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Who won the first presidential debate?

Total Votes: 95,707

  • John - 8 years ago

    I like how the Hillary supporters point out how dumb we the Trump supporters are and how we make spelling mistakes etc... It's a great example of what kind of people they are and how little value they add to what we call "Democracy". Anything that has a different opinion from them is dumb, well i can tell you this, i'm a Trump supporter, i sometimes make spelling mistakes, i might also use the apostrophe wrong, but i at least respect your right to vote for the person you want without criticizing you. Also, as far as if i am stupid or not i invite you to lay out our degrees, experience, jobs, income etc and we can make a knowledgeable decision if i am or not. You people are mean, rude, illogical, close minded, and anti-democratic. I do not support a specific political party but i do prefer Trump instead of Hillary for various reasons. I also believe he won this debate, considering the fact that he missed many opportunities to even better. I see the media and top writers saying that Hillary won and its absolutely stunning to me, it just makes me wonder if that's how they really feel or the thing is huge setup to manipulate public opinion, which is also why i took this poll and as i assumed it came closer to the results i was expecting. I've been doing this for a while now. I invite everyone to go out in the web and find independent polls, not from major news networks or from someone who might have an interest, either from people in Facebook, blogs, independent websites etc and take the poll so you can see the results, you will quickly notice that the results are way different from what you see in polls from big media networks. I mean a logical person would assume there might be a small difference but in this case you'll see in the independent polls that Trump wins and has more popularity by a-lot, and i mean a lot, not by 2-3% but by 30+% in some cases, its mind boggling, either Trump pays people to search and vote for him in which i find unlikely or the scale of media and population manipulation is at an extreme and scary level.

  • P Porter - 8 years ago

    I prefer Mrs. Clinton to Mr. Trump. This debate didn't change that. I continue to marvel that anyone who makes as many offensive comments in a public arena (such as implying 400 lbs weight defines character) can maintain support. I get that people don't trust career politicians, and Mrs. Clinton has not made that any better. People want the change that our current president won office promoting. But as the current administration proves, the real power is in Congress. The new president needs to be someone who understands and can work with (not alienate) them. I do not believe Mr.Trump is able or willing to do that. I don't think his business practices will effectively translate into good policymaking or diplomacy.

  • stean - 8 years ago

    lol, all the butt-hurt hillary fans are clicking vote, see that trump blew her away and then comment why hillary still won the debate. this is a poll. if the majority of 100 thousand people think trump won, then trump won. LOL yall are losers. im in germany studying at my tuition free munchen tech (better than georgia tech) university while i am filling out an absentee ballot for trump. stop hating so much. whoever is president really doesnt affect anyone. its not like their decisions will be granted

  • Colin walsh - 8 years ago

    Clinton won the debate
    The fact that there is even any consideration for a trump victory in Monday's debate is an atrocity. Trump was unprepared and rambled on about stuff that was completely off topic when asked a question he couldn't answer. He is unpresidential and doesn't deserve to run for president.

  • Voncile - 8 years ago

    Florida Granny's are on the Trump train. Go Donald 2016 and beyond!
    Something I wish Donald Trump had said:
    When she made the statement about 'what is he hiding in his taxes', I wish he had come back with 'and what are YOU hiding in those 33,000 emails that you deleted. Obviously they contain more than just chit chat on yoga and Chelsea's wedding'!!!

  • rjohn - 8 years ago

    1st of all she cleaned his clock. For the 1st time in my life I am embarrassed to be an American, or at least since Nixon. Embarrassed. Carter was a fine man but a weak leader, I had disagreements with Reagan's policies but the imagery was fantastic, Bill's peccadilloes were his own and between consenting adults, Bush II remains very gracious but not served well by his minions, Obama is dignified. Trump though is an embarrassment. Shameful. Inept. Clumsy. Selfish. A farce. Untruthful. Untrustworthy. Senile. I say that even though I am a Republican and I know Trump. He is self centered and totally undisciplined and last night illustrated that perfectly. WE have so much to loose. A French friend of mine has cancelled an upcoming trip to the states because he is afraid Trump might win and he believes violence will be the result, and he says many of his colleagues have done the same. What would this cost us? Billions in tourism and tax dollars? The implications of a Trump presidency is chilling. It would be costly in so many ways. Is that worth white petulance? I don't think so.

