Who won the presidential debate?


  • Old - 8 years ago

    truck, the moron from Australia, we like to think that we would elect as president a person who has a keast a modicum of honesty, decency, a brain and a heart.
    Unfortunately, when we elected B J Clinton, we obviously were wrong. Never seen snybody incspable of keeping his zipper in the upright position and his hands off the help. Some people are adficts, some people are just scum. B J is bith and his little woman, worse than he us.
    As for the world laughing at us? We are independent enough not to worry about what you wankers think anyway. You really just aren't important enough. Ya know mate.....

  • Juanita Ford - 8 years ago

    Don't understand why people are so hard on Mr. Trump. He is trying to help everybody and clearly the best choice for President. He won this debate.

  • David - 8 years ago

    Hillary is hilarious, defending the failed iran deal. Simply googling iran missle test will show you that her and her foreign policy is a joke . She gave iran money and they still test fire guided ballistic missles (the type designed for nuclear payloads). Heck of a deal for them. What I dont understand why nobody is calling her email deal what it was... treason. Nobody does that intentionally and then tries to cover it up without an underlying reason. Average joe citizen does that, say hello to gitmo... Her reasoning for crime in communities. Systemic racism by everybody in america, all cops are racist, they dont get enough hugs.

  • Shelley - 8 years ago

    Drop the mike moment!!!!

    I'll release my taxes when Hillary releases her thousands of emails!


  • Marc - 8 years ago

    Tons of comments from Australians giving their opinions. Which really doesn't matter either, this is not an Australian election and we certainly don't need their opinions either.

  • Rosemary A Bronson - 8 years ago

    I strongly agree. The "Clinton News Network" is all for Hilary! Lester and those attacks on Trump were not fair at all. I think he did well and Hilary was the attack dog. Just a mention of that server would have made my night! GO TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Babs - 8 years ago

    ,clearly, Donald Trump won. When you consider the bias he faced with Lester, he actually held his own well. Benghazi alone is enough for me to question Hillary's abilities. Donald spoke freely without looking down to the podium for cheat sheets we need a change away from the establishment and he fills the bill. Was it just me or did Hillary look like a clown when she grinned her freaky and false smile?

  • Babs - 8 years ago

    ,clearly, Donald Trump won. When you consider the bias he faced with Lester, he actually held his own well. Benghazi alone is enough for me to question Hillary's abilities. Donald spoke freely without looking down to the podium for cheat sheets we need a change away from the establishment and he fills the bill. Was it just me or did Hillary look like a clown when she grinned her freaky and false smile?

  • Jason - 8 years ago

    WOW I cannot believe all you Hillary supporters you are all delusional. She is wearing a red suit from all the blood she has sucked out of other countries who has given her hundreds of millions of dollars, the same countries that think women are second class citizens. A VOTE FOR HILLARY is a vote for the same ole same ole. She had 30 plus years to make a difference and has failed miserably as a secretary of state. Now you want to hand her the oval office...Yeah think not. Just remember Benghazi because she will leave you Hi and Dry just she left my fellow American's. One last thing. I did not vote for Obama so like trump he is your President. You can have that assclown who thinks playing golf is more important than taking care of us Fellow American's during a disaster. WOW this a reoccurring theme with the Democratic Party. VIVA LA TRUMP>>>

  • Marc - 8 years ago

    Trump clearly won the debate with Killary

  • reedhead - 8 years ago

    Wow! Shame on Americans .... I am from a third world country but in our poor country with a lot of uneducated people - this will never happen. Education is very key ! Americans just speak English but they are definitely not that smart . Please do let Trump win... We need a clown and we need Trump and his likes to run down the economy again....perhaps this time I will be buying your houses

  • Ken - 8 years ago

    I think Trump did ok. I think Hillary did what she had to do. They both exaggerated quite a bit and told some not so truthful stories as well.

    But did anyone else notice that Trump always referred to her as Secretary Clinton (respectful for Trump) and even agreed with her on a few topics? Didn't see Clinton do either.

  • Shelley - 8 years ago

    I agree as others have suggested... CNN was very much in favor of Clinton... Lester held her hand! WTH? Why no hard questions about her emails? She is a criminal and the media PROTECTS HER!

