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Who would you vote for today?

Total Votes: 5,018

  • Marc Robinson - 8 years ago

    I will be voting for Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party. Why is he not on this poll list?

  • Ryan Steiner - 8 years ago

    Why is Darrell Castle not on this poll, but Evan come yesterday who isn't on a single ballot is? how do you defend this stance?

  • Ryan Steiner - 8 years ago

    Why is Darrell Castle not on this poll, but Evan come yesterday who isn't on a single ballot is? how do you defend this stance?

  • Tim Stringer - 8 years ago

    So there's this guy. Darrell Castle. He's not on there. And he's on ballots and stuff. Unlike that McMuffin guy that IS on there.

  • Karen Lee Parker - 8 years ago

    How can you put someone on this poll that is not even on the ballot and leave OFF a legitimate candidate that's on the ballot...???? Darrell Castle

  • Clyde Roper - 8 years ago

    I just love how everyone is trying to bury the only real Constitutional conservative running. Darrel Castle has my vote. If you do another poll, ya might want to get that name on there.

  • Ruth Winter - 8 years ago

    Where is Darrell Castle? He has my vote!

  • Rick Ifert - 8 years ago

    Tom Hoefling 2016

  • Jonathan - 8 years ago

    I agree-Darrell castle needs to be added. That's why the write in vote total is so high.

  • Rachel - 8 years ago

    I'm in Texas and will write-in Darrel Castle.

  • Paul - 8 years ago

    Ever heard of Darrell Castle? Don't know why he doesn't have a voice in this poll?

  • Tiffany - 8 years ago

    You need to add Darrell Castle - he is running, he is on at least 20 ballots and Americans deserve for the media to do their job and report the news fully - tell them about Darrell Castle so Americans can make an educated decision this election!!

  • Tommy Harding - 8 years ago

    Hard to take this poll seriously when you leave out one of the major candidates yet add a new comer..Castle 2016!

  • Collin - 8 years ago

    Darrell Castle! Stop it with these push-polls to get support for McMullin. It's deceptive.

  • Don - 8 years ago

    How come you don't have Darrell Castle listed in the poll but you have Evan McMuffin listed? McMuffin is a establishment hack anyways so it might explain why you listed him.

    Voting Darrell Castle 2016!!!

  • Jennifer Sears - 8 years ago

    My vote is for Darrell Castle with the Constitution Party!

  • Enno - 8 years ago

    Darrell Castle!

  • Caleb Waters - 8 years ago

    How do you people not put the nominee of a MAJOR THIRD PARTY on a poll? DARRELL CASTLE FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!

  • Melanie MacDonad - 8 years ago

    Where is Darrel Castles name in this poll. Castle is a VERY viable candidate with more then half the states being on ballot and more in progress every day. Why is it that ONCE again, Constitutional Conservatives are being left off the map??

  • Tonja Klein - 8 years ago

    You have the name of the newest entry on here that plans to sue states forcing them to add his name to their ballots, but you ignore the fact that thousands of people are supporting Darrell Castle. We didn't have to sue to get our candidate on ballots, we did it by the rules. Please add him to your poll.

  • Dale Clinbeard - 8 years ago

    I would have selected Darrell Castle if he was listed as a choice.

  • Nathaniel Smith - 8 years ago

    Darrel Castle

  • Austin - 8 years ago

    Please add Darrell Castle of The Constitution Party. There are 5 federally recognized parties. You have 4 of these parties listed and some "new entrant" who is not part of a federally recognized party. Please include the 5th recognized party.

    Darrell Castle is a great candidate who is on lots of state ballots, approx 20 right now, with several pending, and many more in progress... Should be on at least 40 within weeks.

    Please add Darrell Castle.

  • David L Pipkin - 8 years ago


    How is it that you have a poll which has a brand new entrant who is not even on a state ballot yet that we know of, but you leave off the only conservative who is already on at least 20 State ballots and will be on as many as forty or more by the time election day arrives? What is the deal? Add Darrell Castle on your poll! For whom do you think the people selecting "write-in" are voting?

    Darrell Castle. Constitution Party. You should look him up.

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