I personally do not want trucks governed at all. I am an owner operator and would like to keep my truck at the posted speed limit. Mine is set at 75 I only go that speed out west with speed limits of 75-80. Split speed limits are too dangerous.
Louis - 6 years ago
75 max is good.tires are made for 75
Goldie Larson - 6 years ago
Trucks and cars should all have the same speed limit. When you have split you have m ok re accidents because these cars think they are better and think they dan do whatever they want around the trucks and nobody is going to do anything to them. They the fourwheelers will just keep on blaming the trucker's for everything. I used to drive but had to quit because of my dot physical. I see how so much has changed , when it comes to the fourwheelers they keep on doing what they always have because no city or state cops are going to enforce the law on them. And there are some truck drivers out there that should not even have a license to drive. I am sorry but President Trump cut these cars speed down leave the truckers alone. Wake up America if i/ wasn't for these truck driver's out here you wouldn't have the things you do.
Rhonda Caldwell - 6 years ago
The govt meddling in something they know nothing about! Deadlines, appts, traffic, construction, weather, accidents, shutdowns, no parking, breakdowns. These things all affect drivers. Why are the Senators worried about fast Trks when they should be worried about the minimum spd of 40 or lower. Most campers/rvs/buses are in the hammer lane doing 70+ when signs clearly state vehicles over 6 wheels aren’t allowed. No one writes them a ticket, yet semis aren’t allowed in the Left lane. Slower Trks will only cause more problems, congestion, accidents, being late for appts which has a domino effect. Truckers are always on a time schedule. Pickups/deliveries/ 30 min brk/10 hr brk/34 hr reset. I drive 645 mi round trip everyday, governed @ 70. I can legally drive 11 hrs/day. My trip takes 10 hrs with NO problems, but I drive thru ATL twice! I only have 1 hr to spare & I go home everyday. If they slow me down & everyone else, that’s gonna make my job harder, cut my hours=cut my pay=hurt my family. I live in Ga. PLEASE don’t pass this bill. Trks are the backbone to this country. Don’t break the ppl who are trying to provide for this country & their families. Maybe you all should worry about the highway infrastructures, bridge & interstate maintenance and safety, not speed. Most accidents involving any semi is usually caused by a car cutting us off, not using turn signals or brake checking us because we are seen as a hindrance, already seen as slow. PLEASE! Take a ride in a semi, see how we roll & operate. We climb hills slow because we’re heavy (80,000)# don’t climb fast! We sail down hills because the weight is pushing us. We can’t stop on a dime, more tires don’t mean you can stop faster. We are all just trying to get from point A to B, get paid & back home home to our families safe. We want everyone to get home safe. Slowing us down won’t help, it will only get worse for everyone! We as drivers already have a tremendous amount of stress with traffic, deadlines, being away from family, please don’t add to it. Thank you & God Bless America.
Mike Darukee - 8 years ago
Keep the government out of regulating my ability to earn a living.
Daniel - 8 years ago
What companies have the most accidents on the road? Big companies with limited trucks @ 55-62 mph. Why bc lanes get blocked up cars get aggressive around the trucks and crash. I drive alot around dc and its by far the scariest place to drive a big truck bc of all the agressive drivers. If trucks are limited every one on the road should be. Thats the only way to slow accidents. They happen. We will mever have accident free road ways no matter what. Ny sayed in the 90s when the speeds on the thruway increased to 65 accident numbers dropped dramatically bc people were more fucused on driving
Robert M - 8 years ago
I think it would only be fair to limit all vehicles. It is not the speed of the trucks that are causing accidents it is the difference of speed. If truckers can only do 65 in an 80 mph zone people are going to be driving more aggressively to get around us. Unless the government want to make truck only lanes since here in Texas they are getting stupid with the "No trucks left lane" crap.