    Trump is correct, her Campaign is all about name calling and fabricated BSI! She is a bully, a liar and a racist PIG!

    Hillary supports and is paid WELL by Saudi, yet she claims to be all about the Gay community.. Saudi rulers and their pilicies suppirt killing gay people?

    She called African American children "Super Predators"! Ohhhh but said "she was sorry... WHAT! NOOOOOO! Childten ..... are OFF LIMIT YOU RACIST PIG HILLARY!

  • Niky - 8 years ago

    We'll have to wait and see how many people really watched. I don't believe the audience was as huge as Trump wanted or as small as Hillary hoped for. Without a Clinton fainting spell there was no knock out punch. We watched in between more important reruns from the DVR.

  • Zee - 8 years ago

    Donald took the high road. She was rude and aggressive. She is so unlikable! The Clintons are so corrupt that the country cannot afford them!

  • Warren - 8 years ago

    ESTABLISHMENT? Trump is a billionaire wanting to give tax breaks to billionaires! Trump WORKS FOR THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT! Very worrisome.

  • eric - 8 years ago

    I thought Lester was going to be somewhat fair, boy was I wrong. He was soooooo one sided in his questions to Trump, is HC presidential looking, BO's birth certificate, tax return, search and seize/profiling in NY, etc. Did Lester hit HC once------Benghazi, e-mails, Clinton Foundation, anything, anything.........NOPE. The left wing media is unfrickin real

  • j w - 8 years ago

    Trump flopped tonight but he has two more chances. Tonight Hillary 1 Trump 0. But he gets to bat again.

  • Robert - 8 years ago

    Globally this election will set a precedent, hopefully the outcome is going to be honesty, transparency and strength over errr... politicians,
    Yes I'm Robert in Perth and I would vote for Trump if I were in America

  • Karyn - 8 years ago

    Once again Trump has not impressed me. He appears to me a shadybusiness man, taking advantaged of the American People, to serve himself. I couldn't be more confident., Trump is not the Future of my vote, I'm stunned why so many are taken in or feel caught with this imposter guy echoing shades of narasstic darkness....truly saddening.

  • Waseem Islam - 8 years ago

    I do nog understand about voting on this site. A man can vote as many as he wants! So this poll will not show the actual view of the people.

  • Myra - 8 years ago

    The reason she is not in jail it's called "Privileged Elitist" too good, above the law!

  • Doug R - 8 years ago

    She has a plan to defeat Isis's like she helped our solders in Benghazi

  • Juanita Ford - 8 years ago

    Don't understand why people are so hard on Mr. Trump. He is trying to help everybody and clearly the best choice for President. He won this debate.

  • Nelly Morris - 8 years ago


  • Drenda - 8 years ago

    Lester Holt let Donald Trump run all over him...Hillary Clinton was the only one who conducted herself in a presidential manner....She won this debate hands down and will win on Nov. 8

  • jimmy - 8 years ago

    ....interesting times...
    And Hillary knows what you need better than You do!
    You'll see.... The Government is the solution...we just gotta make it bigger.

    Hillary 2017

  • jackson thales - 8 years ago

    I think Hilary is doing great job tonight she get winning

  • landon - 8 years ago

    Wow...Trump is definitely not what the mainstream media portrayed at all. Held his ground against a 2:1. They both had some good points but he appeared to have good temperament and poised given that he's not a career politician. As a young gay asian man, I was on the fence of not voting. But after this performance, Trump got my vote.

  • AWatson - 8 years ago

    Clearly Trump won this debate. Why? Because Hillary was smiling and acting like Ms Goody Two Shoe and everybody knows she is a violent, abusive, egomaniac. She abuses her staff and has for 35 years. They write books about how evil she is. She is dangerous because she is like a lizard. Changing her colors to match the background. Trump is always the same. You see what you get. He is experienced. He has done proper deals with different countries. Everything Hillary has ever done has been against our country. Trump loses a lot personally by leading our country. Hillary has stolen money, accepted money from enemies, stolen donations to Haiti, lied so many times that we know if her lips are moving she is lying. Trump might have come across as repetitive but he isn't ready to play nicey nicey. He wants to get to work.

