plus or minus, Either list how many people are polled or do not poll numbers which in a province of 4.5 million, 1000 people is nonsense.

  • Brian Sklar - 8 years ago

    Finally, some common sense. If a candidate can't get his/her message out with 40 grand, then that candidate shouldn't be in the race. The current system is just a huge windfall for the ad industry...and doesn't serve to provide any really important information to the electorate. It is just a source of half-truths, slam ads, and slogans. Just think, if all the cash spent on stupid electioneering (like, for instance the B&W crap Harper dumped in our mailboxes every week) was instead spent on improving public education, healthcare, senior care, much better off we all would be.

    Go Rachel!

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