  • ddt7472 - 8 years ago

    We have 8 years of higher taxes . More of higher taxes . We need a change. Obamacare a failure. Obama lied to u . U can keep your doctor. U paid less for your healthcare. If Hillary Clinton elected president she will lie to american people and sign TPP. She will let slick bill clinton roaming around the whitehouse with another Monica Lewinsky likes interns. Women if u vote for Hillary I hope u prepare to loose your privacy in the restroom. Trangender restroom. I could where a wig and dress in women clothing to go into women restroom to sexually asualt u and your little daugther.

  • USA - 8 years ago

    The debate was fixed... Soros and Wall St. has control of the media... They rigged it for Clinton to win... We need a Town meeting between the two where the people can control it without the media trying to take over. Let the people ask the questions....

  • sid - 8 years ago

    It's unbelievable to me how Hillary Clinton could tell millions of Americans that George Bush had set the date for the American military to leave Iraq . George Bush gave many speeches that gave dire warnings about the consequences that the Iraqi people the Middle East and entire world would face if the military left before Iraq could fend for itself . It would be a huge mistake for America to vote for someone like Mrs. Clinton who has shown bad judgement by first voting to go to war in Iraq and then leaving at a time when all military and foreign policy experts insisted that it would lead to disastrous results and then lying that it wasn't Obama who set the exit date .

  • Victor Passenheim - 8 years ago

    There are ANY number of things that Trump can attack Hillary on. She will be exposed for the power-mad, soulless vampire that she really is. Here's a list (pt. 2):

    - Abandons our servicemen overseas out of concerns for optics

    - Calls the families of the Benghazi victims liars

    - Flagrantly and reckless puts American national secrets at risk by knowingly going out of her way to circumvent established government security protocols in order to scheme in disguise, unencumbered by ANY measures of accountability to the people she purportedly serves.

    - Champions the cause of illegal immigrants over the cause of the victims of illegal immigration, to the extent of championing "sanctuary" cities in which criminal illegals can escape American justice. This has been the Democrat position this election cycle.

    - Lies about it ALL. Rinse and repeat.?

    The difference between Trump vs. Clinton crimes is a wide chasm:

    Democrats are ALL about covering for Hillary's LIES, INCOMPETENCE & CRIMINALITY, not about demonstrating her actual accomplishments over 30 years of government service.

    Oh, yeah, and through the Clinton Foundation they f****d over Haiti:

  • Victor Passenheim - 8 years ago

    I'm a Trump supporter, and while I think he lost this debate, I believe he'll come back a lot stronger. This was sort of a field test. There is still a lot that hasn't been discussed. How he could not point out the elephant in the room with regards to national security and Hillary's FLAGRANT disregard for it by maintaining the nation's most sensitive of secrets easily accessible in an unsecured server?! People have gone to jail for far less. That was a big blunder on the part of Trump.

    The thing the Hillary robots don't understand is that Hillary is an empty suit. She has ZERO accomplishments after decades in office. She has ZERO likability. Let's face it, Trump knows show business better, but nobody is more fake than Hillary Clinton. She tells a bald faced lie like she says "I love you!". I don't believe a DAMN thing she says. And in the end, ALL the "polish" in the world can't make up for that. One thing you do get from Hillary after seeing her in the public eye for 3 decades: there's absolutely NOTHING she won't do to achieve power & wealth.

