Who won the first presidential debate?


  • Cathy Estro - 8 years ago

    In my opinion Donald Trump did very well for someone that's been in politics for 15 months, we have to realize Hillary is a lying, corrupt politician for at least 30 years......

  • Diane Tomlinson - 8 years ago

    My impression of Killary was of an arrogant,pompous,self-righteous Congenital LIAR &Smart-Ass grinning like the Chesire Cat of Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland"..it makes me want to Heave just looking at her.

  • Helen Sperling - 8 years ago

    Donald Trump wins the debate USA.Go Donald Trump for our loving president. We are going to win the election. Vote people for a new America.God Bless Us All Amen.

  • Judy Anderson - 8 years ago

    First off, I can't stand Hillary..???? I'm very disappointed in Trump. His facial expressions were too telling, verses Hillarry who made her face look blank.. On purpose.. His mouth was cotton dry.. Water, drinking .. Too much.. He was vague with answers, took everything personally, repetitive, and he was unprepared.. On the defenceive.. Looked foolish.

  • Karen Dabney - 8 years ago

    Trump was strong! Truthful and factual!!
    Hillary proved again her ability for bold faced lying!! And smiling the whole time!

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