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Who is the top goalie in the Shore Conference? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 36,518

  • Veronica Nunez - 8 years ago

    At the guy that thinks this page is being hacked, I can assure you the community has been supporting him non stop. We have posted it everywhere and have asked friends and family to vote. We won't stop posting about it until the poll closes. It's unbelievable to us as well but what can I say our community supports him. Nomatter how many goals were against him it's the effort that counts. He has been doing soccer since he was 6 years old and it is his passion and everyone that is voting for him sees it. So let's be happy for him instead of trying to shame on his name ☺ #VoteMoisesGalvan ????

  • Jayrod - 8 years ago

    I agree with Nancy . I personally shared the page on facebook and instagram and told everyone I knew with a phone or connection to the internet to please vote for our goalie. And it was up to them to listen or not. Moises is taking the lead and nobody is hacking anything.

  • Seun Majek - 8 years ago

    Well Nancy Enriquez....22 goals against in 9 games in B South kind of says something about the goalkeeping. #Trump2016

  • Nancy Enriquez - 8 years ago

    Nothing was hacked, that is so ignorant to say I would know because I was here voting for him along with the whole community, anyone can say what they want but the votes were logged one after the other they didn't all just magically apear at once.

  • Ricky - 8 years ago

    Maybe he is winning cause people voted for him ?

  • Seun Majek - 8 years ago

    This is being cheated or was hacked, the leader (Moises Galvan) had a little over 800 votes this morning (09/25/16) and now, about 12 hours later, he is shy of 5000. Every time i refresh the page he goes up another 25 votes. PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS AND DISQUALIFY ALL CHEATERS.

  • Stephen Cosentino - 8 years ago

    I am the goalie at Toms River East and my name is spelt incorrectly in the voting poll.

  • Megan Baird - 8 years ago

    You forgot Ryan Baird, Mater Dei Prep!

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