  • Juanita More - 8 years ago

    Don't understand why people are so hard on Mr. Trump. He is trying to help everybody and clearly the best choice for President. He won this debate.

  • Elle - 8 years ago

    jimmy is a troll and not a real Clinton supporter...don't let him bait you

  • Jeff - 8 years ago

    Lost my vote Hillary, thought you were better than that

  • Warren - 8 years ago

    Trump was nervous. The more he was distorting the truth the more he waved his arms about. Very negative.

  • MaryJ - 8 years ago

    Just watched Trump leaving the debate venue with his family. Lots of finger-pointing, unhappy faces, his kids arguing with him and with each other - they all know Trump did a horrendously bad job at the debate,
    Trump went down in flames tonight and it's only going to get worse for that ignoramus!!!

  • P - 8 years ago

    Donald Trump knocked it out of the park. He will always own the birthers debacle. Too bad.

  • Kenneth Edward Gobbin - 8 years ago

    Hey Jimmy get a job and pay for your own crap. Oh wait you can't because Hillary have to another. You worthless bum

  • kimberly Ward - 8 years ago

    Correction : and they will hire

  • ken - 8 years ago

    I loved it when lester told crowd not to make noise when they were clapping for trump but never told them to stop when they were clapping for Hillary. CNN, MSNBC and fox all against trump and he is still going to win. the citizens of USA are tired of our politicians working for foreigners instead of Americans. time for real change and all of the establishments are scared to death. even pres bush 1 is voting for Clinton - that should tell average guy everything he needs to vote for trump

  • Myra - 8 years ago

    Jimmy you are the perfect example of what is wrong with a lot of people in this Great Country! You and those like you want to have everything handed to you. How the HELL do you think your so called life is paid for? Haven't you heard there is no such thing as a FREE LUNCH? The working people in this country are paying for all this disaster!!!!!!!

  • Jack - 8 years ago

    Lots of people here seem to note how Mr. Trump reflects on Secretary Clinton's past and how unfair such reflections are. But one of Secretary Clinton's biggest selling points is her experience in 26 years of politics, meaning that Mr. Trump has fair game to tackle her past accomplishments. And I say accomplishments loosely. She has been establishment; she has said what will get votes. To be fair though, he can be a blubbering idiot. I truly believe no one won tonight. Secretary Clinton was cold and unconvincing, and Mr. Trump was on the defensive, trying to recover constantly. Neither really completely answered any questions, though Secretary Clinton fared better there. And I think Mr. Trump tried to dial it down a tone and act more presidential, but that's not who he is. He looked so strange up there, defending instead of attacking. But the real winner will be decided on November 8th. Remember, y'all, third parties exist, too.

  • jimmy - 8 years ago

    if you liked 2016.....
    Hillary 2017
    We do it again..only bigger badder and a double scoop of more everything.....
    loans paid.....free healthcare....more taxes...more jobs...bluer skies...and
    cotton candy for everyone! Hillary 2017

  • Sam - 8 years ago

    In my opinion the debate was so rigged against Trump they were just attacking him and nothing on her emails nothing on her foundation, health or anything else

  • Tessa - 8 years ago

    Clinton: qualified, precise, knowledgable

    Trump: unqualified, vague, ignorant

    Thank you, Madame President.

    Anybody stating Trump "won" is clearly only

    interested in "bumper-sticker politics,"

  • jimmy - 8 years ago

    hey at least Hillary is h o n e s t....

    HAA haaa HAAA hAaa haaaa haaaa HAAAA
    HAAAAAaa Haaaaa HAAAA

    more free stuff people!! c'mon Hillary 2017!!

  • Paul - 8 years ago

    It is laughable if you think the debate was won by trump. First and foremost any non-paristan institution can clarify the reductive reasoning, and absolute fallacy of MOST of the man's claims. If I offend you I am sorry, but dont sit their and attempt to lie to me and yourself, that you think trump won or support trump because of the validity of his remarks or policy implementation plans. It is either, one you hate hillary or obama, or two .....you are simply gullible or uneducated.

    If you cant admit to the former, than it sucks to be in the latter.

  • Tray - 8 years ago

    I think Donald Trump did a great job tonight. He beat Hillary without a doubt.

    All Hillary Clinton has is her "Lip Service".

