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What is Your Least Favorite Controversial Thing the Fandom Does?

Total Votes: 10,484

  • Sollace - 8 years ago

    Drama is like the worst possible soap opera.

    I wish we could all just get along and spread the joy of horsey goodness

  • Sailor Sedna - 8 years ago


    That seems to be a problem with a lot of people now...

    Unfortunately I've seen most of the opposite; a lot of episode complaints that make me question the show's quality.

  • Littlecolt - 8 years ago

    LOL I can tell you one thing: It's not clop or grimdark/gore. At least those are creative outlets.

    I'd say the worst part is the ANALYSIS COMMUNITY. If not that, then general negativity and people overanylizing and crapping on every new episode that comes out.

  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    Ok whatever that's you. I don't care. If someone wants to wear a sign that says "I'm catholic" or "I'm Buddhist" doesn't matter to me. If I see porn on the internet then imma be like oh porn whatever. Carry on
    If you have a problem that's you.

  • ThomasPseudonymous - 8 years ago

    Other: People who pretend every new episode is absolutely perfect and go around attacking anyone who has any criticism at all about anything because they're "ruining their fun." You don't have to say anything to them, you just have to say you didn't like an episode in the same room and they'll find you and they will not just disagree with you, they'll make it personal and insult you on a personal level and berate you endlessly.

    Normal people reading comments will see someone who disagrees and think "This person disagrees, okay, people can disagree, moving along" but these people specifically look for people who disagree so they can start a flame war. They have to be right all of the time.

  • asdf - 8 years ago

    General negativity, Drama, Clop(NSFW), Special snowflake, Gore, Shipping are usually found in other fandoms but these people complain about episodes too much. And especially those "analysts". More like analycysts, but anyway. Why do they even do that?

  • Frapparition - 8 years ago

    I selected General Negativity myself. It's perfectly fine to have an opinion, but you don't have to go around shoving it in everyone's faces all the time, and especially you don't need to try to convince other people to hate it too. I mean, I think Sonic Rainboom is the worst episode of the whole series but I generally keep that to myself. There's no reason for me to moan about it and try to sour everyone else's view on it too.

    The reason I didn't go for "complain about episodes" is because it seems to go for everything. People seem to want to complain about other people's opinions, their OCs, their fanfiction, their ships, everything. Just let people enjoy things.

  • Gokudomatic - 8 years ago

    The real problem with porn and guro is that's a private business that some people don't understand it must remain private. And when I say some, I mean way too much.
    When you walk on the street, you don't want to see what's the religion or belief of the other people you see, right? That's the same thing when I surf on the internet. I don't want to know that this user is a fan of SM and blue cheese. As I don't want to know that the guy passing by me is a buddhist or muslim. It's not just that I don't care. I explicitely want to not know. You know, like, spams and unwanted ads, but more disgusting.

  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    I don't see the big deal with porn. It's just porn whatever.
    Grimdark/gore is pretty cool, but some of the stuff isn't my up of tea because it's gore for the sake of being gore, but hey that's just me. Brony drama I could care less about.
    I do some shipping and some of other people's shippings do annoy me but hey whatever.
    Don't care about OC's.
    I feel like general negativity is a bailout choice.
    I guess complaining about episodes is the worst thing, but like not just "Oh hey I don't like this about the episode."
    I mean the people that tweet the show makers and bitch, bust other people's ass about them liking an episode, etc. Like chill out. You didn't like episode alright relax goddamn it XD
    Acting like your anger is going to change the episode to what you want.

  • Kanga - 8 years ago

    I just hate how you mention you don't like or even despise a character, then you have hundreds or thousands of bronies try to shovel shit down your throat trying to say that you are wrong. We are individuals and even though we might all like ponies (me not so much anymore), we're never going to like all of them.

  • Gokudomatic - 8 years ago

    You don't understand how a poll works. As you probably noticed, this vote accepts only one answer. Therefore it's not a ranking. We only know what most people find to be the worst. It doesn't say what is considered to be worse than another answer.
    Since most people think negativity is the worst, maybe most of them think that gore is worse than porn. And there are cases where people think gore is equally despicable to porn but they choose porn for some reason. Like me. I hate as much pony guro as I loath clop (they can all burn in Tartarus, for what I care) but I choose clop because there are much more of them and it's less and less possible to avoid them.

