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Do You Prefer Michael Muhney or Aiden Turner For Adam Newman?


  • Bianca - 7 years ago

    I liked Justin better because he had more character levels to him, but if we can't have him then bring back Michael, just not so mean. And the idea that Victor may not always be there is a good point. Adam would be the new evil one. Please do something about Billy. This is my least favourite one. Cant' warm up to him. Can we have Billy Miller back, please.

  • Cindy - 8 years ago

    Bring Michael back.. Get rid of Summer. She has no talent and is so boring. Michael should never have been fired. He is the real ADAM. I just love him and he portrays the character to perfection. Enough said.... bring Michael back.

  • CSikomas - 8 years ago

    There is NO contest. Michael Muhney HAS to come back. I was just thinking how boring the current story lines are compared to the ones with Adam, and not just any Adam, THE ADAM! If there's any chance he will come back, maybe he won't, but if he would consider it for all his fans, it would be awesome. It's like I've been unwell since Michael left as Adam and while Justin did an admiral job, no one has the stares, the frowns, or brings the tension like Adam. HIs expressions are worth 1000 words which is why its so endearing when he holds his son, peanut. Plus the way he is sardonic and fiesty with Victor, that banter, that can't be duplicated and let's face it, anyone else will pale in comparison. I've been watching this since the 70s, why not give me and my sisters what we want as true grit fans, which is Victor and Nikki together and Michael restored to his rightful place.

  • CSikomas - 8 years ago

    There is NO contest. Michael Muhney HAS to come back. I was just thinking how boring the current story lines are compared to the ones with Adam, and not just any Adam, THE ADAM! If there's any chance he will come back, maybe he won't, but if he would consider it for all his fans, it would be awesome. It's like I've been unwell since Michael left as Adam and while Justin did an admiral job, no one has the stares, the frowns, or brings the tension like Adam. HIs expressions are worth 1000 words which is why its so endearing when he holds his son, peanut. Plus the way he is sardonic and fiesty with Victor, that banter, that can't be duplicated and let's face it, anyone else will pale in comparison. I've been watching this since the 70s, why not give me and my sisters what we want as true grit fans, which is Victor and Nikki together and Michael restored to his rightful place.

  • Timberley - 8 years ago

    Bring back Michael Muhney!!! Justin Hartley sounded just like him and is a fine looking man, but we want Adam back! Y&R would be foolish not to bring him back. The story line right now is boring as crap without Adam. While I am commenting, they did a horrible job at recasting Ridge Forrester on B&B. He is awful and has no chemistry with anyone.
    Please don't ruin the recast of Adam. Over 90% of the fans want MM back. I may have to quit watching if they recast Adam with a bad actor.
    I am so watching old soap reruns. I will jump ship to General Hospital.

  • Stacey - 8 years ago

    Please don't give us another Adam. Bring the old Adam back and please allow him and Chalsea together. If he go back to being ruthless, allow them to be ruthless together against The one who hurt him.

  • Barbara Ledbury - 8 years ago

    Bring back Michael, he is the real adam!

  • Nan - 8 years ago

    I would love for Michael Muhney to come back. I never warmed up to Justin Hartley. He was on Mistresses and I really found him wooden and boring. Michael brought so much depth to the role and it would be beyond incredible for him to return. If not then kill off Adam again. To me he already died when MM left.

  • gloria Williams - 8 years ago

    Michael is the only choice-----no one else can fill the bill. Justin was ok but not great. No
    way as good as Michael Muheny. That part was made for Michael Muhney

  • Staci - 8 years ago

    Didn't think Justin could out do Michael but he did! Either leave Adam dead or bring back Michael! The new Billy is HORRIBLE! Just not buying it! Bring back JT as Victoria's love interest!

  • Adna ramnit - 8 years ago

    Michael needs to be Adam, and while we are discussing roles, Billy needs to ave Billy Miller back, have tried and cannot get into the new Billy, not working.

  • Joan - 8 years ago

    Adam and Chelsie are the backbone of the show now. Please do not do away with his character. I voted for Michael to return too! Love, Love, Love the Show!

  • Gina Torres - 8 years ago

    i believe that michael would be the best one because he played him for so long and firing him was the stupidest thing they did so come on y&r fans lets start a calling for michael to come back!

  • Carolyn - 8 years ago

    When Michael Muhney was fired and then public realized how very unfair the firing was, I thought "great", there goes the character like so many others that have been replaced over the years (i.e. Billy Abbott) But when Justin Hartley came in, was so incredible at how he took the character and actually owned it as he should. Now we are back full circle in a sense, and what an opportunity to get the "original" back, the one that so many long time viewers want..Please do not go for another "different" Adam..Michael Muhney has talent and can take the role to heights maybe not yet even reached before he lost the role. I agree with so many other viewer's comments. We need to keep those actors that can carry the show for many more years and still grow. This is because they know the character and their coworkers..Thankfully, the show is moving along at a nice pace now, and maybe the writers and producers, all TBTB will actually listen to the comments being given instead of just taking a poll they will disregard responses to. The storyline of Adam coming back (and w/MM in the role) can really grow w/Chelsea again. Even if the "MM Adam" is recognized by the folks in Genoa City..Can really get some twists going w/that one! Not like Adam doesn't know how to change his looks! This time will be "change" but not so drastic long time (as I am since 1973) and new viewers can't appreciate. He can definitely be the match for Victor or anyone else (hmmm Chloe maybe? ) PLEASE GET MICHAEL MUHNEY BACK since Justin has gone on to night time TV.

  • Sharon - 8 years ago

    I thought Justin was amazing and am really sorry that he has left the show. At least I can continue to watch him on his new show this fall! If Justin is no longer playing Adam, then bring Michael back in this role, PLEASE!