    There are ANY number of things that Trump can attack Hillary on. She will be exposed for the power-mad, soulless vampire that she really is. Here's a list (pt. 1):

    - Says something racist

    - Takes TONS of money from misogynistic regimes

    - Refuses to list terrorist organizations to task, even declining to list them on the terror watch list - organizations that slaughter African women and children

    - Takes millions of dollars from Wall Street and supports major corporate welfare while claiming that she stands up for the little guy

    - Promises to put a lot coal miners out of business

    - Makes it her mission to go out of her way and destroy many of the DOZENS of women her husband took advantage of while somehow still claiming she's a champion of women (yeah, she'll champion ANYBODY who makes it worth her while)

  • Wolfygirl - 8 years ago

    Wow Trump supporters are idiots.... Hillary absolutely destroyed Trump in that debate. Crazy to see how brainwashed his supporters are. Dumber than he is.

  • Mara319 - 8 years ago

    "James - 1 hour ago

    Interesting that most of the post's here from Trump supporters seem to have spelling and grammar errors. "

    And you, James, don't know how to use an apostrophe.

  • Mara319 - 8 years ago

    Trump won.

    I don't have a mobile phone - just a landline phone. I've never been polled. That's why I'm participating in this poll, if only for my two cents. Thank you.

    Trump won the first debate. Not by a lot, but he won. First, he had to slay three dragons that have been trolling him since the primaries: the false accusation of misogyny (although he insisted his Rosie O'Donnell attack was justified,) second, the false charge that he was for the war in Iraq. The third dragon he slayed was the malicious accusation that he's a racist, and by extension, also his followers.

    On the third dragon, Hillary slipped down and for the first time, honestly admitted that everybody is racist. That should include her and her followers. The basket of deplorables just got bigger.

    Housekeeping done, Donald can then start firing missiles next time around. Next time, the win will be yuge.

  • Daniel - 8 years ago

    Donald has won every poll taken after the debate online. CNN and one of the NBCs declared Hillary Clinton the winner with pages of metrics taken before and during the debate, but not from regular people clicking her or him. I hope Trump can find a way to work with these clowns once he's in (if its not rigged) I wish it was Ron Paul, but Trump will have to do.

  • John Fernandez - 8 years ago

    hillary had all this time to enact change, what has she done? sadly, trump is right. she's got experience, just bad ones.
    how do you expect companies to stay in the US by taxing them more?
    20 trillion in debt and our infrastructure is in horrific shape? where has all the money gone?
    stop and frisk is legal.
    how come she doesn't defend any victims of crime? instead she defends the criminals.

  • Salamander Man - 8 years ago


  • James - 8 years ago

    Interesting that most of the post's here from Trump supporters seem to have spelling and grammar errors.

  • Yarr - 8 years ago

    Hillary is a liar, untrustworthy, unethical and nothing more than a politician. Nothing she says can be believed. She is however mor polished in the world of political debates than Trump. But does that really matter? Look at her track record and the "mistakes" she has made... the Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, Lybia.... and the list goes on. She supported Bill during his White House scandals and attacked the women he took advantage of. She HAS NO MORALES!

    Trump may not have been my first choice when this all started but we cannot continue to travel down the current path our country is headed. While he might not be a polished political debater, he is a businessman and our best opportunity to pull this great country back together financially.

    Trumps ideas are what most everybody is thinking many are just afraid to say it. The political correctness shit has to stop. And while Trump may not always speak in a manor that would better serve his vision, you cannot question the fact he is doing what he feels needs to be done to correct what's wrong with our country.

    A vote for Hillary is a vote to continue where we are and it WILL ONLY GET WORSE. If you think she will actually make college tuition free you are dreaming. She stole that line from Bernie and even he could not accomplish that. That line is nothing more than an attempt to get the younger generations vote. Hillary will raise taxes; destroy our country further and lie about it.

    Trump... who knows. But I am willing to give him my vote in hopes that something good will come out of it. It is TIME FOR A CHANGE. We need to shake up the poltical parties and make them realize THEY WORK FOR US! They don't know what's best for us, they shouldn't tell us how to raise our families or where we can purchase our insurance.

    Taxing the rich.... I am not rich by any means and I think it is a bad idea. Tax fairly and evenly. If you work hard and have more than the next guy good for you!