    So, you see, maybe most people do not think that clopping is worse than guro. This poll doesn't give such information. Maybe most people think that shipping is the second worst thing ever, but nobody choses it because it not a poll about the second worst thing.

  • Squeaky_Belle - 8 years ago

    Oh boy. This is hard. I still don't like a lot of stuff about the brony fandom to this day, so I can't really pinpoint which one really does it for me. XD And I usually find myself in the positive side of the fandom most of the time anyways. Don't hunt me down, but I find a lot of the stuff fans do really…cringy. I thought I was bad already but I clearly wasn't prepared when I got into all of this…especially when I was only here for the music at first. Not really for the friendship lessons and other cute pony stuff. Eh. :/ And funnily enough I'm not even here for the show. I forced myself to like it to understand what fans were talking about. (I've come to appreciate them though.)

    That being said I tolerate most things. It's just that I prefer if they weren't there. Tbh it's been really challenging associating myself with special snowflake people / activities even though I'm pretty bad myself. (More so when my definition of who qualifies as a "special snowflake" encompasses way more people.) Ultimately, it's been a really big test on how accepting I am and it forced me to be way less prejudice against people who actually do fulfil the stereotypes about the fandom. But at least that turned out to be a good lesson for me. (Heh, strangely enough it's made me slightly more mature in the process. Who would've known? :P)

    So personally, it's not so much which aspect I don't like. It's still getting my head around hanging with you guys. I'm one of the least likely people to even join a fandom, and here I am because I liked the ponies ironically. Welp. So answer for me should be…almost everything. XD But I'm leaning more towards the special snowflake bit. Cringe everywhere with social media, and sometimes not-so-cringe stuff which I still avoid. (Only reason why I don't bail out is because I sort of enjoy the cringe. I mean, look at my name.) All the best pony stuff, look at my fab OC, proud to be a brony, RPs, anti-bronies suck, MLP changed my life, headcanons, being all agro/serious about the colourful horses…
    (Just a reminder I still love you all. It's one of the few times I feel like being completely honest. Not much of a friendship guy really. :P Maybe I should be an option lol)

  • Who dat? - 8 years ago

    The porn. Not because porn is bad or it's wrong to tarnish the innocence of MLP. It's because every single MLP porn artist has the most hideous misconceptions about anatomy.

  • Sailor Sedna - 8 years ago


    I understand your points (I do hate grimdark also), but sex is extremely taboo for kids' shows, in the end, MLP is still a kids' show, and considering how the MLP porn is one of the things the fandom is infamous for...

  • HollyJolly - 8 years ago

    It's not as bad as it use to be but the fandom's awful attitude toward rape culture and just ladies in general. Cause heaven forbid girls be interested and speak their mind about a show made for LITTLE GIRLS (yes, it's for everybody but the target audience is small girls). I'm still afraid to speak my mind at times when I see something cause I'm so use to stupid dudebros just getting nasty with me and even sending me death threats.

    I got friends who don't even go to the con cause they don't want there to even be a chance to get hurt.

  • Carlos - 8 years ago

    I can forgive "special snowflake" OCs since most of them were created by 12-14 year olds who don't know how to design a character or write a story yet.

  • Snow - 8 years ago

    Is VERY disheartening and disgusting how according to this poll it seems people seem to disapprove more of sex which is a passionate moment of happiness, pleasure and love between two creatures, than grimdark and gore where instead it is hate, dismemberment and extreme sadness and pain the main protagonists.

    I suppose that showcases just how corrupted our society is.

    Like, honestly, can you see how out of this world this is? More people would be OK to see our beloved ponies get dismembered and killed or experience sad situations, then they would be with them experiencing moments of love or fun between each other!

    It blows my mind.

  • Wild Balance - 8 years ago

    My least favs are general negativity and clop. Clop ain't bad but part of feels. 'wrong' for lack of a better word....

  • Sailor Sedna - 8 years ago

    Unfortunately that's a problem I seem to be seeing sometimes, people just flaming each other over the quality and in pointless debates whether it's going through seasonal rot or not (to be honest, I think it is, but I respect your opinion if you disagree, but please respect mine back). AnimatedJames also stated a sad thing about the fandom, unfortunately a good majority of it seems to hate honesty. :(


    I've actually felt that way sometimes, feeling unwelcome.