Chris - 8 years ago
I've been driving 22 years first and foremost trucks need to run at a certain speed to haul loads properly the truck that I currently Drive only does 63... this is unacceptable trucks need to be set at 70 mile an hour or more for many reasons reason number 1 flow of traffic is the best speed the average driver does 65 to 70 mile an hour everywhere in the United States so if you have slow trucks it causes problems secondly when you're hauling heavy loads you need to be able to pull a hill and if you can't get the truck up to speed he won't be able to pull the hill at a safe speed I believe all trucks need to be set at least 70 mile an hour if you can't drive a truck at that speed and you don't need to be driving a truck ..as far as construction sites anyone speeding through one is their own fault.... and the number one reason is respect to the professional driver!... And if was making the decision.. companies that don't turn trucks up to at least 70 miles per hour they would need to pull the tractors off the road!
Kenny Scott - 8 years ago
It is clear by the climbing death rate that there is more wrong than speed. You must fix what makes speeding and that is setting at loading docks , poor pay and the stupid logbook rules. Also bad training kills also there is
Michael - 8 years ago
If we take all the trucks and limit them it will cause unnecessary speeding in construction zones creating more accidents. On major highways coming into big cities it would cause more problems by having rows of trucks all going the same speed causing more cars cutting the trucks off. It will cause the trucker to be more aggressive of a driver than he normally would because he can't afford to slow down. Ultimately it will cause more accidents then it's meant to save. We all ready have trucks trying to pass each other when one is going BARELY FASTER than the other taking miles to make the pass. I've been driving for over 16 years and this will cause serious problems. Where is the study that has the percentage of fatalities involving a governed truck? That is what needs to be looked at and looked at seriously!!SAY NO TO GOVERNING TRUCKS.
richard - 8 years ago
the posted limits we have now are plenty sadly drivers are way over regulated as it is it would be nice if all the do goaders in government would leave us alone to do our jobs
Rick - 8 years ago
I firmly believe if they put speed limiters on all cars/pickups,, it would save a hell of a lot more lives, half the accidents and much more fuel. And that with leaving it with no restrictions on trucks.
What do you think? True?
Stephen Tracey - 8 years ago
The safest speed is all traffic going at the same speed. It has been proved my the government, and independent agencies.
David - 8 years ago
The government needs to stop with all there ridiculous rule making. 80,000 # Trucks traveling at 6o mph will kill people just the same as a 80 mph saving fuel consumption that's a joke so your peddle is on the floor and your bouncing off the speed governor???hmm traffic will be a nightmare that is for sure you will also have a lot more road rage from the 4 wheelers.elds and speed limiters need to the decision of the company or Owner Operator not the government. Most of the people sitting behind a desk making up rules for trucks and never even drove one.they get paid a 6 digit income to sit there and make up rules. Trucking used to be fun now all these rules to other rules on top of more riles is all they think off leave us alone. Us drivers could easily stop all this all we gotta do is some how pic a week and just park it then most stores will be empty by the 3rd day of no delivery most companies that depend on thucks will have to stop working it trickles down from there We the drivers control the economy
David Villemaire - 8 years ago
The government needs to stop with all there ridiculous rule making. 80,000 # Trucks traveling at 6o mph will kill people just the same as a 80 mph saving fuel consumption that's a joke so your peddle is on the floor and your bouncing off the speed governor???hmm traffic will be a nightmare that is for sure you will also have a lot more road rage from the 4 wheelers.elds and speed limiters need to the decision of the company or Owner Operator not the government. Most of the people sitting behind a desk making up rules for trucks and never even drove one.they get paid a 6 digit income to sit there and make up rules. Trucking used to be fun now all these rules to other rules on top of more riles is all they think off leave us alone. Us drivers could easily stop all this all we gotta do is some how pic a week and just park it then most stores will be empty by the 3rd day of no delivery most companies that depend on thucks will have to stop working it trickles down from there We the drivers control the economy
I purchased several used tractors and turned off the governors on all. 66% of the tractors achieved an increase of at least 1 MPG and 33% saw an increase of 2.4 MPG.
The fuel savings is false.
Slowing trucks to those limits decreases monthly mileage. Regardless of how a tractor/driver is paid it all comes down to miles driven. Setting a 65 MPH limit would result in $14,000 +/- gross loss of revenue depending on fuel cost per gallon to my business monthly.
The safety reasoning has been contradicted by many studies and found to be just the opposite of the thought process behind NHTSB and FMCSA.
