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Do you think it’s time to revisit adding fluoride to Calgary’s drinking water?


  • Laurie - 8 years ago

    Do your research. Fluoride has been proven toxic, and I agree it's too much juice, candy and lack of oral health care that is causing the rise in cavities. I for one am sensitive to fluoride and can't tolerate it. I am sure I am not the only one. How many people will be harmed by it? We do not need anymore toxic chemicals added to our water! We are breathing in enough from the air already!

  • JFC - 8 years ago

    The evidence is clear: fluoride isn't bad for your health, given the proper recommended dosage, and not having it in our water supply has only resulted in the detriment to our teeth.

    Stop being scientifically illiterate, stop opposing fluoride, stop harming our citizens. Put fluoride back in the water, now.

  • Billy Jenkins - 8 years ago

    What is with the options?? I do not want fluoride and I do not want to revisit this.

    Fluoride has some negative impact on the body, hell even if your teeth turn out ok, you get mottled teeth from fluorosis and they can also become more brittle. Sure no cavities but hey blotchy teeth and brittle bones, gut microbiome is also disrupted, not to mention other soft tissues in the body can be damaged.
    I looked into this years ago and had to buy an expensive water system but then Calgary stopped the fluoride so I sold it, now it looks like I am going to have to go into debt to get rid of this crap again.
    If you want if, get some drops let the rest of us remain unpolluted

  • Robert Jones - 8 years ago

    I do not like the idea of adding it back, fluoride is harmful.

    Sure there may be minimal dental benefits, but once you get beyond the teeth surface and your body absorbs it, many issues can happen.

    Here is a link to a wide variety of sources on the topic... educate yourself, there are more negatives to positive when fluoride is concerned.

  • John - 8 years ago

    I don't agree with adding a potentially toxic chemical to our water... it may be relatively safe if you only drink a cup of tap water a day, but what happens if you drink a gallon or two a day?

    You can't really take fluoride out without a lot of cost for filters, but adding a drop to water if you want, or chewing tablets should be the option for those who want it.

    The biggest problem is diet, people eat crap these days, more so in the last 10 years, also people need to take some ownership as to proper dental care

    I am out of work so I understand how people can't afford to see the dentist, but I went 5 years without a visit, drinking distilled water and didn't have a single cavity because I brush 2-3 times a day, or rinse my mouth out after eating or chew gum if I can't brush.

    Fluoride is toxic, there are many sources with legitimate scientific studies for the negative impact.
    Let people who want to expose themselves to it to get subsidised chewable fluoride tablets or drops

  • Dave Randalla - 8 years ago

    Only the very uninformed (or really stupid) are anti-fluoride. People of all ages require fluoride (a salt, not a toxic chemical) for proper bone and teeth formation - particularly the very young and the very old (like me). If you grew up in Vancouver where the water is virtually mineral free, you would know that almost no one there got out of puberty with a good set of teeth despite good hygiene habits and osteoporosis is endemic in their old people. I don't understand the objections here in Calgary when we already know there is about half enough fluoride ocurring naturally in our water and we only have to supplement it somewhat - are the objections therefore religious in nature?

  • Terry - 8 years ago

    Why are we doing these surveys? The decision should be made by the medical community not Jane and John Does'.
    For example, there is no surveydone on how much Chlorine should be in our drinking water.
    We already know that fluoride helps prevent tooth decay and just brushing teeth is not good enough to prevent it.
    Back in the day when I was raising my children and there was no fluoride in the water, it was provided in dropper form at community health centers. This does not happen any more and parents have to purchase it now or children go with out it.

  • Darr - 8 years ago

    The idea of forcing every Man, Woman and child to consume a chemical of no use to them whatsoever is preposterous. Fluoride is widely available to anyone who wants it - toothpaste is tremendously cheap and the only reason to not force your children to use it is simple laziness.

    You cannot ask the general public to buy non-fluoridated water because of your inability to properly raise your children.

  • Ben - 8 years ago

    Fluoride is toxic. Why would we want to put something that is toxic into our drinking water? People are consuming too much sugary foods. Get out your tooth brushes and floss instead of poisoning the drinking water!

  • Karl lottes - 8 years ago

    Your questions are misleading. I selected a no response but when I read the descriptor get on with it already it implies to go ahead with fluoridation which I vehemently oppose.
    Thank you.

  • Eileen Young - 8 years ago

    We don't need fluoride in our drinking water! Parents should stop feeding their kids sugary snacks and drinks! Bacteria thrives on sugar! Kids need to start brushing, and flossing their teeth! I never had fluoride in my water growing up and I am a senior and I have good teeth! So do my kids because they never had sugary drinks and snacks! I also supervised their teeth brushing every day! Parents need to start paying attention Fluoride is a toxic chemical! We don't need or want it!

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