    I agree, having faith is good, but I still feel the fandom might not come together or ever get its problems solved...I've also felt I might have become a fan at the wrong time too...

  • JesterMix20XX - 8 years ago

    This poll is probably one of the most riskiest polls I have ever seen. It's like asking for a flame war.

  • Memes - 8 years ago

    Nothing, really. I don't care about the hate. People create OCs which I don't like? Not my business, it's their art and it's up to them to decide how their OC should look like. Vanilla clop? I love it! Kinky clop? May not be my cup of tea, but people like it and AGAIN, it's not up to me to decide what belongs on the Internet. Kinkshamers suck. They should think about their own kinks before pointing fingers. Or think about how boring their life must be if they don't have any. Shipping is great! Brony drama? Well, people can have opinions and as long as they don't act like assholes about it I'm cool with that. I can avoid any kind of negativity.

    But I really don't like bullying. Don't like clop/shipping/OC/art style/nextgen/fetish/whatever? Great for you. You wanna tell someone who likes those things how much you hate the thing or that person and also offend them for liking it? Think twice. And if you still decide to do it go fuck yourself. The show obviously didn't teach you anything.

  • paradoxical - 8 years ago

    Though to be honest, I don't much experience any of these issues. Even with some fan-creators having some problems, they seem like the problems get solved and working it out. The fandom is a pretty good group.

  • Aaron - 8 years ago

    I felt very sad after reading these comments, seeing so much despair. There are times I felt like I became a brony at the wrong time in 2015 because of all the negativity, but there is still faith left in this fandom because if we give up on this fandom, than it will fall apart, and we don't want that. It is true that there are so many dark things in this fandom just like in the world, but we together can make it a better place again step by step, and helping those who feel broken on the inside and outside is the first to make the fandom and our world a better place to live in.

  • Solecks - 8 years ago

    The fandom thinking that the rule 34 (wich is usual in every fandom) is worst than the idiotic episodes complains (8

  • Sailor Sedna - 8 years ago

    I hate a whole lot of them, and to tell you the truth, I'm starting to lose interest in this show and might not stay with MLP: FiM any longer. Part of it is me thinking the newer episodes aren't that great, but it does contribute to the brony fandom too. The three worst I hate are:

    General Negativity/Brony Drama

    Basically all I've been feeling is negativity and arguing and such lately. Last October, I was harassed by a certain author on FiMFiction all because I felt some people looked too deep into a kids' show, I've sometimes been harassed because besides liking G4 MLP, I like other generations too, like G1, and felt like an outsider.

    I don't think I need to explain all of the shit like the whole Pinkie made Fluttershy cry/AKR's undeserving death threats, the Twilight becoming a Princess, Starlight Glimmer getting reformed (poorly IMO), Princess Flurry Heart, Rainbow becoming a Wonderbolt drama that's pretty much all a bunch of dead horses. It's horrible and has really made me regret ever giving this show a chance. And some season oners like Kwark85, CloudCuckooman and especially that sexist shithead DisneyMaster on DA honestly just need to shut the hell up with their stupid whining and bitching about how the show's terrible now and that "we're in denial and actually hate the show", and just need to leave the fandom, Kwark himself is a manchild.

    On Derpibooru I got banned for a day because I insulted some stupid ass guy named MoppyPuppy who had commissioned these shitty child abuse pics with filly Luna, as pardon my language, the commissioner is a child abuser, and one of the moderators claimed I was "being a bigot" just because I think child abuse is horrendous, and when I was telling people to avoid that person, they claimed I was "rallying people up to attack them" (considering he's insulted others and started drama, no wonder why people were "rallying up to attack him"). Considering that guy doing the commissions "feeds off my anger" from what I found out, he is a troll...

    I also disassociated myself from a "friend" I had on FiMFiction because he insulted someone else over an opinion and an "Are you sure?" question, why should I be friends with someone who treats another like crap?

    Episode Complaints

    It's like whenever I see episodes that are supposed to be considered "great" by the fandom given a lot of negative complaints and such, like saying how characters regressed and such, it makes me really question the quality of the show and wonder if it's really as great as they say it is. Like for example, "A Friend in Deed" has the "Smile" song, but if it's considered bad, is the song considered "good" for being in a bad episode? Does it make me smile, thinking that? No. People have tried to explain that the show is good, but to be honest, considering the quality of the later episodes and such, I'm having doubts and I'm actually starting to lose interest, may only hold out to see how it ends.