    Did she really tell the WHOLE WORLD that her plan to defeat ISIS is on HER WEBSITE??!! I wonder if ISIS will be visiting her website anytime soon or if they already have done so as we speak..?

  • Paul - 8 years ago

    Trump was not as prepared, however has not made his living as a Career Politician. I think he did pretty well considering. Honestly I really want Trump to win, simply to send a message to all Politicians to get their act together and remember who they work for. No one is safe, its time the people Clean House if need be, one at a time. Both Parties need to actually work together to "Make Us Great Again".

    Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future. - John F. Kennedy

  • xelorwatch - 8 years ago

    Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Germany as well as others and we're STILL paying to defend them? And Donald and I both said the Fed should have begun to raise interest rates in May 2015. He's an awesome business man. And that's what America needs!

  • Patrick - 8 years ago

    I saw nothing impressionable with either one. I don't like politicians and their sneaky smiles and way about them. I also don't care for braggarts like Trump. However, it is time we got a non politician in the White House. I do like the way Trump shoots straight. It was close but Trump won this debate.

  • jimmy - 8 years ago

    tnx Nate! ;)

    1st lesson in life!! TAKE THE FREEE STUFF!!

    Vote Hillary!!!

  • Elle - 8 years ago

    truck (from Australia)...unfortunately you are completely correct. The world is laughing at America for supporting Trump.

  • cindy - 8 years ago

    Hillary controlled that debate from beginning to end. He behaved exactly as hes behaved from beginning, unprepared, he said she said, bringing up other ppl, admitted he does not pay taxes, birtherism, alienating minorities. He clearly lost, he knows it, and you could tell she was confident and he was not. His own words used against him, putting women down.

  • jimothy - 8 years ago

    I hate my life and I should kill myself

  • Myra Head - 8 years ago

    Go Donald Trump! You folks that think Hillary won with her smug attitude. This is the same smug attitude you are going to receive if she becomes our President! Mr. Trump is not a seasoned politician. He has not received one dollar from our government, unlike Hillary 35 years. He has paid for his own campaign himself. He is not beholding to any special interest the BIG MONEY BANKS, WALL STREET, FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS, ETC. She has 35 years behind her to do something. Not one person when I ask them what has she done? They can't give me one thing to her accomplishments. Not one thing. Oh yeah remember Benghazi?

  • Sherry - 8 years ago

    Obviously CNN all for Hillary where were questions about emails Benghazi 20 Million uranium to Russia obviously nothing from them but lots of attacks on Trump taxes birther issue which her campaign started long before Trump but nothing about Clinton foundation taking money for Haitians giving them nothing pay to play from foreign governments . She never gave any real solutions to anything like our administration has done for last 8 years. Who is being racist now since she brought up about calling people pigs and Donald took high road about her and Bill and his women problems. She never gave an answer to race issue we are having thanks to our president in black communities. He is right she just wants their vote doesn't care about black on black killing everyday. She and Obama started ISIS JV team and now she is going to do something about it???? Moderator kept interrupting Trump but let Hillary go on and on . Where was the fact checking on her moderator Trump had to do that himself when he wasn't interrupted. Trump totally won even with CNN bias.

  • Fred p - 8 years ago

    Why is that when I try to vote in this poll ( for Trump ) I get blocked . Typical poll. Must be run by dems

  • jimmy - 8 years ago

    Vote for Hillary! or you're racist!
    You are all racists!
    Not voting for Hillary? racist!
    Vote for Hillary!!!
    Don't be a racist!

  • Charles - 8 years ago

    When the question rose about Trump's plan for cyber warfare, I was yelling at the TV "BY PROPERLY HANDLING CLASSIFIED DATA!"
    LOL. All the Hillary sheep can do in this forum is call Trump a child. Hillary obviously lies and her supporters eat it up like it's the truth!

  • Matt - 8 years ago

    Simply put, Hillary Clinton talking about raising taxes on the wealthy just shows how she hasn't taken an economics class her entire life. Pleas look up marginal utility and then decide what American businesses would do.

  • nate - 8 years ago

    jimmy - jesus christ you are an entitled fucker

  • Cindy - 8 years ago

    Hilliary great debate.

