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Should more changelings reform and join Thorax in Equestria?

Total Votes: 8,872

  • Who dat? - 8 years ago

    The changelings should form a boy band and tour Equestria.

  • Tom - 8 years ago

    And that wall just got ten feet taller. Believe me folks.

  • Smithers - 8 years ago

    Other - Only Thorax _and Kevin_. Has everyone except CCG players forgotten about the changeling from Slice of Life? Apparently even Cadance and Shining didn't notice that he was at the wedding.

  • Sailor Sedna - 8 years ago


    Yeah, that's a problem with this series, too many bad guys keep getting reformed and such, and usually in ways that seem rushed. I don't want all the Changelings nor Chrysalis to turn good.

  • name - 8 years ago

    Eh, seems like too many fun characters get reformed in this series. And I'm not even sure I can call creatures who crave love can really be called villains anyway. But whatever. Sure, let some mingle and be chummy I guess. Find a way to make the conflict between friendly and unfriendly factions--and friendly changelings and regular ponies--interesting. Just don't turn it into a soapbox about racism or anything trite like that, not everything has to be a lesson.

  • Gokudomatic - 8 years ago

    I took the closest option to "I don't give a goddamn fucking fl**ng f**ther" (see how I avoid swearing)

  • Frith - 8 years ago

    Well yes, a break-off group of changelings trying to feed off of each other's friendship, but as fanfiction. Why? Conservation of energy. Eventually they would all starve to death.

  • ScourgeHH - 8 years ago

    (Magic Man) I like your idea, I think you and I have similar ideas, but I think you articulated it better. I think a changeling town would be a very interesting concept. I know the show probably would not do it, but I have always enjoyed the thought of town or colony of semi reformed individuals, and trouble makers. One that would not always be the almost perfect heroes of equestria, but would still be there for the greater good when the going got tough. A colony of anti-heroes as it were. I think with some of the newest redeemed, thorax, Trixie, Gilda, and some dragons, as well as non evil trouble, lightning dust, screw loose, the shadow bolts and the diamond dogs, a colony of such individuals would be a very intriguing concept as well as many possisibilities for humour. When it come to a refugee episode, I think it is too controversial to touch with a cartoon. If they took one side or the other, it could really create backlash, and if they showed both sides of the dilemma, well that may be a tad too mature for mlp. Even with the more mature themes lately.

  • Magic Man - 8 years ago

    Well, first off, I think it should be 'No. Build a barrier and make the CHANGELINGS pay for it', but I digress.

    I do personally prefer the idea of a large group of changelings breaking away from Chrysalis' tyranny and seeking a new, better life in Equestria and the Crystal Empire. Perhaps they could even set up their own 'kingdom' or 'colony' as the poll puts it within Equestrian borders, making them kind of like the Crystal Empire in that they are subject to Equestrian law and will probably have a 'Changeling Princess' in charge of them instead of a 'Queen'

    In this Equestrian Changeling Kingdom/Hive/Colony, changeling families can raise their children free of their former Queen's toxic influence. They can move on from a hunting and gathering society to that of a farming one, one in which they can cultivate love instead of pinching and nabbing it.

    With all this given love from the ponies, the following generations of changelings will most likely grow up better nourished and stronger both physically and magically, living proof of the error of the continuing ways of their homeland.

    Plus, it could make very well for a 'Refugee Crisis' episode.

  • ScourgeHH - 8 years ago

    PS. One other thing. The last poll showed that the worst part of the fandom is general negativity. I understand, you have strong opinions on this episode, but you need to remember that there are a lot of individuals that love the episode. If you don't like the episode, say so, but do it in a mature way that doesn't spit on everyone else's opinions. We as a fandom are better than general negativity being our biggest problem

  • ScourgeHH - 8 years ago

    I like the fact that there is a reformed changeling, however, I think that there should only be one, or a few. I think that if you reform a large amount of changelins or other villainous creatures, such as the timber wolves, the fact that there are villainous creature will become boring. A few deserters are an interesting twist to the show, and adds a tinge of realism. If you reform large amounts of them, one, there will never be any interest in what the enemies are up to, two, it shows an unrealistic notion that no matter how many or how bad anything is, if you give it a chance, it will be good, and three, It makes it impossible to create a threat for our heroes unless you invent a new villain every time, which would get old fast. Does anyone else agree with me?

  • Devil's Advocate - 8 years ago

    Just got done watching all of season 6 today (was planning on holding off til the season was over, that way I wouldn't need to participate in the agonizing wait for each episode like the lot of you guys). Patience isn't my forte, however.

    Anyway, the latest episode "Times They Are A Changeling" was such a poorly conceived pile of trash that I can't even form a coherent opinion on whether or not more Changelings should defect from the forces of evil.

    Seriously, that episode was so freakin bad that I am having trouble wrapping my head around it... And it's a real shame too, since I really liked the message behind it! T^T

  • Cat's Tuxedo - 8 years ago

    I'd definitely like to see more changeling defectors popping up here and there in the future, course at the same time, considering how much changelings were willing to go along with Chrysalis' past invasion campaign, I don't see a wide-scale reformation happening anytime soon. Still, a little more good changelings are better than none.

  • don - 8 years ago

    With Thoraxes help Spike takes over Equestria with an ARMY of marsh mellow mares....

  • Sailor Sedna - 8 years ago

    I say don't let Chrysalis get reformed/redeemed, there's no need for that to happen to her after all she's done.

  • Joshua Moudy - 8 years ago

    This is not my decision, but let more changelings be friends! Although, we gotta keep Chrysalis a villain, so let's be careful with that. ;)

  • YMK - 8 years ago

    When it comes to it: Crysalis can be a good character in core, but with desperation comes desperate actions, so in the end it could be a nice turn-around to have new race join in. Potential to display social stigmas and other aspects with changelings is great.
    It would be nice to see Cryssy change and help out, after all their(changeling) power is quite amazing!

  • EQRG_Chevalier - 8 years ago

    *in peace*

    rookie mistake >.>

  • EQRG_Chevalier - 8 years ago

    I don't watch the show anymore but I do hear what happens, its hard to avoid :p .

    I dreamt almost this exact scenario and I will say that letting in beings that have the ability to mimic anyone they see is inherently DANGEROUS. Even if its benign it could cause unending chaos. Don't do it.

    That said, (i'll skip the back story for this, but do look out for a novel, it'll come one day). We did have a small group of them join, however their intelligence really wasn't up to par. They were dissuaded from using their shape shifting ability and put to work as basic labourers. This isn't so bad, they were happy to follow anyone they saw as a leader once Chrysalis was gone, usually a strong Unicorn. They loved Celestia and Luna both and eventually ended up working for the captain of the Royal Guard. They were treated no worse than any other pony and lived out the remainder of their lives in piece. They never bred, I don't think they were wired that way.

  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    *if we could stop trumpinizing everything is what I meant

  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    "Join Equestria and feed off lonely ponies" that wording is a bit weird. Maybe "join equestria and have their hunger sustained by the love they share with equestrians" unless what is up there was meant in that case I choose other. My choice would be "join equestria and have their hunger sustained by the love they share with equestrians"

    Also these Trump jokes are really lame and old now. I don't like him either and he's horrible and he says alot of dumb things but if we could trumpinizing everything. It's just dumb now.

  • Jon - 8 years ago

    Have half of the changelings want to break off, half not, forming a cultural, if not military revolution.

  • Jake - 8 years ago

    "make the Crystal Empire pay for it" what?! It should say, build a barrier around the Crystal Empire and make the Changelings (or Yakyakistan) pay for it!

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