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What do you think of Ray Steven's "Dear America"?


  • Dianne Daussat Graiser - 8 years ago

    Ray, love this song so much and I sure wish you would let Donald Trump use it as his campaign song.
    Sound like the fit is perfect. !!!

  • Karen - 8 years ago

    Have always loved Ray Stevens. - multitalented and multifaceted. Love the the message...and the video

  • Beverly - 8 years ago

    I have shared my love of our country as well as my enjoyment of all of Ray Stevens songs with my boys This is an awesome song ❤️

  • penny m Gould - 8 years ago

    Best song that I heard in years

  • Mary - 8 years ago

    The song is appropriate for the emotions we all felt that day. Although the majority of Americans are Christian, I wish the crosses could have been left out of the video, or if kept in should have shown others' faith symbols showing they too were deeply saddened by that day. I myself am not a Christian but a Jew and many, many Jews were lost at the World Trade Center on that infamous day, September 11, 2001.

  • Mike - 8 years ago

    Well, Ray's only been pluggin' away at it for 50 years or so. I still enjoy remembering when he broke into "Hambone" on the Merv Griffin show. Always a gifted, imaginative Musician respecting the heritage of his craft- From "Freddie Feelgood" to "Mr. Businessman" to this and other recent efforts; thank you Ray.

  • Audrey Lee Gore - 8 years ago

    For the one who said 'Not on a level' with God Bless America... Right Up There With It! Not a competition so that was a 'confusing' remark. Ray Stevens, you have just demonstrated what an extreme talent you are. I have listened to you from your 1st album. You are nothing short of Multi-Talented... For the ones in the survey that were unappreciative of such a heartfelt song, no worries, they are ones who have no love, no hope, or ANY appreciation of The True America! I will be sharing this song because MOST of the people I know want to Celebrate and Be Proud Of Our Country, and are willing to stand up, rebuild and thrive. Thank you for such a Beautiful Heartfelt Tribute to The Land I So Dearly Love! #TeamRayStevens

  • Robert Gagnon - 8 years ago

    I have always had a tremendous respect for Ray Stevens - a highly talented musician and songwriter. "Dear America" succeeds in being a beautiful tribute to Sept 11, 2001 without being dreary (as that day REALLY was)!! This makes you proud to be an American. Great song, Ray!!

  • Ron Bumbalough - 8 years ago

    Mr. Stevens,this song "Dear America" IS really heartfelt and I love it. It carries the undertone that I feel says what I fell as a retired Military member. My Oath of Enlistment says that I will defend the Constitution (America) against ALL enemies, both FOREIGN and DOMESTIC and has NO expiration date to the best of my knowledge. Your song reiterates this feeling for me. Thank you for ALL the music that you have made. It has made days super enjoyable. Please think about re-releasing "Ahab, the Arab". Thank you Sir!

  • Fred Sumter - 8 years ago

    Right up there with "Everything is Beautiful" .... U still got it friend....

    Regards from All...Benny !!!!


  • Frankie - 8 years ago

    Thank you Ray! I have always loved your songs - mostly uplifting and funny ones! But, this one is heartfelt and very appro and so needed particularly at this time of chaos for our great country with people wanting to change her - I cannot understand why people come here to live because America is so great - and yet they come and then want to change her to be like the places they left! We can never let this happen! She is and always has been beautiful and I'll love her till I die!... GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • linda - 8 years ago

    love this song. it is so different from what ray usually does. the song is beautiful, I love my country and would never live any where else. thank you ray for your wonderful music.

  • Alan - 8 years ago

    SMALTZ !!

  • Janice - 8 years ago

    Not on a level with "God Bless America", but a heartfelt song.......

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