  • John Brown - 8 years ago

    Hillary looks so very unlikable. She was arrogant and clearly has contempt for average Americans. She is just terrible.
    Trump clearly stood up to a person that claims she's special because she had 30 years of experience. Her experience didn't look so good. Pretty much a history of failure

  • kimberly Ward - 8 years ago

    Raising Taxes on the wealthy who own the businesses will either make the companies lay off more people or just leave the country for cheaper taxes and cheaper labor. Lower the Taxes on companies and they give hire more people and stay in the country how hard is that to understand. More people working and off assistance contributing to the economy we lower the debt.

  • John Roberts - 8 years ago

    The usual moderator strictly focusing on gotcha questions and helping Hillary, even interrupting endlessly to keep Trump on defense. Nothing new here. Trump held up well considering. He got a few jabs in but had to fight against two people, which was predictable. Both did well, but I was blindly hoping the focus would shift to Hillary at some point. It never happened however intelligent voters will see this for what it was. Trump will catch on during the next two debates. I will withhold my decision for now.

  • Charles - 8 years ago

    Well at least she proved her point that's just right there people Trump is a racist, and the ones who support him are just as racist

  • Maggie Camargo - 8 years ago

    Trump all the way!!!

  • nate - 8 years ago

    truck i love aussies but this aint australia mate

  • Cindy - 8 years ago

    Hilliary great debate.

  • Kevin - 8 years ago

    It was like Christmas. The Grinch versus Mrs Claus. Where was Hilary's American flag pin? Shows her love of country and service men and women. Classic miss by her and her staff.

  • joshua v. - 8 years ago

    Has trump ever acknowledge a question?

  • Melanie - 8 years ago

    How could you feel good about yourself voting for Hilary? You might as well shout out to the world that you support corruption and inequality in America. There's nothing else to say......

  • Davis - 8 years ago

    Hillary is evasive. For example, she didn't address Trump's question about whether she disagrees with Obama on the TPP.

  • Jon - 8 years ago

    Burning emails that the FBI say contained classified information that had been on a private unauthorized server in Hillary's basement... was a bad move. Destroying 13 Blackberries with a hammer, was not the way classified storage devices are supposed to be disposed of. Lying to us, like Obama does all the time, and then lying to both Congress and the FBI... WHILE UNDER OATH!... is not how Presidents are supposed to act.

  • Cameron McReynolds - 8 years ago

    Could the media and questions and pretty much everything be any more slanted and skewed towards Hillary and against trump? America am I right? Don't let them beat you down, Trump. Keep the fight going, and let's make America great again.

  • jimmy - 8 years ago

    Don't care who one. I want my loans paid for. I want free healthcare.
    We need to tax the rich and these awful companies more more more.
    And Hillary will do all that. Vote Hillary! She has already made the deal,
    paid for done deal. Vote Hillary!!

  • Rich - 8 years ago

    Hillary Clinton was her usual smug self..."I'm above all of this and all of you".

  • Doug R - 8 years ago

    She has a plan to defeat Isis's like she help our solders in Benghazi

  • truck - 8 years ago

    I'm from Australia and we are watching on in disbelief. The rest of the world is shocked that Donald Trump has got this far. He did not address a single question and is so self absorbed, has no real plan for anything. If you believe Trump will be a good president, to quote Jim Jefferies, "you're as dumb as shit." The world is laughing at you America, vote for Hillary for alll our sakes.

  • Jim - 8 years ago

    The surveys show, overwhelmingly, that Trump won debate, sorry media you wont be able to spin the factual data

  • joshua v. - 8 years ago

    Andrew, you are senseless

  • Rick Dean - 8 years ago

    Trump: bankrupt 6 times... that's business
    Clinton: never bankrupt and from hardworking family
    Trump: Foundation that embezzled and misallocates funds
    Clinton: Multi billion dollar foundation that has an A+ rating
    Trump: Economic plan torn apart as not viable by independent studies
    Clinton: Economic plan that holds together as viable by independent studies
    Trump: Global warming perpetrated by the Chinese
    Clinton: Clean energy plans to offset real threat of global warming

    Seriously, we need an adult not a sniveling man-baby

  • Greg J - 8 years ago

    This is still going to be a 'Hold your nose and vote' election.