Ask a trooper, ride along with a trucker. Anyone making the assertion that trucks are the problem is oblivious to driving. Try squeezing 80 feet of tractor/trailer at any speed between the NASCAR drivers on our interstates and highways. It's not always governed trucks demanding a lane change. Many times it's RV'rs and elderly.
Adam - 8 years ago
These truck crashes are mainly due to the cars. Has anyone that makes these dumb laws ever been in a semi? No. Have they realized that these people in cars cut us off, force us over, and act like we arnt there? No. This isnt the truckers fault. We as drivers will all shut down and then those people who made us run slower will begin to understand our importance. You wont have the essintials. Food, clothes, medical supplies, cars, parts, or anything else you can buy.
Nick - 8 years ago
Putting truck drivers at a lower speed makes it more dangerous for us when we need to merge onto another freeway or pass. Making our cross state trips even longer. I also think whoever decides to change our speed limit should ride with a trucker for a few days to see what we go thru and watch four wheeler driving behaviors before you dump this crap on us.
Eric Moyer - 8 years ago
After years of studies the DOT determined that split speed limits were unsafe and most states eliminated them. Why are they now pushing limiters claiming that they will save lives? This will only lead to "packs" of trucks that cannot get out of each other's way much less adhere to the "move over" law. Good luck getting on or off an interstate safely, guess we'll all be waiting for "the big one" just like at Talladega and Daytona. This is just more big company agenda running Washington
Ronald Fitch - 8 years ago
Speed limiters will onlycause more problems on the roadway states like Ohio Virginia Arkansas Illanois have already figured this out so why make them go backwards split speeds are dangurice
GREGG - 8 years ago
Last year there were 35,000 fatalities on the roads, 4,000 involved trucks. That does not mean that the trucks were at fault just involved. So how about taking the FMCSA Logic and lets spend more time regulating the the 4 wheel drivers who are totally responsible for 90% of fatalities and back off the truck drivers who are probably responsible for less than 6% of the fatalities.
Ernest - 8 years ago
It was government said it was safer for traffic at same speeds. Yet some states feel different. DOT has studied funny how they fail to show the math or stats . How many accidents ,fatalities was the Class 8 truck speeding versus the cars? How many rear end collisions now due to split speeds. Sadly the DOT is not doing these rules for safety. The stakeholders petition congress for the ELDs the Petitioned for governing. The stakeholders are not interested in safety but the revenue of their companies. If all are ELD and all the same speed , no more extra pay for expedited freight. no carrier benefit over another . Sadly these publications support the Stakeholders. If it was about safety and fuel and carbon footprint it would be back to a national speed limit for all vehicles doing 55. Like he says wake up America
Doug - 8 years ago
They should pass all of this comments along to the people making this laws. The public needs to be educated as to the way Trucks perform and the new safety devices. They are clueless
sandi putz - 8 years ago
If the speed limited on trucks safe lives and accidents. How about speed limited on cars buses etc. That would I am sure that would save lives also!!. Maybe we could all be tied into an electronic system so we wouldn't have to think at all
I think the speed limit should the same as cars I see cars get in front of trucks that are slower than the speed limit and they slow down and makes them slow down even more I got cameras for them just incase if I cant slow down fast enough
Vincent R Meyers Sr - 8 years ago
Having read a number of articles written on this subject, none has provided the official site for comments to be submitted. I have checked the Fed DOT site and FHSA site and neither site even lists this rule as being submitted. I could be mistaken since the site isn't the easiest to navigate. So if somebody can post the comment submission site along with the next article, well that would be a service to all of us.