    Hillary is a scary, evil, lying, unethical person and we CANNOT AFFORD FOR HERCTO GET INTO THE WHITE HOUSE!

    Wake up people and count the lives that have been lost due to the Clinton family. Count the lies told by the Clinton family.... do you all remember "I did not have sex with that women, Monica Lewinsky." Nothing more than a play on words to the way the question was asked. Hillary is no better and in my opinion MUCH WORSE and MUCH MORE DANGEROUS!

    Is this what you want???? Another 4 years of lies and deception???? Not me, my vote is for TRUMP!

  • James - 8 years ago

    USA - the rest of the world is laughing at you. As far as I know, here in Australia, for the first time ever - we just don't get or understand what the hell is going on in your country. That a buffoon, blatant liar could even be in a position to debate against Clinton is utter madness! The fact that people actually think Trump won that debate is mind boggling. I fear for the safety of the USA and the rest of the world if that guy is elected. As I said, the rest of the world is laughing at your country. We once laughed at Hitler and only took him seriously when it was too late. USA = screwed.

  • Nancy J. Miller - 8 years ago

    Hillary is a fool to admit instead of getting out and talking to voters she stayed home PREPPING for the debate?? Very insecure & intimidated...Donald has maintained 200% through all the snarky liberal nasty lying slamming. NOW THATS STAMINA!! She has been coached and still did not come up with constructive plans...just snarling and finger pointing. Useless woman and the gall to bring a leche of a husband back into the Whitehouse ! She has no integrity nor a conscience.

  • Ray - 8 years ago

    Since it was 2 against 1 Donald Trump did very well even with the deck stacked against him. I loved the comment he made to Hillary he was out visiting communities and she respondedded I was preparing for the debate and to become President. Well Hillary that's not leadership going to communities and finding out what's wrong is.

  • Adolph Wetzel - 8 years ago

    Just goes to show that the people in the media, other politicians, and Hollywood elites, no longer push the narrative. No matter how hard they keep trying to convince America that Clinton wins in all things. The Polls keep saying different. People are tired of being fed the narrative and we are now creating our own.

  • Henry - 8 years ago

    Hillary seemed fake and hypocritical all night. Her smerk and 10 lbs. Of makeup were annouing. Trump seemed annoyed by her. I can relate to that. He just looks more presidential and more down to earth.

  • Kim - 8 years ago

    Hillary KILLED it. I'm with her.

  • Will Kessler - 8 years ago

    I don't know what debate people were watching but Donald said he was for violating the constitutional rights of American citizens, threatening other countries with nuclear weapons and that not paying taxes made him smart.
    It is inconceivable that anyone who has enough intellectual capacity to walk and chew gum at the same time could actually think that a person who lies about everything that makes him so "great" won that debate.
    For crying out loud, he could barely even speak. His quibbling over even the simplest answers was unacceptable. At least Hilary completed a thought, even with him yelling over her like a child.
    Hilary won, hands down.

  • Dalila Cuellar - 8 years ago

    I really don't want 4 more years of the same senseless government.
    Voting for Hillary is like leaving the same government 4 more years.
    I think I'm voting Trump. Hillary Clinton, our Secretary of State takes for granted the fact that she mistakenly deleted 33,000 emails. Really?! How then, can Americans make her our next Commander-in-Chief? That would be our mistake, not hers.

  • Johnny White - 8 years ago

    Trump's first debate versus her thirtieth - he did good.
    Could he have done better - maybe...

    "Cybersecurity? Brave words from the person who stored our countries most sensitive secrets on an illegal private server in her bathroom..."

    "Racist birther lie? If someone's not born in the USA, that's an issue, regardless of what color they are. Why do you leftists always yell 'racist' about everything? The fact that Obama is black is one of the few things I like about him!"

    "Eight years ago, Obama beat you - your OWN PARTY decided he would make a better president than you would. And look how that's worked out! Now you want people to vote for you, the runner-up? "

    But remember, there are two more debates to go - Trump is doing just fine.