  • La Ron Martin - 8 years ago

    Everyone needs redemption and this will be the best way for Michael Muhney to get his. Majority of everyone makes mistakes and learn from it, and maybe Michael learned from his. There is only one way to find out and that is to rehire him back. At first I wasn't a big fan of Michael Muhney playing the role of Adam Newman. Chris Engen was the first Adam Newman that I enjoyed, but after Michael Muhney took over I learned to stomach him as Adam. Then once Michael got fired, and Justin Hartley. I didn't know how that would play out. Now that Justin Hartley has left, and to bring in a new actor to play Adam wouldn't feel right. I say either bring back Michael Muhney, or just let the character of Adam Newman rest in peace.

  • Allie - 8 years ago

    I believe that the only actor to regain the momentum and peak interest in Y & R is Michael Muhney. Justin Hartley miraculously was able to create renewed interest, not only for the character Adam, but for the whole show. He took Adam to new heights after the disastrous firing of Michael. Now, to continue ratings and any new viewers out there, the powers that be need to hire back Michael, who would not only save the wonderful relationship with Chelsea and their son, but pave a way to storylines for the next generation of Newmans, post Victor. Michael's on-screen chemistry and his strength in delivering a viable alternative to any existing younger Newman will mean continuity not just for the all-important character of Adam, but for continued success and stabilization and direction for Y & R for many years to come. Please listen to each and every comment from your viewers....we love this soap, these actors are our tv family, and Michael is so missed!!

  • alice - 8 years ago

    Bring back Michael . He is a great Adam. Please writers listen to the fans.We need vengeance for Chloe.
    She has gotten away with too much

  • Sandra morales - 8 years ago

    I have seen turner act don't like him to much

  • Tonia Smith - 8 years ago

    Let Adam die this is so over. Let Chelsea and Nick get together and she can out the news of Christian being Adams child.

  • Marianne Clapham - 8 years ago

    either bring back Michael Muhney or let the character die

  • Jinx - 8 years ago

    Loved m.m. He owned Adam . Justin was great too but I would love to see m.m. Back! Adam is what makes the show

  • Louise newby - 8 years ago

    Just bring Adam back. a shallow story line with the stars less and less

  • Phyllis Ogilvie - 8 years ago

    I enjoyed Justin playing the part of Adam, was so sorry to see the way the story went. Hopefully Adam won't be missing for too long. If Justin can't return, than Michael would be a good choice. These two actors did a wonderful job, I would hate to see another actor having the part of Adam,

  • Dena - 8 years ago

    I wish Michael Muhney would reprise the role of Adam Newman. It would be super exciting! It would also help to revive MM's career, as it seems was tarnished by the rumors and hear-say that was started by his firing by Y&R. It may also put Y&R in better terms with a lot of the fans that stopped watching the show when MM left. The ratings would raise for sure. The fact is that the fans want him and he is a talented actor who portrayed Adam Newman quite well.

  • Lori - 8 years ago

    We want Michael....
    Enough said. Are you Not listening to your Y&R fans. Justin did a Great job, although he's not the Adam we want.
    Keep in mind The Great Victor Newman will not be around forever. Do you really think Nick can take over the dirty deals daddy did.? Nope.... Adam will take the Victor role, aka Michael.

  • Mimi - 8 years ago

    Granted Michael might have had some questionable behavior that we don't know complete truth and cast members might not be fond of him. But the truth is fans want him back and ratings would go through the roof for Y&R. The execs should figure out a way to make it work and gives fans what they want and Y&R gets increased ratings. It's a win win!

  • Sharon - 8 years ago

    Michael Muhney should reprise the role of Adam Newman & take Y&R into the future!!!! He would be the head of the show & take over when Eric Braden (Victor) retires!!!!!!

  • janice - 8 years ago

    michael mulhey was the perfect ADAM! Bring him back.

  • Teresa - 8 years ago

    I absolutely loved the roll Michael played as Adam. Bringing him back would be awesome not that Justin didn't do a great job but what I've read is that Hartley moved to a TV series so we will still be able to watch him. NOT wanting another Adam to get to know again. Michael Muhney all the way!!!!!

  • Bobbie - 8 years ago

    Don't bring back Michel Muhney. Too controversial. He's a good actor but tomuch happened

  • Martha prescod - 8 years ago

    I believe no other Adam will work out beside Justin.

  • Martha prescod - 8 years ago

    They should bring back Adam justin or the original Adam Michael but I really like the Adam Justin he is the perfect Adam for this role he is good looking nice caring and. Has good swag and chemistry with Chelsea on the show the perfect couple. I believe this no other Adam will fit this role you all should have kept Adam justin

  • Dashana - 8 years ago

    I would pay whatever it took to keep the one we have now. He brought life back to the show.
    I have watched this show since I was a small child and honestly it not my kind of TV. If you let
    this Adam get away you have lost a fabulous actor. I honestly will not continue to watch the
    show. There has been to much Adam swapping and dying.

  • Dashana Rowlette - 8 years ago

    I would pay whatever it took to keep the one we have now. He brought life back to the show.
    I have watched this show since I was a small child and honestly it not my kind of TV. If you let
    this Adam get away you have lost a fabulous actor. I honestly will not continue to watch the
    show. There has been to much Adam swapping and dying.

  • Sharon - 8 years ago

    Definitely bring back Michael, he made the character work perfectly!!

  • SUSIE - 8 years ago

    It would be great to have Michael back. He was a great Adam, and especially coming back with a vengeance for Chloe ...he could go back to his old devious ways. I loved Justin as Adam, but he wasn't ruthless enough !!

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