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Which do you prefer: Peanuts or cashews?


  • Cassandra - 8 years ago

    I am all for supporting the Georgia peanut farmers and the cashew farmers on the ground. While in an enclosed flying tin can, can we please stop spreading tree nut and peanut oils and dust on every surface? Let's support human beings who could have serious reactions or even death upon exposure. We can have our peanuts and Coke sometime other than the few hours we are on a plane.

  • Jill - 8 years ago

    Having peanuts or any tree nuts on an airplane is NOT worth putting someone's live in danger. Have your peanuts & coke when everyone is safely on the ground and not forced to breathe in the same recycled air. Peanut dust & particles in the air can cause a fatal reaction. It's not worth the risk. If the allergic person was you or your loved one, you'd feel the same way. Stand in our shoes for just a moment & think about it...

  • Nicole - 8 years ago

    No you don't need to ingest a peanut to have a reaction, or any other allergen for that matter. Some people are contact reactive, and you could also touch the allergen and get it into your eye or mouth and then that allergen has been introduced into your bloodstream.

  • Mary - 8 years ago

    Some people do have allergies to peanuts and tree nuts including cashews. Yes, it can be triggered for some by inhalation or through contact touch, not necessarily just through ingestion.

  • S K G - 8 years ago

    It's my understanding, that a peanut has to be ingested to cause a allergic re action. Not breathing in peanut odor. Airlines are trying to cut back ......So there you have it peanuts are cheaper then cashews.

  • Eddie Floyd - 8 years ago

    I look forward to the peanuts & coke. When on other airlines & get pretzels , I'm very disappointed.

  • CR - 8 years ago

    Keep peanuts and support the Georgia peanut industry! Nothing is more "Georgia" than peanuts and Coke. ????

  • Chris - 8 years ago

    I like both, but I prefer peanuts. Don't let Southwest out do a Georgia-based company like Delta support the most basic Georgia industry - Georgia peanut growers.

  • A Mac - 8 years ago

    What's more Ga than peanuts... Come on Delta... Support the Ga peanut farmer!!

  • J cunninmingham - 8 years ago

    I love cashews but it wasn't worth the 200 dollar difference in fare on our recent trip to Minneapolis

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