Melissa Anderson - 8 years ago
I drove OTR for 18 years and saw all different speed limits for trucks, including states with split speed limits. CA is the biggest offender of split speed limits; 55 for trucks everywhere and 70 for cars. That is ridiculous. They sight that the slower speed will lessen the damages or injuries during a crash that involves trucks. What they don't site that in the "4,067 truck-involved fatalities in 2015" the majority of those crashes were caused by vehicles other than commercial vehicles. However, because the truck is 10 times larger than the car, our Government seems to find it fit to cut back trucks on speed, with electronic logging and anything else they can find. Yet I do not see where they do anything to curb the actual reported causes of the crashes - 4-wheelers. I drive my Tahoe around but with all of my years as a truck driver, I use those skills to drive my personal vehicle, as do all of the people I know that still drive trucks today. We don't just stop being a truck driver because we are not in a truck. People in cars and pickups that have never had the experience to see what it is like everyday inside of a semi truck will always be ignorant to the skills and abilities it takes to actually drive something that large. They constantly cut off trucks and then give them the finger or toot their cute little horns when they feel the truck is infringing on their space.... that they just took because a safe driver leaves 2-3 car lengths in front of him/herself and then wonder why they get rear-ended. Or they turn right on a red light as a truck, who has a green light, is coming through the intersection and then blame the truck for damages or God-forbid, the death of a family member. All of these things are everyday occurrences for someone who makes a living driving a truck. Speed limiters will do nothing but increase road rage and traffic congestion. But we, as regular Americans, no matter how many polls they take or comments are submitted will never have a say in what happens in our industry. Only those who look at one-sided statistics and have never taken a day to see what actually goes on in the day of a truck driver make those rules. Then we are forced to abide by such idiotic things. We are then to blame for traffic congestion. It's a never-ending saga and until the trucking industry, as a whole...not just a few good meaning drivers, does something as drastic as a total strike, the Government will never get it. Yes there are railroads and ships and containers but all things delivered on such larger transportation all end up on a truck for final delivery. There is no way getting past that. It would really only take a full 72 hours for this country to have a back log of supplies in warehouses when they should be en-route to a store for them to realize this country revolves around truck drivers and their amazing abilities to do their jobs.
JC Ramsey - 8 years ago
I am not a fan of speed limiters. We have to much government rules now. Yes there will be those drivers abusing the speed limits but too many good drivers will be penalized because of a few. Limiting truck speed will only cause trucks to pile up and back up traffic resulting more road rage because of non-commercial drivers not being able to get around and being impatient and driving much more recklessly than normal. If need be make penalties for drivers severe enough to discourage excess speeding. Good drivers will not be affected, just bad drivers, it makes more sense to punish just the bad and not everybody. But since when did the government show a lot of good sense.
Darrin Goodman - 8 years ago
Speed limits need to be the same for cars as well as trucks ( come on Cali and Oregon) and setting governed limits is a bad idea, I get stuck behind to snail governed trucks, when one ignoramus driver decides he can't stand being slowed down by 1/4 MPH and needs to pass the snail governed truck in front of him, just to battle it out for 10 min running neck and neck down the 2 lane interstate, who is the jackass here? The drivers or the company who governed the truck?
DEWAYNE - 8 years ago
speed limiters will have road rage out of control. just look at the big company trucks that are already governed, you know the ones speeding though town and construction zones. need a list of people pushing this regulation so I know who to sue when I get rear ended.
Jerry Green - 8 years ago
Telling drivers that they can't drive the speed they want is like giving a solider only 15 bullets when he's fighting ISIS ITS CRAZY and only INSANE people would want that to happen
Linden Massey - 8 years ago
Speed limiter should be left to the decision of each company or O/O. I dont believe I want a newbie just out of school running 80 mph.
Ray Winans - 8 years ago
I can't see anyway for it to work at any speed without building truck-only lanes.
Ray Winans - 8 years ago
I can't see anyway for it to work at any speed without building truck-only lanes.
james mineer - 8 years ago
no limit slow speed out west will pu drivers to sleep . do you re call the national ( 55 ) that kills drivers when the go to sleep for lack of movment
slow speed is boring . ( NO ) speed liminter . be safe out there .
Laura Wade - 8 years ago
Western States are 80 MPH mostly. We need to be able to go 70 to 75 so we can get somewhere. Even OR raised it to 65 finally for trucks. They cut it down & all it does is steal our driving hours. Traffic jams will be a nightmare & the trucks will intentionally make it worse. That will make more road rage & we have enough. Quit telling us how to drive & let us do our job.
robert g - 8 years ago
i believe all speed should be turned down way to fast for all people not just trucks.
