Poll: Is Separating "Saucy" Images In Drawfriend Into Their Own Entirely Avoidable Post a Good Idea? (See Rarity Day)


  • Sam - 8 years ago

    No!!! It adds to the allure and is more temping for young children to click on. No more perversion!

  • FlutterTreePony - 8 years ago

    I don't care either way. I love saucy images, but sometimes I just want to find exclusively saucy artwork, so having a separate post would make it easier to find good saucy images efficiently and in a timely manner.

    While at it, another good idea (even better, I might add), is to separate EQG/human/anthro art into its own post. Perhaps even separate OC art into its own post. Many people aren't as interested in seeing EQG/humanized art and OC art. That would be pretty cool, I think. It would make it easier for people to find art specifically related to what they like best or feel like viewing at the moment. For those that like anthro/human/EQG art, they have a post dedicated just for that; and for those who don't want to bother seeing it, they don't have to.

    One reason I hardly look at Drawfriends anymore is because it takes too long to scroll through. By dividing it up into four categories,:
    •SFW Canon Ponies
    •Equestria Girls/Anthro/Human
    •OC Art
    it would make it more convenient and time efficient for people by being able to narrow down their "search criteria."

  • Dave Ostroske - 8 years ago

    One thing I admire about this fandom is the efforts that folks will go through to keep the all-ages stuff and the saucy adult stuff apart. This way, both groups can entertain themselves without bothering each other. That's important. I think that this should be a guiding principle. And it's probably what prompted this poll question.

    But that said, two observations must be made. The first is that EQD is fairly tame, and does not link to hardcore sexual material. I've seen saucier stuff on the 50-year-old Benny Hill Show, and I watched that as a kid. (In reruns, mind you.)

    The second is that, despite what I said before, mixing occasional saucy links with safe content keeps both in check. If there were separate posts, there could be a push to substitute quantity for quality, and the racier stuff might get more explicit over time. And we wouldn't want to ghettoize all-ages material, or sanitize stuff below a level of sophistication that we enjoy in FiM.

    So, as long as the saucy stuff is simply saucy, keep it linked with the drawfriends. Otherwise, make separate posts, and make absolutely sure that filtering is made simple for all visitors to EQD.

  • Emptybee - 8 years ago

    I'm torn. One the one hoof I took a pass through that saucy Rarity art and confirmed that yep saucy is not for me. So I can definitely see the draw of compiling it all in its ow thread were those who enjoy it can do so easily and those of us who don't can just skip it.

    On the other hoof, I wonder if EQD normally gets enough saucy art to warrant a daily posting. And if it doesn't, does that mean the saucy fans get their art less frequently? Because I don't think that would be cool.

  • Chronographiai - 8 years ago

    I would prefer if sexualized artwork... just wasn't really present on EqD in the first place. Like Tech said, the site is family-friendly for the most part, and I imagine a lot of children probably visit here - even if we could "hide" it in some way, this doesn't really seem like the place for "saucy" artwork to begin with.

  • Frith - 8 years ago

    I don't care. "Saucy" here is like pictures of Mae West and swimsuit girls from WW2. What, is it 1940 all over again? And where are the saucy stallions? If there's to be pictures of fat bottomed ponies pulling funny faces, let's have some stallions in the mix. (There might even have been saucy stallions... since I don't care, I don't really notice.)

  • Alex I. - 8 years ago

    Having a separate post would give visitors more options for viewing content on Equestria Daily. A separate post for saucy work would be good because then you would be able to have a "saucy" filter and an associated Hide option in the site settings that visitors could use to avoid seeing those posts if they choose.

  • Tech - 8 years ago

    I don't know. There are a lot of kids who go on this site and I'm concerned that they may not necessarily understand what saucy means and I don't think it's a good idea to make those images so easy for them to see. While I don't care, I don't think children should really be exposed to sexualized ponies on a website that (I think) should be family friendly, not matter now tame the sexualization is. I understand supporting the artists who make this kind of art, and don't get me wrong, some of it is crazy good and I follow quite a few artists that produce art that could be considered risque, but I think for the sake of a family friendly atmosphere, the saucy imagery should be kept to a minimum.

  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    More pony is always better pony.

    Unless it's bad pony. But more good pony is always better pony d:

  • Professor Oats - 8 years ago

    Changed my vote to yes. Normally I wouldn't care either way, but I realized a separate post would be better for when I'm checking EqD at work. That way, I can check out the regular stuff on breaks and bookmark the saucy posts for later

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