In An Alternate World, Fluttershy is a...


  • Who dat? - 8 years ago


  • fambo1 - 8 years ago

    ohh shit I missed the tree option... now i've voted for demon lord XD

  • Judgement - 8 years ago

    An actual poll and not another biased, shit-stirring reassurance post? Where is the real Sethisto and what have you done with him?

  • VanillaPudding - 8 years ago

    I wanted to vote tree since she wouldn't mind being a tree, but then I considered actual alternate realities we've seen through the show when Starlight messed with the timeline and when Discord snapped himself and Fluttershy into that inverse universe. Since she was still a pony I opted instead for gangster because I could just see inverse universe Fluttershy being a ganglord. Or even Fluttershy in a world where Rainbow hadn't rainboomed and instead stuck in some seriously sucky situations. She's already been shown to snap from time to time.

  • KeenBlade - 8 years ago

    Demon Lord was a good second.

  • Christopher - 8 years ago

    A bully would be an obvious choice I suppose, but since that's not an option, I'd say tree. I think Fluttershy would make a great tree.

  • Korora - 8 years ago

    I couldn't answer, as the question is much too open-ended. What sort of alternate universe are we talking about?

  • Sailor Sedna - 8 years ago

    I never understood the whole "Fluttershy is a tree" thingy...

  • tin pin - 8 years ago

    My first thought was 'Tree' when I first saw the question buuuuut... demon lord. Definitely demon lord.

  • Chris - 8 years ago

    Fluttershy as a Wonderbolt? Oh, that's just sil-


  • Emma - 8 years ago

    Why isn't cult leader up there??? We must worship the great Lord Smooze and bow to him in his rebirth.

  • Scrounge - 8 years ago

    I don't think she'd be a demon lord so much as she'd be the Boogeymare, a creature of fear and shadows. Just looking into her glowing eyes can cause a foal nightmares and insomnia for the rest of their life, and hearing her soft, haunting song can send a chill down even the steeliest of spines.

  • Swash - 8 years ago

    A DRAGON, goddammit!

  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    There's alot of logic to be able to choose the correct answer! All of you guys are being ignorant! So subjective what has equestria daily gone to.
    Sad. Everyone always has so much bias

  • Mark - 8 years ago

    You forgot Flutterbat, or simply bat pony.

  • richfiles - 8 years ago

    Hay! Where's the Tyrannosaurus Rex option?!

    T-Rex Fluttershy rex your ticker with gargantuan dawwws! :P

  • Anon - 8 years ago

    When I read the question I thought "bitch!"
    It wasn't one of the options :(

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 8 years ago

    Tree, or more accurately a dryad.

  • Monster-in-a-box - 8 years ago

    I'd like to be a fire elemental.

  • Frith - 8 years ago

    What is this place filled with so many minions? Waiting on me, they number in millions! Furies thick as bees and the screaming of the banshees, wraiths I cannot see and the stench of the harpies! Harpiiies! Oh what a daemonic place, that I can unleash on the pony race! If I'd known the abyss was as wild and cruel, I'd arrived sooner to take up my rule, oh I shall be their queeeeen!

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