Bob Feldman - 8 years ago
I disagree with split speed limits setting a speed for trucks is dangerous if a steer tire blows you can't step into it to gain control then ease out of the throttle and bring the truck to rest
Speed limits on trucks is going to cause long back ups and road rage cause people are impatient
The reason the speed went up for trucks was to stop the split speeds of vehicles to cause less crashes. Now you want to return to worse
Mike - 8 years ago
Uniform speed limits across the board.
I do not care if they put it back to 55 nation wide as long as the are no split speeds and the cops do their JOB not selective enforcement on commercial vehicles.
Roger - 8 years ago
107 mph
Same as my current truck is governed at.
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I personally do not want trucks governed at all. I am an owner operator and would like to keep my truck at the posted speed limit. Mine is set at 75 I only go that speed out west with speed limits of 75-80. Split speed limits are too dangerous.
75 max is good.tires are made for 75
Trucks and cars should all have the same speed limit. When you have split you have m ok re accidents because these cars think they are better and think they dan do whatever they want around the trucks and nobody is going to do anything to them. They the fourwheelers will just keep on blaming the trucker's for everything. I used to drive but had to quit because of my dot physical. I see how so much has changed , when it comes to the fourwheelers they keep on doing what they always have because no city or state cops are going to enforce the law on them. And there are some truck drivers out there that should not even have a license to drive. I am sorry but President Trump cut these cars speed down leave the truckers alone. Wake up America if i/ wasn't for these truck driver's out here you wouldn't have the things you do.
The govt meddling in something they know nothing about! Deadlines, appts, traffic, construction, weather, accidents, shutdowns, no parking, breakdowns. These things all affect drivers. Why are the Senators worried about fast Trks when they should be worried about the minimum spd of 40 or lower. Most campers/rvs/buses are in the hammer lane doing 70+ when signs clearly state vehicles over 6 wheels aren’t allowed. No one writes them a ticket, yet semis aren’t allowed in the Left lane. Slower Trks will only cause more problems, congestion, accidents, being late for appts which has a domino effect. Truckers are always on a time schedule. Pickups/deliveries/ 30 min brk/10 hr brk/34 hr reset. I drive 645 mi round trip everyday, governed @ 70. I can legally drive 11 hrs/day. My trip takes 10 hrs with NO problems, but I drive thru ATL twice! I only have 1 hr to spare & I go home everyday. If they slow me down & everyone else, that’s gonna make my job harder, cut my hours=cut my pay=hurt my family. I live in Ga. PLEASE don’t pass this bill. Trks are the backbone to this country. Don’t break the ppl who are trying to provide for this country & their families. Maybe you all should worry about the highway infrastructures, bridge & interstate maintenance and safety, not speed. Most accidents involving any semi is usually caused by a car cutting us off, not using turn signals or brake checking us because we are seen as a hindrance, already seen as slow. PLEASE! Take a ride in a semi, see how we roll & operate. We climb hills slow because we’re heavy (80,000)# don’t climb fast! We sail down hills because the weight is pushing us. We can’t stop on a dime, more tires don’t mean you can stop faster. We are all just trying to get from point A to B, get paid & back home home to our families safe. We want everyone to get home safe. Slowing us down won’t help, it will only get worse for everyone! We as drivers already have a tremendous amount of stress with traffic, deadlines, being away from family, please don’t add to it. Thank you & God Bless America.
Keep the government out of regulating my ability to earn a living.
What companies have the most accidents on the road? Big companies with limited trucks @ 55-62 mph. Why bc lanes get blocked up cars get aggressive around the trucks and crash. I drive alot around dc and its by far the scariest place to drive a big truck bc of all the agressive drivers. If trucks are limited every one on the road should be. Thats the only way to slow accidents. They happen. We will mever have accident free road ways no matter what. Ny sayed in the 90s when the speeds on the thruway increased to 65 accident numbers dropped dramatically bc people were more fucused on driving
I think it would only be fair to limit all vehicles. It is not the speed of the trucks that are causing accidents it is the difference of speed. If truckers can only do 65 in an 80 mph zone people are going to be driving more aggressively to get around us. Unless the government want to make truck only lanes since here in Texas they are getting stupid with the "No trucks left lane" crap.