    I'm glad that I am not an American and, therefore, do not have to make a choice.

  • John - 8 years ago

    Hillary couldn't even keep her husband satisfied, how can she keep a country satisfied?

  • Siavash - 8 years ago

    Trump loves America but Hilliary on the other hand loves the other countries ! look at IRAN and see what have they done to our navy !
    look to ISIS !
    after all these years , Hilliary just realized that she should do something about her country and she is just a Con artist! she does not care about OUr America!
    Vote For Trump!

  • Andrew - 8 years ago

    I'm 25, african american, and havent really paid attention to politics until tonight. After watching Trump clearly beat hillary, I can proudly say I'm voting for TRUMP this november!

  • kimberly Ward - 8 years ago

    Politician robot against a human Trump won hands down. We want a non-politician for a change and a business man is what this country needs to bring back our jobs and balance our budget. With her tonight it was all the same crap we have now and obviously that's not working. We want someone with compassion and heart, which Trump, definitely has both.What we don't need is a stone cold
    heartless ***** that would sell her own family for cash and power.

  • joshua v. - 8 years ago

    Rick, if you want reduced taxes and you want our country great. Good luck if you vote for trump. When I say that he could be the end of humanity, that should scare you.

  • jimmy - 8 years ago

    We like things just the way they are... double down...more of that please....yes.....vote Hillary!!!!

  • TW - 8 years ago

    Wow, guess this is another crazy site that needs to be fact checked?! Clinton OWNED Trump. He's beyond unqualified and this is clearly a case of uneducated vs. educated voters. I just started liking HRC after tonight's debate. She is intelligent, articulate and clearly qualified for the job. Trump lost this round (badly) and it was written all over his face in n the end. He was even trying to bully the moderator until he had to be shut up. Ridiculous. Orange man is going down in November and we can put this pathetic chapter in American history (that he even made it this far) to bed once and for all.

  • Dayton Wagner - 8 years ago

    This debate just further solidified one of Trumps biggest positives. He's not a politician. While Hillary was hiding behind her mask of smiles and shmoozing, Trump was transparent and showed exactly how he felt. We don't need another shady politician who can manipulate and shmooze their way to the top with nothing but being fake. We need someone who will be transparent and straight up with us and someone who doesn't have to rely on hiding behind a mask. Trump is definitely the better choice. Person over politician.

  • Elle - 8 years ago

    Absolutely Hillary. Anyone who says anything else lives in a parallel universe.

  • Thalia - 8 years ago

    #Trump :P

  • Shelley Fisher - 8 years ago

    Clinton won the debate hands down . Voting on this website is ridiculous ,when you mark Hillary Clinton as winner the website does not accept the vote.

  • Paul - 8 years ago

    Trump looked constipated the entire debate. That said, I thought he won points on his trade position, but Hilary nailed him on his tax returns, the birther issue, and his business practices. She won hands down.

  • Trump out - 8 years ago

    We cannot allow a child to try and run the presidency. Racist, and we get it rich rich you have money, my 5 year old nephew can give better arguments than what you gave. Shame stick to what you do, and running for president is not one of the things you should stick to. Get discipline you need it. Child...

  • Cwood - 8 years ago

    Mr.Hult lost!!! What a disappointment!!!

  • Rick - 8 years ago

    It seemed like two football teams battling it out. One team who is not used to being on the big stage, and the other, a perennial powerhouse. Of course the officials are biased toward the latter, but come on, this is America! Let's all make it great again! Haven't you guys ever seen the underdog pull out a miraculous victory despite unprecedented odds. The entire establishment is against Trump, but I truly believe that Americans want to be great again. They want to be winners. They want a leader not a liar! They want more jobs and fewer taxes. They want a real alternative to welfare that brings the impoverished up out of the mire and depression in which "this" government uses for control. Vote for Trump if you have a backbone and are not afraid to use it!

  • jimmy - 8 years ago

    We like things just the way they are... double down...more of that please....yes.....vote Hillary!!!!

  • joshua v. - 8 years ago

    Justin and Laura and everybody that is saying that trump won, you are WRONG. if you truly think he won, please don't vote. we don't need people like you deciding who our next president is.

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