What are your views on the pony "Waifu" thing?


  • name - 8 years ago

    Not really my place (or anyone else's) to say how others should express their affection for fictional characters. As long as it's not causing anything detrimental, why should anyone give a shit? Shine on, you crazy spergs!

  • richfiles - 8 years ago

    "[insert pony] is my waifu!"

    Oh my! How ALMOST lewd!

  • Anon - 8 years ago

    I feel you guys should do more in-depth analysis on poll results.

  • Anonshy - 8 years ago

    I'm not into it and I don't really care about "waifus" or "husbandoes". If somebody is happy in that way without doing anything harmful to another person, it's fine~

  • Gokudomatic - 8 years ago

    It's not just weird. It's plain weirdo. But I suspect more that people tend to overused the term "waifu" without knowing what it really means.

  • Jana Lybarger - 8 years ago

    I've never liked it in any fandom. Mainly because the moment a potential love interest is introduced to a series, many fans feel the need to crucify said love interest out of some misplaced feeling of entitlement. It's irritating and gets downright ridiculous when some of the more "intense" fans take their displeasure straight to the creator, even try to dictate to the creator what they can or can't do to their own characters. Those people make me want to high five them in the face with a bat.

  • Inlustris - 8 years ago

    Rarity forever

  • Nicholas Lozano - 8 years ago

    Does Sunset Shimmer count?

  • TexasUberAlles - 8 years ago

    Having an actual wife kindasorta precludes the whole waifu thing. 6__6

  • Mares Fillies - 8 years ago

    Twilight Sparkle is best waifu. I want to start a family with her. :D

  • HalflingPony - 8 years ago

    My enjoyment of the concept of "waifu" is inversely proportional to level of seriousness attached to it.

  • Kibate - 8 years ago

    I voted "other"
    Because i WOULD have a waifu, but i haven't met a single fictional character that actually is "good enough for me". Just like a real marriage you don't just change a waifu whenever a new girl (or boy) pops up that you like better, so you better choose wisely. At least that is how it should be, otherwise you might as well say you simply "like this character"

  • Titanium Strip - 8 years ago

    I have romantic interests for my oc, but that's as far as I went, don't really want to go any further. Someone else can have my waifu hahahaha

  • hifibrony - 8 years ago

    My problem is deciding between Fluttershy, Coco and Octavia. I wind up deciding on Octavia more often than not. We both love classical music.

  • Jack Daniels - 8 years ago

    Out of curiosity, I took a look at some of the "Not doing hurtful things to your waifu" charts.
    I'll be honest, some of them are fairly cute.

  • MrAskAPirate - 8 years ago

    People have been doing it longer than pony has been around; just saying... that said, it's just kind of... there? Sometimes it's funny but once in a while you get a person who takes it way too damn seriously.

  • clorolax - 8 years ago

    for the longest time, shining armour was my husbando
    and basically number one in my book

    but ever since rainbow rocks
    sunsets waifu status has just blown him outta the water

  • Hakirayleigh - 8 years ago

    Rarity is my Waifu for laifu x 2

  • Valiant Venture - 8 years ago

    Back when I joined the fandom, I thought I'd never come close to the whole "waifu" thing. Also, like others are saying here, I thought of it more as a joke.

    Now, three years later, I'm exactly the opposite. Confound these ponies. Lol. I'd have to confess that Fluttershy is my waifu.

  • InfinityDash - 8 years ago

    It's a joke right? I've never heard it used in a serious context... but maybe I *have* heard it used seriously but just thought it was so ridiculous that it had to be a joke, right??

    On a different note, I kinda wish EQD would do something a bit more interesting with these polls. I know they're "for fun" but one suggestion I've heard that I think would be both "fun" and interesting is running old polls again and comparing the results from then and now. I think getting the general public's opinion on "pony waifus" is kinda... not interesting, to put it politely. (Using the site search it looks like they did run an *actual* "Who is your pony waifu?" poll back in February 2011... that was just before I got involved in the fandom. Fluttershy won with 48 votes. Crazy that was 5 and a half years ago...)

  • Frith - 8 years ago

    There should be a 'silly meme is silly' choice.

  • Feanor - 8 years ago

    Rarity is my Waifu for laifu

  • Groudon199 - 8 years ago

    To me, it's stupid. I hate that word in any context. I'll say Fluttershy's my favorite or that I really like her, but I will NEVER use the W word.

    Also, it sounds like a crappy kung fu knock-off.

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