I've been driving 22 years first and foremost trucks need to run at a certain speed to haul loads properly the truck that I currently Drive only does 63... this is unacceptable trucks need to be set at 70 mile an hour or more for many reasons reason number 1 flow of traffic is the best speed the average driver does 65 to 70 mile an hour everywhere in the United States so if you have slow trucks it causes problems secondly when you're hauling heavy loads you need to be able to pull a hill and if you can't get the truck up to speed he won't be able to pull the hill at a safe speed I believe all trucks need to be set at least 70 mile an hour if you can't drive a truck at that speed and you don't need to be driving a truck ..as far as construction sites anyone speeding through one is their own fault.... and the number one reason is respect to the professional driver!... And if was making the decision.. companies that don't turn trucks up to at least 70 miles per hour they would need to pull the tractors off the road!
It is clear by the climbing death rate that there is more wrong than speed. You must fix what makes speeding and that is setting at loading docks , poor pay and the stupid logbook rules. Also bad training kills also there is
If we take all the trucks and limit them it will cause unnecessary speeding in construction zones creating more accidents. On major highways coming into big cities it would cause more problems by having rows of trucks all going the same speed causing more cars cutting the trucks off. It will cause the trucker to be more aggressive of a driver than he normally would because he can't afford to slow down. Ultimately it will cause more accidents then it's meant to save. We all ready have trucks trying to pass each other when one is going BARELY FASTER than the other taking miles to make the pass. I've been driving for over 16 years and this will cause serious problems. Where is the study that has the percentage of fatalities involving a governed truck? That is what needs to be looked at and looked at seriously!!SAY NO TO GOVERNING TRUCKS.
the posted limits we have now are plenty sadly drivers are way over regulated as it is it would be nice if all the do goaders in government would leave us alone to do our jobs
I firmly believe if they put speed limiters on all cars/pickups,, it would save a hell of a lot more lives, half the accidents and much more fuel. And that with leaving it with no restrictions on trucks.
What do you think? True?
The safest speed is all traffic going at the same speed. It has been proved my the government, and independent agencies.
The government needs to stop with all there ridiculous rule making. 80,000 # Trucks traveling at 6o mph will kill people just the same as a 80 mph saving fuel consumption that's a joke so your peddle is on the floor and your bouncing off the speed governor???hmm traffic will be a nightmare that is for sure you will also have a lot more road rage from the 4 wheelers.elds and speed limiters need to the decision of the company or Owner Operator not the government. Most of the people sitting behind a desk making up rules for trucks and never even drove one.they get paid a 6 digit income to sit there and make up rules. Trucking used to be fun now all these rules to other rules on top of more riles is all they think off leave us alone. Us drivers could easily stop all this all we gotta do is some how pic a week and just park it then most stores will be empty by the 3rd day of no delivery most companies that depend on thucks will have to stop working it trickles down from there We the drivers control the economy
The government needs to stop with all there ridiculous rule making. 80,000 # Trucks traveling at 6o mph will kill people just the same as a 80 mph saving fuel consumption that's a joke so your peddle is on the floor and your bouncing off the speed governor???hmm traffic will be a nightmare that is for sure you will also have a lot more road rage from the 4 wheelers.elds and speed limiters need to the decision of the company or Owner Operator not the government. Most of the people sitting behind a desk making up rules for trucks and never even drove one.they get paid a 6 digit income to sit there and make up rules. Trucking used to be fun now all these rules to other rules on top of more riles is all they think off leave us alone. Us drivers could easily stop all this all we gotta do is some how pic a week and just park it then most stores will be empty by the 3rd day of no delivery most companies that depend on thucks will have to stop working it trickles down from there We the drivers control the economy
I purchased several used tractors and turned off the governors on all. 66% of the tractors achieved an increase of at least 1 MPG and 33% saw an increase of 2.4 MPG.
The fuel savings is false.
Slowing trucks to those limits decreases monthly mileage. Regardless of how a tractor/driver is paid it all comes down to miles driven. Setting a 65 MPH limit would result in $14,000 +/- gross loss of revenue depending on fuel cost per gallon to my business monthly.