  • Bob - 8 years ago

    Trump won by not being a pandering politician. Clinton is and was a failure. Exactly how many of her mistakes are you willing to overlook? Some worry about what Trump says, most worry about what Clinton has done.

  • sonny - 8 years ago

    mr trump very well done you did so well proud hillary old debater old news scary person when her month opens to talk her words say one thing but her minds is deviours person

  • Sean Daniels - 8 years ago

    Trump easily destroyed her. She kept dodging the tough questions, laying blame on him for her Failures. And all she kept doing was talking about her book deal.

    He hit her hard and fair and didn't subject himself to the childish name games that he had did in the press conferences, yet she was constantly laughing and shrugging off all the facts and he won it at the end with the final question.

    Would you support the office if you lose?

    Hillary would only say vote for me and never answered it.

    Trump said she isn't fit to be president, but He WOULD support her if he lost.

    Trump easily won this debate

  • Terrible Lizard - 8 years ago

    It was Narcissist (Trump) vs. Sociopath (Hillary). Accurately or not, they're definitely both Cluster B personality types. I think Trump definitely won the debate, hands down. I found things I disagreed with on both sides, but I think this just showed that Trump is much more professional than the media makes him out to be. Then Hillary pulled the sexist racist card garbage, and that's when I think she admitted defeat. Because that's what progressives do when they lose a debate. They call you a sexist, racist or a bigot

  • Rick - 8 years ago

    Trumo ruled tonight. Nice touch on the emails !! #votetrump

  • Philip Hotz - 8 years ago

    I think trump took it eas on her in a lot of ways. Hillary came off as a lawyer to me. I wish Trump would not interrupt and then come at her stronger with all the people that have died because of her.

  • Rick - 8 years ago

    If winning means failing to answer most of the questions asked and admitting to being a racist and a scoundrel, then Trump did win. Take a good long look at yourselves Trump supporters. You share this man's racist and sexist beliefs and delude yourselves into believing this man is, in any way, qualified to lead our great country. All the racists have come out of hiding to support the "savior" of the white man. Try to remember that every single citizen of the United States is a descendent of immigrants. Trump is incapable of giving an honest or relevant answer to any question he is asked, but you believe he is more trustworthy than Secretary Clinton. Secretary Clinton has the experience and knowledge required to be our President and that fact that she is a strong and intelligent woman is what draws the ire and disrespect of Trump supporters. If your argument is that she is a liar, then my answer to you is "so is Trump". That argument goes both ways. My vote will go to Secretary Clinton.

  • Ale - 8 years ago

    I am very proud of Hillary. She was informative and effective. Donald Trump did not have a clear answer to any of the questions.

  • Buddy Rich - 8 years ago

    Trump ruled!

  • Terri White - 8 years ago

    I'm very proud of Donald Trump. He faced the devil himself tonight and beat her at her own game. Vote Trump for true change

  • VA - 8 years ago

    It was a but if a bitchfest. Hillary never answered questions & I thought Trump was more professional than he showed tonight. Never apologize for your opinions just your timing. Hillary just lies, says she doesn't remember, and then apologizes when she gets caught. Same plan for the last 10 years.

  • Timothee Legros - 8 years ago

    I am just watching some of these comments saying Donald Trump didn't lose his cool and lets just say I am shocked! Seriously!? He kept on ranting about temperament and interrupting the host and consistently saying irrelevant answers. If you look at Secretary Clinton she clearly never once was affected by any of Donald Trumps comments and she answered WITH CLEAR AND CONCISE ANSWERS. Trump rants on about doing a bunch of great things but never proposes a plan! Hillary told us EXACTLY how she was going to achieve her goals. Trump just says great things that don't mean anything which if you don't know what it's called it is Glittering Generalities ... go look it up! James says, and I quote, "the facts"... WHAT FACTS!??? All Donald Trump said was a bunch of stuff from his companies, no actual information that would provide a strong basis for an argument! Hillary had facts because she has REAL experience with politics and world relations. You cannot judge an entire campaign base on 1 or 2 things that she did bad. I don't care if she did a bad job before, she will do a hella better job than Trump if she is elected. I agree with some parts of Trumps financial 'idea' but everything else just does not make any sense. I am choosing Hillary because she is clearly more qualified to be president. We cannot have a man child who calls women "slobs" and "pigs" or does not respect African Americans or Hispanic workers by not paying them. Voting Trump is voting for the end of humanity, GO HILLARY!!!!