    Disgusting, just gross. Whenever I go on someone's MLP Tumblr blog, most of the time, I can't find anything but porn/sexual content, and I've actually felt sick looking at some of it, it just needs to stop.

    In other words, I don't think I'll be sticking around with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic that much anymore, or maybe not at all...I tried to give it a chance, but the fandom irritated me a whole lot, my interest in the show has faded, and I feel like the magic is gone and "friendship isn't magic"...sad to say I think I may leave very soon, but may check out to see what the ending is like, I hope it ends after season 6/the movie.

    Anyone who's feeling like I am should see this (I'm at stage 4, minus the "why are ponies everywhere?" thingy):

  • hifibrony - 8 years ago

    All annoy me to greater or lesser degrees, though bad OCs less than the rest. I had an actual ARTIST render my OC from something I put together on Zoi's Pony Creator and never used anything other than that piece of original art as my avatar or OC. And thanks to Tim for his neat pony design - a regular unicorn that I specified be in real world colors. Ridiculously gaudy lack and red designs and, for the love of Celestia, especially ALICORN OCs are an aesthetic blight. But they do no lasting harm.

    Why people continue to watch MLP or participate in the fandom if they find nothing worthwhile in it genuinely baffles me. I can't stand EqG but wouldn't waste my time watching another of the movies - the first one was more than bad enough to make me never want to see another one, and the characters' charm vanishes completely with those awkward, clunky designs which are so unlike Lauren's immediately likable pony forms. But I am hesitant even here to waste electrons complaining about EqG. It is NOT to my taste so I avoid it.

    Brony drama - particularly of the sort currently roiling the fandom - is something I find absurd and amusing. Seth discussed this issue with exemplary clarity and good sense; I can think of nothing worthwhile to add to his intelligent words of caution. If you contribute to a project your name should be on it. PERIOD.

    Clop is something I've never paid much attention to. Of the little I've seen, the art has been generally unimpressive to say the least. I've seen a bit of nice pin-up style anthro stuff, but pin-up style is a pony of another color entirely, and a genre with a long artistic heritage. Rule 34 is what it is.

    Saving for last the most disgusting, at least to me, even the idea of grimdark/gore makes me reach for strong drink or Pepto. Never seen a panel of art or read a word of it - not even "Cupcakes" - because the thought turns my stomach. I became fan because the Poniverse is a place that gives me huge doses of sweetness without stickiness, snark without nastiness, great comedy, characters I genuinely like and care about and the occasional Big Fun Adventure. Doing terrible things to these characters seems to me like pouring a bucket of rancid sewage on everything Lauren ever intended the show to be. And I really do wonder about the psyches of people who come up with sadistic shit like that. To me it seems about a step away from kicking a kitten to death.

  • Meep! - 8 years ago

    Where's the option for "Generate stupid cringy stereotypes of neckbeards, effeminate wimps, fursuiters, etc."?

  • Screw this guy below me - 8 years ago

    Jesus, look at the cancerous comment below me- people like him should be an option on this poll

  • AAARGH Zombies - 8 years ago

    I find a lot of the porn to be creepy.

    Firstly, it's creepy on a general level because this is a cartoon for kids and I don't feel right about something that's supposed to be innocent being sexualized. Secondly, they're ponies ... looking at pictures of animal with their bits hanging out is wrong on a number of levels. If you see some guy in an old raincoat taking pictures of horses doing it in a field you'd report him to the cops.

    I often wonder if the people who dray this stuff are actually into it themselves or if they draw it simply to shock.

  • Brand - 8 years ago

    Of course, no mention of all the fanatics that did not, will not and never will accept criticism of their obsession, and will flame the crap out of anyone that do. Stay classy, EQD.

  • AAARGH Zombies - 8 years ago

    One of the things that really gets on my nerves is how attached some people are to the TV show, to the exclusion of everything else.

    I guess that you could call this Brony Drama.

    It's particularly noticeable when a character who only has a short appearance on the show is given a backstory or a more detailed personality in the comics or books (or EQG), and somebody goes off on a rant about them acting out-of-character even though they had no character in the show because they were given 30 seconds of screen time and 2 lines of dialog (both of which were about buying lettuce).