The safety reasoning has been contradicted by many studies and found to be just the opposite of the thought process behind NHTSB and FMCSA.
Ask a trooper, ride along with a trucker. Anyone making the assertion that trucks are the problem is oblivious to driving. Try squeezing 80 feet of tractor/trailer at any speed between the NASCAR drivers on our interstates and highways. It's not always governed trucks demanding a lane change. Many times it's RV'rs and elderly.
These truck crashes are mainly due to the cars. Has anyone that makes these dumb laws ever been in a semi? No. Have they realized that these people in cars cut us off, force us over, and act like we arnt there? No. This isnt the truckers fault. We as drivers will all shut down and then those people who made us run slower will begin to understand our importance. You wont have the essintials. Food, clothes, medical supplies, cars, parts, or anything else you can buy.
Putting truck drivers at a lower speed makes it more dangerous for us when we need to merge onto another freeway or pass. Making our cross state trips even longer. I also think whoever decides to change our speed limit should ride with a trucker for a few days to see what we go thru and watch four wheeler driving behaviors before you dump this crap on us.
After years of studies the DOT determined that split speed limits were unsafe and most states eliminated them. Why are they now pushing limiters claiming that they will save lives? This will only lead to "packs" of trucks that cannot get out of each other's way much less adhere to the "move over" law. Good luck getting on or off an interstate safely, guess we'll all be waiting for "the big one" just like at Talladega and Daytona. This is just more big company agenda running Washington
Speed limiters will onlycause more problems on the roadway states like Ohio Virginia Arkansas Illanois have already figured this out so why make them go backwards split speeds are dangurice
Last year there were 35,000 fatalities on the roads, 4,000 involved trucks. That does not mean that the trucks were at fault just involved. So how about taking the FMCSA Logic and lets spend more time regulating the the 4 wheel drivers who are totally responsible for 90% of fatalities and back off the truck drivers who are probably responsible for less than 6% of the fatalities.
It was government said it was safer for traffic at same speeds. Yet some states feel different. DOT has studied funny how they fail to show the math or stats . How many accidents ,fatalities was the Class 8 truck speeding versus the cars? How many rear end collisions now due to split speeds. Sadly the DOT is not doing these rules for safety. The stakeholders petition congress for the ELDs the Petitioned for governing. The stakeholders are not interested in safety but the revenue of their companies. If all are ELD and all the same speed , no more extra pay for expedited freight. no carrier benefit over another . Sadly these publications support the Stakeholders. If it was about safety and fuel and carbon footprint it would be back to a national speed limit for all vehicles doing 55. Like he says wake up America
They should pass all of this comments along to the people making this laws. The public needs to be educated as to the way Trucks perform and the new safety devices. They are clueless
If the speed limited on trucks safe lives and accidents. How about speed limited on cars buses etc. That would I am sure that would save lives also!!. Maybe we could all be tied into an electronic system so we wouldn't have to think at all
I think the speed limit should the same as cars I see cars get in front of trucks that are slower than the speed limit and they slow down and makes them slow down even more I got cameras for them just incase if I cant slow down fast enough
Having read a number of articles written on this subject, none has provided the official site for comments to be submitted. I have checked the Fed DOT site and FHSA site and neither site even lists this rule as being submitted. I could be mistaken since the site isn't the easiest to navigate. So if somebody can post the comment submission site along with the next article, well that would be a service to all of us.
