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Are you for or against an ALDI grocery store in Hilltop?

Total Votes: 1,082

  • Concerned Citizen - 8 years ago

    The real debate here should be whether or not the city is going to improve traffic flow on First Colonial Road. The city already admits there is a problem. First Colonial Road was designed to handle 27,000 vehicular trips per day. Currently First Colonial Road is hit with 41,000 vehicular trips per day. This is well over design capacity. These numbers are not someone's opinion about the congestion. These are fact. The US government rates road level of service much like a report card. A is the best. F is the worst. At this level, First Colonial Road gets somewhere between and E and an F rating. That's gridlock. This is completely unacceptable. The ALDI store is estimated to add another 2,000 vehicular trips per day. That the city is even considering adding more traffic to this road is ridiculous. ALDI itself is not the problem. Rezoning is the problem. If the city allows one parcel to be rezoned, what's to stop other commercial businesses from doing the same thing? Find a solution for the traffic first. Then the rezoning debate can follow.

  • Lynn - 8 years ago

    Having shopped at an Aldi's near relatives in another state, I am enthusiastic about having one in V.B. -- but in a location that is already zoned for commercial/retail use. I live in the Great Neck area and work on First Colonial Rd. As others have said, the traffic has become horrific during most of the business day. I can't imagine adding traffic flow in and out of a grocery store at that Southall traffic levels light. As it is, there is often gridlock in the southbound lane, due to backup from the Wolfsnare light and beyond. A grocery store at Southall would only extend the gridlock farther north, toward the hospital.

  • Carole - 8 years ago

    I have lived in the Hilltop/Great Neck area for 40 years and have seen the traffic grow exponentially. The current number of vehicles on this road is approximately 40% above plan. More often than not, emergency vehicles must weave around traffic to get by due to heavy congestion.

    Rezoning this parcel to commercial will also undoubtedly set a precedent for other retail establishments who may wish to develop one of the many other vacant parcels on First Colonial Road.

  • Beth - 8 years ago

    I love Aldi's and would love one in Norfolk Ghent or Larchmont area of city. Too many of the same type of stores in that Hilltop area not to mention too much traffic congestion as it is.

  • J. Clark - 8 years ago

    This is not a for or against Aldis. It is a for or against THIS LOCATION. First Colonial CANNOT handle a grocery store. It cannot handle the traffic already there with the hospital, medical buildings, physical therapy, psychiatric facilities etc. The gridlock would be devastating to the people who live off this road and have no other choice but to drive on First Colonial in order to leave their neighborhood.

  • Janet Ashley - 8 years ago

    I've lived in this area for close to 30 years and I've seen First Colonial Rd get so clogged with traffic that it is stop and go for the middle part of the day. Then you have to add in the frequent emergency vehicles and it gets dangerous. The last thing this road needs is a grocery store. I'm not against Aldi, just not in this location.

  • Sue - 8 years ago

    The issue is not Aldi's but the rezoning of the property. It should remain as is for medical and other offices and not for commercial use. Hilltop doesn't need an additional grocery store. Consideration should be given to the access by emergency vehicles.

  • Michelle - 8 years ago

    Just add the extra traffic from the Walmart going in up the road.

  • Jim lowe - 8 years ago

    We all want Aldi's.. Just not in front of our homes..and creating more blockage of First Colonial Rd..

    Try driving there.. 11 am til 3 pm.. Bring your lunch..

  • Jim lowe - 8 years ago

    We all want Aldi's.. Just not in front of our homes..and creating more blockage of First Colonial Rd..

    Try driving there.. 11 am til 3 pm.. Bring your lunch..

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