    They pretty much always accuses the writers of being "lazy" or "pandering to fans", when what they really mean is that they are annoyed that content for the character is coming from a source outside of the show.

  • jam - 8 years ago

    If I could I 'd vote for at least 3 of these, by the way I love the drama, keeps things interesting in the fandom lol

  • Gokudomatic - 8 years ago

    Definitely cloppers. They should keep their stuff for themselves, really. Even the last episode is teaching them that there are things that are not for everyone.
    I also dislike shipping most of the time.

  • Michael - 8 years ago

    I chose general negativity because I hate it when fans start shaming other fans for liking/not liking a particular character or series. I see this a lot in comment sections where people attack others for not being the right kind of fan or for not liking the right show.

  • FlutterTreePony - 8 years ago

    I chose SHIPPING as my least favorite, but only because it makes me irritated more.

    But my true least favorite thing is actually grimdark/gore. I HATE that stuff, but I never really see it so it doesn't really bother me or affect me that much.

    I also dislike:
    •Equestia Girls
    •Special snowflake/badly colored original characters
    •General negativity
    •Complain about characters/the show
    •Brony drama (although this isn't that bad, in my opinion.)

    I am absolutely cool with CLOP/NSFW stuff, mainly because I kinda like that stuff myself (only the moderate stuff–and no Equestria Girls/Anthro clop!!). The only "clop" that I like is saucy stuff, no explicit stuff. And I'll repeat it again because I mean it so much, I hate EQG saucy/clop stuff.

  • Swash - 8 years ago

    I fucking hate it when an artist comes out the end of a big project, and the project features the mane six, the CMC, all the princesses, Big Mac, Shining Armor, some background characters, and nobody else.

    Fuck that artist.

  • Burning Godzilla - 8 years ago

    When you state your opinion about something, and everybody attacks you for it, even though it's your OPINION. I see it so much on here. Somebody would be like "(insert unpopular opinion here with actual reasons why rather than blatant hate)", and a chain of unhappy commenters would blow it up.

  • Frith - 8 years ago

    So many choices! I avoid gore, but I had to go with something that is harder to avoid -- general negativity (that sounds like advanced physics). This is a fandom that was built on exuberance and inclusiveness. Living the dream, building on headcannon, going madly in all directions and shining like crazy diamonds. To me, negativity is the sound of screeching brakes. We are better than that, we are smart enough to find the good in anything.

  • Friendship was magic - 8 years ago

    I don't know who thought this poll was a good idea, but it is nothing but divisive.

  • saturnstar14 - 8 years ago

    I really don't care about the grimdark/gore and clop stuff. What I don't like is the special snowflakes and the complaining about the episodes. I mean, you can critique an episode but then there's just bashing it in. Can't we all just enjoy a good show that has brought together such a huge fandom?

  • Metemponychosis - 8 years ago

    By the way, what IS "general negativity"?

  • Sam - 8 years ago

    Special snowflakes. I hate when children (mostly 13-17) make characters because they just want attention, popularity, or money. It is sickening

    clop is amazing, I love it. I hate that people want to make money off of it though.

  • don - 8 years ago

    Hurry up Spike we're running out of seasons, Go kiss Rarity already !

  • LiboR - 8 years ago

    The brony drama is the one thing I would want avoid. It just feels stupid and needless.
    I mean - grimdark, gore, nsfw content, shipping and complaining about episodes - all of this is normal in any fandom and it's those things what makes a fandom a fandom.
    Original Characters - I have to admit they suck very often, but I don't see this as a big issue. (It would be second thing in the list I would choose)
    The general negativity... I don't know about this. I mean pesimism is okay, but I'm probably misunderstanding this option.

  • Metemponychosis - 8 years ago

    I feel there are three options missing. People that can't accept that others disagree with them or want to "win" an argument instead of talking about about stuff; people that pretend their headcanon is the true interpretation of the cartoon; and people that worship every piece of official material like it was sent from God and above reproach.

  • Joshua Moudy - 8 years ago

    I really gotta ask, can't we all just get along?

  • tenco1 - 8 years ago

    Other: Complaining about people complaining about episodes, all it looks like to me is you're trying to make them into the "other," and that's a real sore spot for me.

  • jus'me - 8 years ago

    Other. People who neglects other people's feelings and makes them feel unwelcome.

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