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Has this blog been helpful in making Ravages easier to read and understand?

Total Votes: 41

  • unknown unknown - 7 years ago

    The blog administrator here. I've been told on more than one occasion that the (main) blog I'm running is rather messy (especially when contrasted with that Kingdom-related blog). By 'confusing' you mean the simultaneous presence of all those feeds and widgets, plus the way I arranged the menus? Well, I partly explained it in a post by noting that the feeds are meant to inculcate in readers a sense of intertextuality when approaching Ravages (of course 'casuals' would find that rather difficult, unfortunately).

    However, there are a few 'tricks' that might make site exploration a bit easier (maybe I'll incorporate that in a text widget, haha). For instance, one can get a sense of what the blog is about by just sticking to the menus or by not scrolling too far down. Also, the links section on the left makes it clear which links are more relevant than others, while the followed blogs on the right are from the outset stated to be about things other than Ravages. I also placed things like the tag and category clouds below so that those who scrolled down might still find some items closely related to Ravages.

    But yes, I have to admit that my own 'baroque' sensibilities aren't exactly reader-friendly...

  • Apollo Kenobi - 7 years ago

    Coming to this blog after a long time. (Real Life. meh)

    I met a blogger who gives reviews about manga's and tried to convince him to give TRoT a read and write a review, so more people could become aware. And I gave this blog as a reference. He got back to me about how confusing the whole blog was. But promised nevertheless to at least 'try' and read TRoT.
    I've come back to this blog after many months, and I must agree with the guy. It's really confusing. There's a lot going on in the blog and that is a good thing. But it's all over the place. It will be confusing and intimidating for a first timer to visit this blog, especially if said person is confused and intimidated by the nature and scope of the manhua itself(which this blog is supposed to be promoting).
    It's a good work what you guys are doing. But I guess, it needs to be a little more arranged. Like this one of the manga Kingdom:

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