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Are You Team Steffy or Team Quinn?


  • Colleen - 8 years ago

    I agree Quinn continues to make some bad decisions. Steffy seems to be a spoiled brat that wants to control everyone's life on the show. She doesn't want Wyatt to see his mother, doesn't want Quinn with her grandfather, etc. Come on, this is a grown woman that supposedly has a mind for business. Can't she realize that she cannot control the actions of everyone around her like a "puppet master"?

  • Judy - 8 years ago

    Stehoes character has become a repeat of her mom. Taylor was with Ridge,Eric,Thorne,and there were others I'm thinking. She killed Darla(drinking/driving, made Brooke's life a living he...for years. Go away Stehoe!!!!!

  • - 8 years ago

    Steffy used Wyatt she's not over Liam she is not good for Liam at all he's shown that he's nuts he destroyed his home Go Wyatt Liam needs to go back with IVY or with Hope
    It would be funny to have Erica wife come back from the dead

  • Jake Dumas - 8 years ago

    and i think steffy will win the battle war confrontation and steffy will go back to Liam and get remarried

  • Jenny-Mac - 8 years ago

    Stephen is discussing! She speaks down to Eric. That's her grandfather; he derverves to be respected.
    Also, she needs to shut her mouth & concentrate on her husband. She has not shown any loyalty to Wyatt.
    If she ends her marriage it's not because of quin; it's because of her disloyalty to Wyatt. The writers need to start writing better storyline. The writing is too conflicting.

  • Nancy Johnson - 8 years ago

    With all the women that are in Los Angeles why can't Eric find someone who is not a psycho. Quinn is so evil and with all the things she has done to those people close to him it looks like he would stay clear of her.

  • Donna - 8 years ago

    Steffy needs to concentrate on her husband he should be number one not her feelings she don't live with Quinn she lives with Wyatt plus maybe Quinn being with Eric will keep Quinn busy so Quinn won't medal in their marriage please writers make Steffy grow up and bring Ivy back for Liam or have her come back with Liam's baby now that would be a great story to see!!!!

  • beejer - 8 years ago

    Team Quinn! Steffy is no angel but she acts like she is. She was will Bill in the past, now both brothers. She can't order Eric who he can and can't see and its high time someone puts her in her place. Quinn is a bit edgy and unpredictable but it makes her more interesting. She has softened and is ready to be in love.

  • Maureen - 8 years ago

    Please hurry up and write QUinn off the show..she is so disgusting. And Steffy is nothing but a drama queen! Can you bring Hope back? She is such a lady and would solve Liam's problem... Much better for him than the complaining B....!

  • Maureen - 8 years ago

    Give Quinn a friggin break! She is obviously trying... And didn't go "looking for love" with Eric. MMmmm! If I found him accidently, I sure as hell wouldn't let him go! "Give a Girl a Break"... That Stephie covers all "B"s available;
    Back to Eric and Quinn... If she really is changing to the new person she is now...., I LOVE the two of them together!!! They both have qualities to offset search other..... I love the way they look at each other with a new love ... And youthful hearts... Att heir age! I'm a single Mom of two and raised my girls myself , two separate Fathers... One married .. One I oldest is now 31 and youngest 24....
    (I have t dated since the youngest was conceived) so I'm a sap when it comes to romance???? Viva Eric and Quinn????

  • Maureen - 8 years ago

    Give Quinn a friggin break! She is obviously trying... And didn't go "looking for love" with Eric. MMmmm! If I found him accidently, I sure as hell wouldn't let him go! "Give a Girl a Break"... That Stephie covers all "B"s available;

  • Estella Jones - 8 years ago

    Don't like Steffy she think she is better than anyone else and she is a mess. Worse than Quinn. Married to one brother but keep letting the other one kiss on her. Plus always thinking about the other one.

  • Moonangel65 - 8 years ago

    I'm sick of Quinn, Wyatt, Sasha, Rick.. I hate Quinn with Eric, gross, like when she was with Liam. Her ass needs fired from the show.
    . She's been a liability since she came on the show. Tired of her evil, manipulative ways. I do t like her as a. Actress. And Wyatt is a wimp, can't find a woman on his own. Sasha is a lying, cheating slut. And they should change Ricks name to whiney baby who never let go of his mamas apron strings. I have watched since it started and now record it and only watch what I'm interested in. Which these days is t much. I'm soon ready to drop it off my record list. They need better writers, cause these people SUCK!!!!!

  • daniellen27 - 8 years ago

    Go Steam! Go Leffy! Let them be happy together. As for Eric, he should choose between Quinn and his position at FC. Hope Steffy becomes the next CEO. I do hope Katie gets the 12.5 % from Bill. Along with Rick, Thomas, Ridge, and Steffy, they will have controlling interest and veto power to prevent Quinn from unleashing armageddon. Eric is not dead and buried. But with Quinn in his life, he should not be in control of the company. IMO.

  • Mark b - 8 years ago

    How much longer are We going to hace to hear wyatt Brother wine about
    What happen he is Just a litte bitch
    You go Quin

  • E. Pruden - 8 years ago

    Steffy is very spoiled thinks everything must go her way. Has she forgotten what she did to Alley & Ivy? All of you leave Eric & Quinn alone. She has changed for the better they love each other & Eric does not want to be alone. Liam leave Steffy alone & for you Wyatt you took Hope away from Liam now Steffy. Go find your own girlfriend. Where is sweet Ivy have you guys forgotten her? Steffy needs to go back to her Mommy. Steffy you look too old to be with Liam or Wyatt. Stay out of your grandfathers life stop being so bossy. Glad he decided NOT to listen to you, your not his boss.

  • Tracy - 8 years ago

    Steffy needs to suck it up, grow up, and move on whether its with Liam or Wyatt. Eric's love life is none of her business he's a grown man. Besides I can see Quinn actually saving Eric from Ridge's latest plans to push Eric out of the company by getting Bill's shares. This could be an interesting twist with Quinn and Eric and Bill all colluding together to foil Ridge once again. This is getting interesting.

  • Joanna Davis - 8 years ago

    If Stephanie gets back with Liam I will never watch the bold and beautiful ever again the show needs another woman for Liam give the watchers something different it's getting.boring

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