I drove OTR for 18 years and saw all different speed limits for trucks, including states with split speed limits. CA is the biggest offender of split speed limits; 55 for trucks everywhere and 70 for cars. That is ridiculous. They sight that the slower speed will lessen the damages or injuries during a crash that involves trucks. What they don't site that in the "4,067 truck-involved fatalities in 2015" the majority of those crashes were caused by vehicles other than commercial vehicles. However, because the truck is 10 times larger than the car, our Government seems to find it fit to cut back trucks on speed, with electronic logging and anything else they can find. Yet I do not see where they do anything to curb the actual reported causes of the crashes - 4-wheelers. I drive my Tahoe around but with all of my years as a truck driver, I use those skills to drive my personal vehicle, as do all of the people I know that still drive trucks today. We don't just stop being a truck driver because we are not in a truck. People in cars and pickups that have never had the experience to see what it is like everyday inside of a semi truck will always be ignorant to the skills and abilities it takes to actually drive something that large. They constantly cut off trucks and then give them the finger or toot their cute little horns when they feel the truck is infringing on their space.... that they just took because a safe driver leaves 2-3 car lengths in front of him/herself and then wonder why they get rear-ended. Or they turn right on a red light as a truck, who has a green light, is coming through the intersection and then blame the truck for damages or God-forbid, the death of a family member. All of these things are everyday occurrences for someone who makes a living driving a truck. Speed limiters will do nothing but increase road rage and traffic congestion. But we, as regular Americans, no matter how many polls they take or comments are submitted will never have a say in what happens in our industry. Only those who look at one-sided statistics and have never taken a day to see what actually goes on in the day of a truck driver make those rules. Then we are forced to abide by such idiotic things. We are then to blame for traffic congestion. It's a never-ending saga and until the trucking industry, as a whole...not just a few good meaning drivers, does something as drastic as a total strike, the Government will never get it. Yes there are railroads and ships and containers but all things delivered on such larger transportation all end up on a truck for final delivery. There is no way getting past that. It would really only take a full 72 hours for this country to have a back log of supplies in warehouses when they should be en-route to a store for them to realize this country revolves around truck drivers and their amazing abilities to do their jobs.
I am not a fan of speed limiters. We have to much government rules now. Yes there will be those drivers abusing the speed limits but too many good drivers will be penalized because of a few. Limiting truck speed will only cause trucks to pile up and back up traffic resulting more road rage because of non-commercial drivers not being able to get around and being impatient and driving much more recklessly than normal. If need be make penalties for drivers severe enough to discourage excess speeding. Good drivers will not be affected, just bad drivers, it makes more sense to punish just the bad and not everybody. But since when did the government show a lot of good sense.
Speed limits need to be the same for cars as well as trucks ( come on Cali and Oregon) and setting governed limits is a bad idea, I get stuck behind to snail governed trucks, when one ignoramus driver decides he can't stand being slowed down by 1/4 MPH and needs to pass the snail governed truck in front of him, just to battle it out for 10 min running neck and neck down the 2 lane interstate, who is the jackass here? The drivers or the company who governed the truck?
speed limiters will have road rage out of control. just look at the big company trucks that are already governed, you know the ones speeding though town and construction zones. need a list of people pushing this regulation so I know who to sue when I get rear ended.
Telling drivers that they can't drive the speed they want is like giving a solider only 15 bullets when he's fighting ISIS ITS CRAZY and only INSANE people would want that to happen
Speed limiter should be left to the decision of each company or O/O. I dont believe I want a newbie just out of school running 80 mph.
I can't see anyway for it to work at any speed without building truck-only lanes.
I can't see anyway for it to work at any speed without building truck-only lanes.
no limit slow speed out west will pu drivers to sleep . do you re call the national ( 55 ) that kills drivers when the go to sleep for lack of movment
slow speed is boring . ( NO ) speed liminter . be safe out there .
Western States are 80 MPH mostly. We need to be able to go 70 to 75 so we can get somewhere. Even OR raised it to 65 finally for trucks. They cut it down & all it does is steal our driving hours. Traffic jams will be a nightmare & the trucks will intentionally make it worse. That will make more road rage & we have enough. Quit telling us how to drive & let us do our job.
i believe all speed should be turned down way to fast for all people not just trucks.
I disagree with split speed limits setting a speed for trucks is dangerous if a steer tire blows you can't step into it to gain control then ease out of the throttle and bring the truck to rest
Speed limits on trucks is going to cause long back ups and road rage cause people are impatient
The reason the speed went up for trucks was to stop the split speeds of vehicles to cause less crashes. Now you want to return to worse
Uniform speed limits across the board.
I do not care if they put it back to 55 nation wide as long as the are no split speeds and the cops do their JOB not selective enforcement on commercial vehicles.
107 mph
Same as my current truck is governed at.