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Grade the performance of the Guam Regional Transit Authority in providing mass transit. (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 510

  • WTF - 8 years ago

    guam mass transit needs to get its act together.

    buses are always breaking down and there is no back up and so all us people are waiting outside and become late for work and school.

    pisses me off.

    but what can we do.

  • Mr. Cruz - 8 years ago

    If you have a problem with Guam mass transit contact Guam Regional Transit Authority board member Ginger Porter.That is what I do.

    I am a regular rider involved in the riding community. I regularly attend the Guam Regional Transit Authority board meetings, and regularly communicate with the GRTA staff.

    The problem with Guam mass transit is the leadership at GRTA.

    The GM of the agency Rick Agustin can't get anything done because he is too afraid to make decisions.

    He always says: "we can't make a decision at this time because we need to consult our attorney first."

    But the thing is that they do not have an attorney who works there. So he says: "So we will have to wait until we get an attorney." But that could take years!

    He is afraid to make a decision regarding anything because he does not have an attorney to consult with first.

    But you don't not need an attorney for every single issue!

    Only the big issues and when the big issues arrive the Attorney General's office will provide an attorney.

    Rick Agustin is completely incompetent!

    Whenever I have a complaint, I don't waste my time contacting Rick Agustin but instead I contact GRTA board member Ginger Porter.

    I used to contact Rick Agustin but now I know that Ginger Porter is the one to go to.

  • Brian Wong - 8 years ago

    I am happy to see that the Pacific Daily News is covering the Guam mass transit situation.

    Countless of people use Guam mass transit every day.

    The happenings of Guam mass transit affects all these people and more.

    Without Guam mass transit, how would these people get around?

    GovGuam needs to give more attention and resources to Guam mass transit.

    The media needs to provide more coverage of Guam mass transit.

    Good job to the Pacific Daily News for covering Guam mass transit.

    The happenings of Guam mass transit affects countless people everyday, including me, as I am a regular rider.

  • Kristian - 8 years ago

    Guam isn't an ideal place for public transit. It's one of those services that doesn't help a lot of people and needs to be subsidized to operate. But, for the people who use it, it's literally a life saver. It all comes down to what the taxpayers want to spend our money on.... and looking at how many people actually pay taxes and the services we NEED to pay first (public education for thousands of kids, maintaining roads/prison/trash service/, ensuring electrical power, funding police and fire department, paying for our hospital that HAS TO treat everyone that comes in... it's a tough call.. Our island needs to think up of a source of income and that's the challenge.

  • Concerned Citizen - 8 years ago

    Enough of the excuses already--sell GMTA now! It costs taxpayers more $$$ to fund this agency while it can't serve its purpose. Sell it, then redistribute GovGu employees to other agencies to satisfy GovGu employee numbers to sustain its unsustainable retirement system. This, by far, is still a cheaper alternative for taxpayers, while the right business that can effectively and efficiently deliver mass transit service to the public. I challenge all Senators, incumbent and newly elected, to reduce the size of GovGu for the sake for us all!

  • Antonio DelaCruz-Roldan - 8 years ago

    The bus system is so bad, I kept a diary and even wrote a paper on them for the University of Guam. When I first moved to the island in 2015, A driver was almost an hour late and his excuse was that "he didn't feel like driving that fast." The transit was constantly breaking down and I was late for work and my classes on a myriad of occasions. I was told that there were meetings held to improve the system, but I could never make the meetings. An online forum would be better.

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