  • Clint Richardson - 8 years ago

    Hilary was like a deer caught in the headlights on the "cyber security" question! Other than that I thought she looked scared and nervous most of the time.

  • Alexandra - 8 years ago

    Donald Trump could not answer any question. He didn't have a plan. He only knows how to attack women, minorities. He is a liar, he is awful.

  • sickofsameoldpolitics - 8 years ago

    Only thing she killed were those soldiers in Libya when she failed to support them instead decided on what they should wear. Someone needs to decide on what she wears her pant suits a Fu*king horrid

  • Chris - 8 years ago

    My vote isn't predicated on birther or taxes. Cnn is liberal and Fox is conservative and it's comical to watch them spin it there way, but I'm watching cnn now and they aren't focused on the issues. Please focus on what we care about.

  • Vbalandra - 8 years ago

    Hillary was awful. They really asked her about cyber security lmao. She failed as a Senator and was forced to resign as Secretary of State we cannot trust to be President.

  • Chris - 8 years ago

    My vote isn't predicated on birther or taxes. Cnn is liberal and Fox is conservative and it's comical to watch them spin it there way, but I'm watching cnn now and they aren't focused on the issues. Please focus on what we care about.

  • Chris - 8 years ago

    My vote isn't predicated on birther or taxes. Cnn is liberal and Fox is conservative and it's comical to watch them spin it there way, but I'm watching cnn now and they aren't focused on the issues. Please focus on what we care about.

  • Johnny USA - 8 years ago

    Hillary won. No doubt about it. Haha Trumpkins are going to be sad this Nov

  • tim la - 8 years ago

    Trump was anything but Presidential. He disrespected Lester and Hillary constantly by talking over them after his time expired. he fabricated lieson almost evety topic. He was sued twice by the DOJ for housibg discrimination because they sent a black and a white couple and the white peoplw were shown apartments just after the black couple were told 'no sorry we have nothing for you". He is so full of crap it pains me to watch these debates.

  • Drew - 8 years ago

    Killary what a lying smirking deceitful crook shouldn't even be on that stage to debate anyone. Should be debating in a prison on when she gets to take a shower and wipe off slick Willie's filth!

  • Manteau - 8 years ago

    Im very proud of Hillary for staying calm against Trumps many interruptions and interjections talking over the announcer. Also, the sexist bullshit about her not looking Presidential is horrible! For god sake, release the tax returns, and please educate yourselves.

  • Chris - 8 years ago

    My vote isn't predicated on birther or taxes. Cnn is liberal and Fox is conservative and it's comical to watch them spin it there way, but I'm watching cnn now and they aren't focused on the issues. Please focus on what we care about.

  • brandon - 8 years ago

    hillary killed it Donald couldnt answer not one quotation because and that's a fact

  • Sue Berkel - 8 years ago

    Hillary was informative and effective. Trump spoke like a 9 year old

  • Brock - 8 years ago

    Donald rocked!! He didint lose his cool, and did not disrespect Hillary. I will be voting for you!!! Great job!! #trumptrain

  • James - 8 years ago

    He stayed cool, calm and collect and didn't give into what she wanted him to do, which was go after her and show he isn't fit to lead. The media is already saying he played defense and she played offense, but that's incorrect. She was grasping at straws and he just laid out the facts.

  • Carry - 8 years ago

    Hilary gives us the same old answers the people want to hear- but lies through her teeth.

  • Debra Schultz - 8 years ago

    Hillary for Prison

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