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Will you stop watching NFL if the kneeling continues?


  • Ramon Balaoro - 8 years ago

    This only a damn game. I'll stop watching it because you disrespect the flag that represents this country you'll run away when this country is under attack. Why should I put money in their pocket if they are cowards.

  • David - 8 years ago

    Yep I have stopped watching the garbage all when the crybaby started this bullshit. My life will be just fine without the NFL!!!

  • Sally - 8 years ago

    haven't watched NFL since this nonsense started and the commish condoned it. Maybe with viewership down the sponsors will put pressure on the NFL to nip this before it goes any further. Everyone has a right to an opinion but the NFL sideline is no place for politics.

  • Tammy - 8 years ago

    I have already stopped watching and purchasing all and any NFL shows / merchandise and my whole town full of Veterans has as well . The NFL IS A DISGRACE I WILL NEVER TURN IT ON AGAIN. Overpaid little boys. None of you are or will ever be men. You all make me sick. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

  • Kevin R - 8 years ago

    They need my money far more than I need watching them protest. I watch sports to ESCAPE for a few hours from politics and here they are throwing it back in my face. Thank God I live in a country that gives me more choices to enjoy my Sunday's than just watching football on television or attending their games.

  • Jen - 8 years ago

    No way! The NFL is no longer allowed to play in my home because they are tolerating this idiotic behavior. What I have to ask is, if this was so important to them, why weren't they taking this stand long ago, WHY NOW? Black lives matter? Maybe they should look at the statistics, like the simple fact that THEIR OWN PEOPLE ARE KILLING MORE OF THEIR OWN PEOPLE THEN Officers! All they do is build the stigma that they complain about. Stop acting ignorant and just MAYBE we won't look at you that way. aka..........burning down your city............yah smart move! NFL is supporting this movement, no one in my family will be spending a penny on anything NFL.

  • JP - 8 years ago

    The question was worded wrong. I'll continue watching football and would even watch 49er games but that doesn't mean that I agree with what Colin is doing. I'm sorry, but the police do a great job overall for our citizens and would never disrespect them for a few unfortunate circumstances. In fact, I would do the exact opposite of what he is doing, I would stand and salute the officers who give their lives for us.

  • Lisa - 8 years ago

    Will not watch a 49er game, a Dolphin game or an Eagles game until the players issue an apology and return to being respectful Americans. I have other activities to complete that can occupy my time. We need our law enforcement personnel and military heroes, whiny "professional" NFL players not so much. I'm hoping the league loses millions of dollars since they support their disrespectful behavior.

  • Ruby - 8 years ago

    I am disgusted with the NFL they are as Liberal as they come they will allow a has been to disrespect our nations flag and they will allow Beyonce to push her agenda of BLM in front of a world audience. But yet they are quick to shoot down the Dallas Cowboys in wanting to wear a decal on their helmets in honor and support of the fallen Dallas Police Officers. I will not purchase another item with the NFL logo nor will friends and family of mine. May they reap what they sow.

  • Laura Martin - 8 years ago

    I switched from fan to sometimes-watcher when the ticket prices skyrocketed to pay the outrageous salaries of men who could barely string a sentence together while the salaries of teachers risking their lives to teach would-be athletes went nowhere.
    As far as I am concerned those ungrateful would-be's are now worthless has-beens.
    I've now switched from sometimes -watcher to dedicated boycotter.

  • David - 8 years ago

    I now watch college football to get my fix....I will not watch the NFL if they allow the players to continue to disrespect the country and the American people that give them an opportunity to make millions of dollars from fans paying big bucks to fill the stadium.

  • Joe - 8 years ago

    No. A true fan isn't going to let a few assholes ruin it for him.

  • Rolando - 8 years ago

    Fuck the mother fucking Blacks live Morons don't think about coming to my town For I will respond with lethal force to protect my family from the terrorist cell know as the black life's matter. Its a terrorist cell

  • Lisa - 8 years ago

    Look our country is great, This is not a political arena this is a past time for american's. These ass holes get good money to play a sport. they are not running for office. It is a disgrace to our country for anyone who embarrasses the american people and causes this much disruption. You need to suspend all players from the game if they do not reconize the true essence of the game and what role they play

  • Marlene Lapierre - 8 years ago

    I will not be watching football this year, nor will I be purchasing any NFL merchandise. Our hero's deserve to be respected, and I refuse to reward an organization with my time and money who allows and sometimes applauds such disrespect.

  • George Tomanovich - 8 years ago

    Yes, I have already stopped watching football! These so called men are not Patriots and should be sent to Iraq or Afganistan and see and feel what "real men and women are sacrificing" each day to keep us free!!! Then they come back home and realize what true "Patriotism" really means!!! Down with any sports player who disrespects our Nation!!! We are the home of the Free & the Brave!!! These Pathetic excuses for an American should be "shunned" by us all for good!!! God Bless America+++

  • Gary - 8 years ago

    Everyone has the right to voice their opinions. BUT who uses their place of employment as a platform? Especially if your employer's views differ from yours, in which case you're jeopardizing your employer's public image. If your company doesn't terminate you, it's probably because they agree with you. Abolish the NFL. Permanently! Let them protest for free.

  • Jerry - 8 years ago

    My family and I will not be watching or buying any products that has any thing to do with the NFL.

  • jalong - 8 years ago

    I don't have much respect for the NFL or the people who pay for those tickets? Why do we waste so much money on these guys. These guys are way overpaid while teachers and law enforcement are so underpaid and disrespected.

  • Syndi - 8 years ago

    I will not watch a league that allows somebody being paid to do a job to publicly disrespect our National Anthem. I am all for freedom of speech but do it on his own time. I have boycotted the NFL until this stops!!!!

  • CM - 8 years ago

    The NFL is turning my off...not the protests. There is nothing offensive about to me, a third generation veteran.

    Neocons are out of control.

  • Jeffw - 8 years ago

    He is a paid employee during a game an has no right to protest during work hours or work property.

    He can protest all he wants on his time

  • Dahlby - 8 years ago

    He is at work! His 1st Amendment argument stops once he punches in to work, period.

  • Tim L - 8 years ago

    I've also decided to stop buying products that are advertised during the games. I've spoken with several friends and they have decided to do the same. We've compiled a list of advertisers and we're sending them letters stating our intentions. We are also circulating letters to others asking them to do the same.

  • Barb - 8 years ago

    Haven't watched football all season because of all this crap! And I miss it because I really love football. But more people need to protest by not watching!

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