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Will Alexis Forgive Julian?


  • elizabeth healey - 8 years ago

    Fans will leave this show in droves if they get back together! There is no way that should happen.

  • Sam - 8 years ago

    ITA I want Julexis to reunite but there needs to be some twist

  • S. Wilson - 8 years ago

    I want Alexis and Julian to reunite...but not as Julian is now. Alexis can't forgive him unless Julian is somehow blameless for his actions (a la Franco brain tumor.) So make it happen TPTB. And while you're at it, how about letting Alexis in on the Cassadine craziness?. Feels like she hardly gets any screen time with other Cassadines. I mean, shouldn't Valentine and Alexis have some crossover given that they're siblings? And her nephew Nicolas is "dead" again...this doesn't affect Alexis??

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